Originally posted by spikefader
Spike's Scientific Stock Analysis
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Yep Ski,
All good stuff that.
The behavior of bullish days, retraced, more strength, more weakness, very broadening, but still not making that pattern. Indecision, but the pattern isn't necessarily weakness but for sure buyers and sellers battling it out and both being frustrated. And then when no one is looking boom something happens. I was VERY bearish and saw the potential for some serious down days and then the bull showed up. I won't be surprized when we get a bullish breakout. I just hope I'm smart enough to get an entry in itAnd I'll be quick enough to jump on the bearwagon if need be, but for now, I see up.
And Billy, high volume down stocks dominating is interesting stuff. But I fail to see the connection that it's bad technically. I've always found it curious how volume impresses people so much. But when you think about it the real whisper regarding volume is what is it at the critical points of support and resistance. What is also curious is how there can be trend changes immediately following huge volume days. And lastly, a huge volume day that breaks a trendline can still get bought big time. Just like every other 'thing' out there, nothing is perfect and we're open to being knuckleheads at every moment out there. Ya just gotta be willing to adapt and admit the mistakes early so you're not wrong for long.
Originally posted by RLSpike sorry for the confusion Tomrich had sent you a message you where still sleeping so I thought I would give him an answer. You can go back to bedNah, got a perfect entry dude, can't sleep now. I'll go get a second cup of java and kick back and watch the action. Look out bears if yesterday's highs are taken out. Fake out break down of an inside day, followed by bullish breakout; man I'm excited just thinkin' about it! lol I surely am an optimist aren't I?! The cup's half full. This bull is half full that's for sure. That's why the silly thing can't sustain. It's been on a diet and is a lightweight! haha
Just popped in to say I aint no short expert,HANS was a monster,and Im glad I took your warning Spike.
cordially Tom
BTW just to show Im a glutton for punishment,Im watching NGPS,not sure for what,it did pop to 29.30 like you said Spike,but I am weary of a short now.
Originally posted by ThomrichGreetings,
Just popped in to say I aint no short expert,HANS was a monster,and Im glad I took your warning Spike.
cordially Tom
BTW just to show Im a glutton for punishment,Im watching NGPS,not sure for what,it did pop to 29.30 like you said Spike,but I am weary of a short now.
NGPS isn't setting up short now is it? Here's the chart.
And DOW *SHOULD* trend if 10486.70 price resistance is taken out, which is well under the broadening 2-day pattern target. Right now, there's R2 in the way, then beyond that it's potential clear sailing to 10600.
Now remember, these charts are not showing that you should be entering now, but rather, had you entered where smart money did, this is what would be confirming your bias. The smart money enters before this type of thing happens. If you DO take an entry based on this stuff, make sure it's buying weakness at a return to some kind of support.
I hear ya Spike!
Great day for me too! I'm changing my Avatar dude!
Originally posted by spikefaderHehe. I'm feelin lucky still
And DOW *SHOULD* trend if 10486.70 price resistance is taken out, which is well under the broadening 2-day pattern target. Right now, there's R2 in the way, then beyond that it's potential clear sailing to 10600.
Now remember, these charts are not showing that you should be entering now, but rather, had you entered where smart money did, this is what would be confirming your bias. The smart money enters before this type of thing happens. If you DO take an entry based on this stuff, make sure it's buying weakness at a return to some kind of support.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!