The Spring is Here Top 5

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    The Spring is Here Top 5

    I will buy one of these stocks tomorrow:


    Which one do you like?? and why???

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

  • #2
    PDX is my pick

    I would have to say that I love PDX. I've actually owned this one since May 2003 at 33.65. I actually emailed Mr. Market about this one quite some time ago and was surprised it was usually never in the data dump (let alone the top 5). I haven't investigated the other top 4, but this one looks pretty good. Their only concern is some medicaid auditing that was from the past (I don't think that issue has been settled yet). Their numbers are phenomenal; check it out. HUGE increases in both revenue and earnings along with ZERO debt.

    Revenue - Quarterly Results (in Millions)
    FY (12/03) FY (12/02) FY (12/01)
    1st Qtr 126.2 107.3 63.9
    2nd Qtr 133.7 116.2 83.1
    3rd Qtr 145.5 122.5 102.8
    4th Qtr 145.8 119.5 104.8
    Total 551.2 465.5 354.6

    Earnings Per Share - Quarterly Results
    FY (12/03) FY (12/02) FY (12/01)
    1st Qtr $0.68 $0.51 $0.22
    2nd Qtr $0.82 $0.62 $0.30
    3rd Qtr $0.97 $0.73 $0.40
    4th Qtr $0.97 $0.72 $0.40
    Total $3.44 $2.58 $1.32



    • #3
      Spring 5

      PDX looks the best as far as its r2 (If I'm doing it right). It had a .95. The only concern I had was the amount of recent insider selling. Quite a bit from the CEO. SPF was the second best with an r2 of .90. Have done some recent restructing of debt and a major holder has filed to sell 1.5 mill shares. Even so, I like the looks of this stodgy homebuilder the best of the spring 5.


      • mimo_100
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1784

        Re: The Spring is Here Top 5

        Originally posted by mrmarket
        I will buy one of these stocks tomorrow:


        Which one do you like?? and why???
        OTL is my pick! Low multiple, looks okay technically to
        enter in high 20's.

        Tim - Retired Problem Solver


        • #5
          Here is my two cents:

          FMT-Fundamentals look great, chart is a dream, and the volume has been rising. The only thing that I do not like is its group. This is just a personal feeling, as I see this group changing with interest rates. Especially Real-estate lending.

          OTL- with all of these (five stocks), fundamentals are superb. Wish the EPS was just a little higher (78 ). Also wish the volume was higher. I don’t usually invest in anything that has avg volume of less than 100K (volume is increasing, which is always a good sign). Love the group.

          PDX- no comment on this, as I do no know much about their field. Chart looks good, building a nice base.

          SPF- with Real estate lending, I am a little wiry of Homebuilders. Again, this is just a personal opinion, but I think they are little over extended and with interested rates always a concern, I stay out of group. This graph is also very nice.

          NUTR- this one seems to be a favorite of day traders. This one seems a little over extended, though, if you are a WON fan, the graph looks like a high tight flag. I would wait for a pull back for this one.

          So my pick, hoping that volume picks up……OTL.


          • scifos
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 790

            Buy Low
            Sell High
            STAY FROSTY!


            • MEA_1956
              Senior Member
              • Oct 2003
              • 655

              And the winner is

              GO BIG RED!!!!!


              • df21084
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2004
                • 258

                I like FMT

                IBD shows FMT's EPS rating and RS rating to be 99 and 96 respectively. The stock appears to be under accumulation, and interest rates are still at historic lows. I think the refi craze is behind us now; however, I still think there are a lot of people looking to purchase homes.

                The technicals look good to me ( The chart looks good too. And the price, from a psychological point of view seems reasonable, at least to me. And the P/E (ttm) is 10.47, according to Yahoo.

                I like FMT, but I'm new to investing, so what do I know?
                Happy investing,

                My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


                • #9
                  Here is the order I would go with:

                  FMT - (although I am not sure how much more this can go up, I bought it at $18.50, and am waiting for this one to nip at my hand - then I will sell it!)

                  SPF - very promising, but institutions are selling it off slightly - not a big deal, though.

                  NUTR - next in line, but would not buy it.

                  PDX - ditto.

                  OTL - yikes! I would short this sucker, to be honest!

                  Okay, Mr. Market - the real question is what are you going to do? I see you shying away from FMT due its recent run-up. Lots of IBD folks have been calling the top on it for weeks, prodding me to sell and have to watch it go up while I am on the sidelines. If FMT turned around, I would move into SPF right now, but I think that with homebuilding strong and sub-prime lenders looking at a good 9 months of business ahead, this is the gorup to be in. In the last nine months or so, I have shifted from pharmacueticals to homebuilders and lenders, which has kept me on the rise, while the NASDAQ chokes on itself.

                  I am holding NFI, LEND and FMT in that order of portfolio %.


                  • RL
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 1215

                    Ihate to say IT

                    I hate to say It but my dart hit ATVI so I'm going to say that ATVI will reach 15% before NUTR but I think I have been wrong before but not sure when but there's always Is a first time. Maybe? Think I'll have another MOLSONS CANADIAN [the sex beer] The temperature must be 70
                    might be a record?

                    Ray Long


                    • jiesen
                      Senior Member
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 5320


                      speaking of NFI, who else thinks that NFI gets the "I can't believe I sold that!" stock of the year award.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Spring is Here Top 5

                        Which one I like? It depends on how long you want to hold the stocks. All stocks Mr. Market picked have strong fundamentals. I like swing trading, so, I'd go for SPF for the following reasons :

                        1. FMT, NUTR and OTL had a tons of insider transactions in March. I sold all my positions in NUTR today.

                        References :;;

                        2. FMT is in financial loan business. While the low mortgage rate attracted a lot of home buyers, it also attracted a lot of home owners who re-financed their houses. What wrong with re-financing? If they don't really understand the loan business, they may end up facing the threat of foreclosures, especially when someone in the house died, lost his/her job, or got divorced.

                        3. NUTR primarily manufactures and markets nutritional supplements and also sells certain other natural products. It sells its branded products under the trademarks Solaray, KAL, Nature's Life, NaturalMax, VegLife, Premier One, Sunny Green, Natural Sport, ActiPet, Action Labs, Thompson and FunFresh Foods. However, it's share price had been running up for a while. I personally think that it will have a correction tomorrow. The insider transaction should bring some effect to the market at this time, too. In the long run, it is still a good stock, though.

                        4. OTL is an international chemical company specializing in the manufacture, distribution and marketing of fuel additives and specialty chemicals. With the rise in gasoline prices, and the drop in travel industry due to terrorist threat, I think OTL will be so so in weeks to come.

                        5. PDX is a physician group operating in the United States focused on maternal-fetal-newborn medicine. PE=17, PEG=0.99, With the increasing population and birth rate, and with institutions such as Blue Cross, Blue Shield, Kaisar, Aetna holding shares of PDX, this is a rock solid stock. The only setback for PDX is its bearish chart. I use TC2000 and Money Stream and BOP are bearish. Check StockTA and it also indicates Neutral for short and mid term range.

                        6. SPF is a geographically diversified builder of single-family homes. In addition to its core homebuilding operations, the Company provides mortgage financing and title services to its homebuyers through its subsidiaries and joint ventures. Compared to its competitors DHI, KB Homes, and Centx, SPF has smallest cap, least employees yet SPF has the highest revenue growth, EPS and operation margin. PE= 9.28, PEG = 0.65 (same as DHI). TC2000 also shows positive MS, TSV and BOP in Daily ~ weekly charts. So, this is the one I'd pick.

                        Well, just my 2 cents. For your 'amusement' only. Correct me if I am wrong.

                        Good luck to all!


                        • the_truthmonger

                          Regarding NFI


                          This was and is a keeper...I originally bought at 30.00 before the getting 33% in dividends and enjoying continued run-up...


                          • jiesen
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 5320


                            I like the NUTR chart. Still cheap at 2x revenues.


                            • #15

                              I really like FMT.

                              The growth has been phenominal the last few years... the chart looks like a 45 degree line on the upward climb.

                              The IBD "report" looks good as well.

                              What's bothersome is a couple of the officers recent selloff of $4.5 million worth of stock.

                              I do like the industry and think they have a bright future.


