Get a lei from $$$MR. MARKET$$$'s sexiest us how, Margie!
No Shady Lady's Hawaiian Wading Pool
Thoughts any one
After I read Park Twains comments on floats I have to admitt that it made me thirsty. Make mine with just one scope of ice cream that will leave more room for that sex beer.
Now my real ? is. If board members and such are not included in the float and people that are involved in an employee stock purchase plan also are not included in the float, are Institutions included in the float.
I guess my thoughts are if a company sold enought shares 1/4ly to these people that would depleat the outstanding shares and a split would be in order or does a company strut along with no shares up for sell. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Institutions are included in the float as long as they are not restricted from selling their shares at any given time. The thing about institutions is that they usually hold a large amount, and also hold them for a decent amount of time. One popular method is to use float numbers as well as institutional holding percentages to calculate how many shares are realistically out there for trading on a daily basis. I think you will find for many stocks that this number is suprisingly low!
Thanks Again
You Are almost to good to be true. Your answer just answered my next ?, and that was how do you tell how many shares are left to be purchased. If a person was to key somewhat on this you may be able to pickem before they split. Any thoughts on this method.GO BIG RED!!!!!
Predicting a split may not be that beneficial. Some stocks do well after a split, some don't, although I am talking short term here. Most that were already doing well continue to do so and recover from a bad split (example is NCEN, it was brutalized after last years split). You would also have to take into account the average volume the stock trades. If the volume is low, like 10k shares/day, then there is really no call for a split. Now if interest picks up and causes a sustained spike in volume...
Volume is a cool thing to watch. When IPIX had its recent run to 29, volume was like 60million/day. They only have ~9million shares outstanding, and I am not even sure what the float is. Talk about trading!
Re: Shady Lady's Hawaiian Wading Pool
Originally posted by mrmarketGet a lei from $$$MR. MARKET$$$'s sexiest us how, Margie!"Whatever you can do or dream you can , begin it. Boldness has genius,power and magic in it." Goethe
Brain teaser
If a farmer went to market with $100 to buy livestock and cows were $10.00 hogs are $3.00 and chickens are .50 cents. When he leaves the market he has purchased 100 head of livestock. how many of each does he have.
ps all three stocks have to be purchased. ===> MEAGO BIG RED!!!!!
Math Test
#1 how many times a week do you crave cholocate ( more than 1 and less than 10)
#2 Multiply this # X 2
#3 Add 5
#4 Multiply this # X 50
#5 If you have already had your birthday this year add 1754 if not add1753
#6 Now sudtract the four digit that you were born in
You should have a three digit # left
The first digit is your original number
The next two digits are your ageGO BIG RED!!!!!
Re: Curiosity is nocking
Originally posted by MEA_1956Needing A little help here on a topic that I know nothing about. One of my picks refered to $100 Million of Senior Subordinated Notes used on an Acquisition. Thanks In Advance. ===> MEA
As with all debt, there is a pecking order for payment should the
company default. Intuitively, you would assume this debt is would
be paid before other "junior" debt.
You MUST read the bond indenture in order to find out the pecking order.
The company will provide you with this info, as well as info on
their other debt.
TimTim - Retired Problem Solver