Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Originally posted by grebnet
    Spike I've been following your ZICA discussion... Curious Did you get stopped out already as it went to 6.77 after your 1st post.
    Yes, I was stopped out. The MM must have been reading the board

    For ZICA, I still like it long, so I'll be watching for another entry.


    • canaveraldan

      Entry Point for CMC

      Hi Spike,
      Any suggestions for an entry point for CMC. By the way what is that Bull doing to that bear in you icon.



      • scifos
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 790

        Originally posted by spikefader
        If you don't use a filter/compressor to cut down the size of the pic, then the only other option is to resize the pic, which will lower the quality of it. Try and see what you can do without the compressor software, but I find it's worth using.

        Also, I recommend irfanview, a free image viewing and handling program.
        I use and like irfanview too. When you save a .jpg in that program, it provides you a slider so you can adjust quality/file size.
        Buy Low
        Sell High
        STAY FROSTY!


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175

          Vector tells me to switch. Yes, that's right folks, I'm changing over to the good side and I'm a hungry bull I'll look to exit the QQQQ short on Monday.

          Have a great weekend all! Lesson of the week: ascending triangles rule


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by canaveraldan
            Hi Spike,
            Any suggestions for an entry point for CMC. By the way what is that Bull doing to that bear in you icon.

            CMC! another strong candidate. I'll do a chart over the weekend for you.
            That avitar was a pic of a bear sneaking up behind a bull and picking it up unawares - no doubt about to give it a slam. I didn't save it when I switched to my current one, otherwise I'd post a copy of it here.


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314


              I've been holding this stock for about 3 weeks now from 4.89. Just curious what you take on it's chart is. Picked it up just before last earnings report, which was a pretty good report an above estimates and guidance, but it hasn't done as much as I was expecting from it in the time frame that I have owned it although it has shown decent strength over this time period in this market and has held it's own. While I have your attention if you could explain to me, step by step, how you upload your charts from Stockcharts. I subscribe to their realtime charting service and would love to be able to bring some charts here. Hope I'm not asking to much. Wish I was better in alot of facets of this computer stuff. Thanks.


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by skiracer
                I've been holding this stock for about 3 weeks now from 4.89. Just curious what you take on it's chart is. Picked it up just before last earnings report, which was a pretty good report an above estimates and guidance, but it hasn't done as much as I was expecting from it in the time frame that I have owned it although it has shown decent strength over this time period in this market and has held it's own. While I have your attention if you could explain to me, step by step, how you upload your charts from Stockcharts. I subscribe to their realtime charting service and would love to be able to bring some charts here. Hope I'm not asking to much. Wish I was better in alot of facets of this computer stuff. Thanks.
                I like PLUM for a hold. Looks like it's wanting up.

                See this post for how I upload my charts here
                Attached Files


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  I would like to just get a couple of things clear if you don't mind spending a few more minutes with a novice at this stuff. If I purchase the snagit and .Jpeg programs do they send you a disc that you insert into your computer and that gets the program working? Is that all there is to it. I can buy the snagit program for 39.95 for the single user. Is that all that I need for that? The .jpeg compressor is another thing that compresses and stores the images that you want to use is that right? Just buy the program and download to your computer? Appreciate your help in all of this and your take on Plum.


                  • Websman
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 5545

                    Thanks for telling us about PLUM Skiracer. I'll be putting this one on my watchlist. Maybe I can get in and make a little money with you.


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      You know that I'm basically a short term trader but I've held this one for about three weeks now. Bought it just before it reported earnings on some info and raised guidance by the company. The report was above estimates and guidance but no cigar. I was looking for a quick pop of a point or two but it didn't happen yet. Still holding. The daily and weekly chart looks great so I'm giving it some room to breathe for awhile. I think it will happen as it has shown some decent strength and has held it's own. I'm up .41 to date. We'll see what happens. Good luck to both of us.
                      I just bought both of those packages and both are set up in the computer right now.. Hope I can learn to use them. It'll be great to bring charts up the way you did. Thanks for the info.


                      • scifos
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 790

                        Originally posted by skiracer
                        I would like to just get a couple of things clear if you don't mind spending a few more minutes with a novice at this stuff. If I purchase the snagit and .Jpeg programs do they send you a disc that you insert into your computer and that gets the program working? Is that all there is to it. I can buy the snagit program for 39.95 for the single user. Is that all that I need for that? The .jpeg compressor is another thing that compresses and stores the images that you want to use is that right? Just buy the program and download to your computer? Appreciate your help in all of this and your take on Plum.
                        I would advise against spending money on any of that, as you can capture, edit, save, and post pictures to this forum for free.

                        1. go to stockcharts.com, input your stock symbol (I used VLO), adjust the chart settings to your liking, and hit "Add annotations")

                        2. You get a second window with the chart where you can add notes, lines, etc. Do what you like (spike adds raff regression channels mostly). When ready, push the "Print Scrn" button on your keyboard (above and to the right of the backspace key)

                        3. Now push the Windows key and R at the same time. (windows key just to the right and left of the spacebar, its a little picture of the Microsoft logo) and a box will pop up. Type in "mspaint" without quotes and hit enter

                        4. The microsoft paint program will run. now push ctrl+v and it will put the picture you caputred (with the print scrn key) into the program.

                        5. Here's the tricky part. We have the chart for VLO plus a bunch of other stuff. click the dotted box in the upper left corner. now position your mouse at the corner of the chart. push and hold the left mouse button and drag it to the opposite corner of the chart. Right click on the chart and choose "copy"

                        6. now choose "file" and "new" from the top left of your screen. push Ctrl+V and you'll get a new picture with just the chart that you copied earlier. Now choose "File" and "Save as" just to the left of the Cancel Button is a drop down box, from the list choose "JPEG" and save. Now upload the picture here!

                        Buy Low
                        Sell High
                        STAY FROSTY!


                        • dmk112
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2004
                          • 1759


                          Did you read chartwatchers latest newsletter, they try to interpret the s&p 500 chart with "waves", whated to check with the Chartologist himself to see if you can confirm their alaysis. (Scroll to the bottom of the newletter)http://stockcharts.com/commentary/ar...20050219m.html


                          • b_cadvantag

                            Originally posted by skiracer
                            I would like to just get a couple of things clear if you don't mind spending a few more minutes with a novice at this stuff. If I purchase the snagit and .Jpeg programs do they send you a disc that you insert into your computer and that gets the program working? Is that all there is to it. I can buy the snagit program for 39.95 for the single user. Is that all that I need for that? The .jpeg compressor is another thing that compresses and stores the images that you want to use is that right? Just buy the program and download to your computer? Appreciate your help in all of this and your take on Plum.


                            Take a look at MWSnap, it is a free progam.

                            I am not sure if it is compatible here.



                            • spikefader
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 7175

                              Originally posted by skiracer
                              I would like to just get a couple of things clear if you don't mind spending a few more minutes with a novice at this stuff. If I purchase the snagit and .Jpeg programs do they send you a disc that you insert into your computer and that gets the program working? Is that all there is to it. I can buy the snagit program for 39.95 for the single user. Is that all that I need for that? The .jpeg compressor is another thing that compresses and stores the images that you want to use is that right? Just buy the program and download to your computer? Appreciate your help in all of this and your take on Plum.
                              You can download a free trial of the snagit software, which I'd recommend to see if you like the program. Same with the JPEG compressor. Then if you like, you can buy it and they give you a serial number to enter. Just download the trials and save the downloads to your desktop. Then install them by double clicking on the icons. It's very easy and no CD is needed.

                              The free way to take a screenshot is just by hitting the "Prt Scr" button on your keyboard. This takes a snapshot of your screen. You can then use Ctrl+V to paste the image into Windows 'paint' or Irfanview or any other image viewer.

                              Yes, that compressor is used to reduce the sizes of images. You simply open the image that is too large, and it will resize it for you according to your preferences. Although the program looks complicated, there are easy-to-use slider bars that lower and raise the compression levels, and the detail quality. I find the default settings work for me.

                              I don't know if there are other free compression applications out there.
                              Last edited by spikefader; 02-26-2005, 01:22 AM.


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Originally posted by skiracer
                                ... I just bought both of those packages and both are set up in the computer right now.. Hope I can learn to use them. It'll be great to bring charts up the way you did. Thanks for the info.
                                OK, well they are both great programs, and it's money well-spent.
                                You're welcome! Looking forward to seeing your charts! Post away.

