Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis

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  • spikefader
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 7175

    Originally posted by dmk112

    AX, is that a turnup?
    Yep, it was a channel turn up on Friday's close, so that green lighted to buy it today at Friday's closing price of 32.50 or the intraday pivot today of 31.94. The pivot worked real well today.


    • spikefader
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 7175

      Originally posted by Runner
      Spike, could you explain to me how Raff channels are calculated?
      Sure. Raff channels are based on linear regression. The calculation is made for the midline based on the below formula. The upper and lower channel lines are then simply drawn parallel to the midline.

      "A Linear Regression (LR) line is a trend line that is drawn mathematically so that is represents the 'best fit' for the data points it passes through. The formulas use the least squares method to determine the line's placement. This minimizes the distances between the data points and the trend line."

      "The Raff Channel is a set of channels which result when linear regression is applied to the closing price between a low in the price data and a high in the price data. Parallel lines to the regression line are drawn to indicate the position of significant highs and lows." http://www.stockworm.com/help/manual/printable.html


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Originally posted by spikefader
        Previous charts still apply. Here's another that might explain a small bounce to red channel perhaps or maybe only to the pink neckline. SHS target is the immediate concern.

        Thank you, Spike. I am going to move out of Canada if I can get out alive! If it would bounce to .8040, as your chart 'hoped' for, I would jump like a rabbit out of danger!
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • Thanks for this info Spike. Looks as if I got more to learn!!


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            re RSAS short here http://www.mrmarketishuge.com/showpo...postcount=2715
            Approaching gap down target of 9.93 but I am retargeting due to channel turn down on daily. New target is lower channel tag. Will look for intraday pattern to exit and let it ride if one doesn't show; perhaps lower channel break.


            • spikefader
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 7175

              Originally posted by Runner
              Thanks for this info Spike. Looks as if I got more to learn!!
              Sure! It never stops for me


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Originally posted by New-born baby
                Thank you, Spike. I am going to move out of Canada if I can get out alive! If it would bounce to .8040, as your chart 'hoped' for, I would jump like a rabbit out of danger!
                Good luck with it. If it can bust the red channel and R shoulder price then that will be a ray of light for it.


                • Jeez! SEB has much more in the tank than I could have imagined. Spike, you said you were targeting 1000-something?


                  • spikefader
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 7175

                    Originally posted by B.J
                    Jeez! SEB has much more in the tank than I could have imagined. Spike, you said you were targeting 1000-something?
                    Yep, that's the system target (1030). Very impressive move that one lol


                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Vector firmly bullish at the close. But the daily candles stink.


                      • dmk112
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2004
                        • 1759

                        Spike, any way to calculate the future price of a channel long? On FORD, looking at the channel long should be somewhere around 12.80?? (channel long from the breakout last week.



                        • Originally posted by dmk112
                          Spike, any way to calculate the future price of a channel long? On FORD, looking at the channel long should be somewhere around 12.80?? (channel long from the breakout last week.

                          dmk112, I’m using fib’s but I see a possible target on FORD of 21.75 from the 10.27 bottom. Wonder how this will work out?


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175

                            Originally posted by dmk112
                            Spike, any way to calculate the future price of a channel long? On FORD, looking at the channel long should be somewhere around 12.80?? (channel long from the breakout last week.

                            How far in the future are you wanting? If it's the next day, just look at the chart, put your cursor at the channel, and the reading jumps forth from the page; 12.77 for FORD using a 6 month chart or a 1 month chart.

                            If you want to project/predict channel further into the future, remember that reg/raff channels are based on price action and the channel will change daily. So to effectively predict the future channel, you've got to predict future price action; pretty ambitious goal that one And if one could predict future price action one wouldn't need to use channels. The only need you would have is somewhere to put all the money! hehe

                            All one can do is look at the channel where it currently is, set alarms to alert you if price gets near it and take it from there.


                            • It appears Fibs and Raff channels might give pretty close targets. Spike any comments on this? I’ve been using a market structure low and market structure high to compute possible target. Of course as you just mentioned nothing is set in stone. Playing with charts I have noticed this similarity.


                              • dmk112
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2004
                                • 1759


                                Can you take a look at KOSP, It gapped today nicely missed it by .30 on my limit order this morning. Is this chaseble?

