Originally posted by b_critical
If so, here are the numbers for those three:
GM 27.58
ELN 4.30 and/or 5.13
LB 13.65
And remember, I set alarms at those prices. When they go off I look for intraday pattern to actually time the entry. If a pattern doesn't appear, I don't trade it. I continue looking for a pattern even if price goes below my alarm level and the channel expands. If it is a clear and significant break by such a big move close to end of day then obviously I pass on the trade. I discussed channel expansions earlier, so that covers them. Often enough a channel long day will occur at or close to the S2. That is a pretty good place to take it if you don't have the time to sit and watch. You can calculate your channels and S2s the night before and have orders in place if you need to. If you CAN look for intraday patterns to confirm, I recommend that. Why? So you can tighten down your risk reward and base the stop loss on the pattern failure and not just a flat % pain level.