Greetings once again,
For informative purposes only,ZHNE which I mentioned a while back,had fallen down to the 1.80ish mark.since it has risen to mid 2s,but insiders this week have bought in to the tune of 6 million.
The chart looks hodgepodge to me,yet the CEO,CFO ,COO have dumped alot of money here this week,could be a deal in the works.
Sorry for boreing you folks to tears with these insider stories,I just remember the old quote "there are many reasons for an insider to sell a stock,but usually only one when buying in big."
cordially trying to bring something to the table Tom
For informative purposes only,ZHNE which I mentioned a while back,had fallen down to the 1.80ish mark.since it has risen to mid 2s,but insiders this week have bought in to the tune of 6 million.
The chart looks hodgepodge to me,yet the CEO,CFO ,COO have dumped alot of money here this week,could be a deal in the works.
Sorry for boreing you folks to tears with these insider stories,I just remember the old quote "there are many reasons for an insider to sell a stock,but usually only one when buying in big."
cordially trying to bring something to the table Tom