Following $$$MrMarket$$$

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  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199

    Troubled times. Yet this week $$$Mr.Market$$$ sold DECK and bought FLIR. Where there is life there is hope. And we need some of that: the Following MrMarket Portfolio now stands at a shocking 19,563, down 2.5% for the week! So much for the amaaaazing recovery

    Some bookkeeping: DECK opened with a gap up, so we sold at the open, 31.74, 1% over our limit price. ($$$Mr. Market$$$ sold at 31.97, but then he is HUGE.) We got FLIR at a discount, compared to $$$Mr. Market$$$: 61.68 against his 62.55. It has been more heavily discounted since then...

    Well, let's put this in perspective. What did the comparison "funds" do? SPY: 19,911 (-2.8%); QQQ: 18868 (-4.9%); IWM: 19390 (-4.5%)

    I really think this is remarkable. $$$Mr. Market$$$ has recently picked some some stocks that are at the least for the time being duds (through no fault of his own). BEL, NUTR, CBK: all three have trouble with their earnings, and yet, with this drag on his portfolio, he is at the least matching the market. Just imagine what will happen when just one of the duds gets back on course.

    Did I write about diversification yet? I did? Never mind: if you make your own decision and buy a $$$Mr. Market$$$ stock, don't do it if it is your only stock. $$$Mr. Market$$$ has a basket of 14 stocks, and that is not for nothing. Less might work too, but under 8 it might become tricky. And that is not all there is to say about diversification. $$$Mr. Market$$$ also has a "buy and die" portfolio. That is even more diversification.
    My Investopedia portfolio
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    • Karel
      • Sep 2003
      • 2199

      No news. The portfolio still has 10 stocks (waiting for $$$Mr. Market$$$$ to sell NUS, which probably means waiting for the next updraft of the market), and stands at 19,574 (+0.1%). SPY is at 19,961 (+0.3%), QQQ at 18,779 (-0.5%) and IWM at 19,334 (-0.3%).


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      • Karel
        • Sep 2003
        • 2199

        Just keeping score, after a long absence, in which HDWR entered the portfolio for 29.69): The Following MrMarket portfolio stands at 20,036 (+2.4% since the last post, and again in positive territory), compared with SPY 20,903 (+4.7%), QQQ 20731 (+10.4%!) and IWM 21242 (+9.9%).

        Some stocks went up, some stocks went down, and the result is positive, but a bit disappointing.
        Last edited by Karel; 10-31-2004, 07:32 AM.
        My Investopedia portfolio
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        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          No news, so here are the current numbers:

          Following MrMarket: 20328 (+1.5%)
          SPY: 21497 (+2.8%)
          QQQ: 21203 (+2.3%)
          IWM: 21873 (+3%)

          Perhaps a bit disappointing after such a good week for the markets, but quite a few of the MrMarket stocks turned up this week, and HDWR looks particularly nice. We'll see.
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          • Karel
            • Sep 2003
            • 2199

            News! HDWR popped for 34.46 (open past exit price!) and was replaced by MCRI for 35.75 (close of day). Nice! The totals:

            Following MrMarket: 20747 (+2.1%)
            SPY: 21716 (+1.0%)
            QQQ: 21515 (+1.5%)
            IWM: 22358 (+2.2%)

            That's better! Our Following MrMarket portfolio continues to hold the red lantern compared to the markets, but it still seems to be able to put up a fight. Apart from BEL, which is digging itself in deeper and deeper, the rest of the stocks continued the uptrend. We now have SPF in positive terrain, and moving at a good clip. And MCRI is so jumpy, that we might lose it before we get used to it. Anyway, we can hope.


            My Investopedia portfolio
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            • Karel
              • Sep 2003
              • 2199

              There are markets in which sitting tight is a serious option. This seems to be one of those:

              Following MrMarket: 20499 (-1.2%)
              SPY: 21517 (-0.9%)
              QQQ: 21524 (+0.0%)
              IWM: 22176 (-0.8%)


              My Investopedia portfolio
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              • Karel
                • Sep 2003
                • 2199

                With most stocks still in the red, the Following $$$Mr.Market$$$ portfolio shows some resilience. And no, the week wasn't so good because of BEL. BEL's almost 40% rise makes up only .25% of the portfolio total gains for the week. A good thing too, for I don't have the faintest idea why BEL is streaking upward. It certainly isn't the current earnings and revenue outlook. So, all the other stocks gained +2% on average. There is a decidely upward trend for the last four weeks or so.

                Following MrMarket: 20951 (+2.2%)
                SPY: 21652 (+0.6%)
                QQQ: 21760 (+1.1%)
                IWM: 22598 (+1.9%)


                My Investopedia portfolio
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                • Karel
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 2199

                  Sticking it out This was a bit of a lousy week for the portfolio, as some stocks got bad news. Oh well:

                  Following MrMarket: 20606 (-1.6%)
                  SPY: 21783 (+0.6%)
                  QQQ: 22170 (+1.9%)
                  IWM: 22910 (+1.4%)

                  From the 11 stocks in the portfolio, SPF is up and looking good, and GGI, OFG, MCRI and FLIR are not too far down. DW and AACE are dropping away into the middle distance, and SSNC, NUTR, and CBK need to gain more than 50% for our 15%, so they will be out of the picture for a while. Take CBK for instance. CBK is growing revenue, but same-store sales are dropping, and earnings are declining too. This stock won't turn around in a hurry, as the current quarter looks equally unpromising.

                  No, I didn't forget BEL. I wish I could.


                  Last edited by Karel; 12-18-2004, 09:41 AM.
                  My Investopedia portfolio
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                  • Karel
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 2199

                    Oops! missed a week. But no problem, as the lapse was caused by the excitement surrounding good news: my wife's daughter is expecting twins. That is going to make my wife a grandmother and me a stepgrandfather, if everything goes well.

                    These two weeks the Following MrMarket portfolio saw some action. 12/10 SPF got sold for 60.35 and 12/16 CME entered the fold for 222.50 (end of day).

                    The numbers:
                    Following MrMarket: 20732 (+0.6%)
                    SPY: 21862 (+0.4%)
                    QQQ: 21878 (-1.3%)
                    IWM: 22934 (+0.1%)

                    The FMM port gained a bit on the market, and that is as things should be.


                    My Investopedia portfolio
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                    • Karel
                      • Sep 2003
                      • 2199

                      A very happy new year to all readers, followers of $$$Mr.Market$$$ or not. And a better year for my stepdaughter and her husband, for the good news was followed by really bad news. She lost her twins. It has been a very emotional period for us all, but most of all for them.

                      As everyone knows there has been a sale of MCRI (42.01) and a buy of CMN (37.42, a bit below $$$Mr.Market$$$'s 37.61).

                      The numbers:
                      Following MrMarket: 21220 (+2.4%)
                      SPY: 22070 (+1.0%)
                      QQQ: 22075 (+0.9%)
                      IWM: 23180 (+1.1%)


                      My Investopedia portfolio
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                      • mrmarket
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5971


                        Please know that my thoughts, and those of your friends in this forum, are with you during this difficult time for you and your family. I hope everyone in your family is doing ok.


                        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                        • spikefader
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 7175

                          I am very sorry to hear that Karel. My prayers go out to you all.


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            You'll be in my prayers Karel...

                            Best wishes...



                            • #29
                              You're in my prayers as well Karel. I'm sorry for your loss.



                              • thebign1
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 130

                                My condolences, Karel....

                                I am very sorry for your loss, Karel.


