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  • O-I-L

    Given the consumption and demand are in ~balance we ought to be talking about the best plays in this field of opportunities $$ This ain't gonna go away soon. What do you like?
  • MEA_1956
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2003
    • 655


    My likes are simple, POG, CWEI, RCC, & TRGL.

    If I were to pick the ones I wish I had, the list would be KWK first and for most. I realy like there drilling plan, HORIZONTAL, find the sweet spot and rotate. they also have a play going on up north.
    #2 DBLE Coal gas is easy to extract, and cheap to put on line. I seen a picture once where they just put pvc pipe from the well head to the compressor. I think they had 11 wells going to this one compressor.
    #3 PETD Got to love this one. why I sold @ $19.70 I will never know.
    #4 CNQ & ECA The size of Canadas Coal Bed is as big as Earnies legs, so there has to be a large pay day here.
    #5 MILL.ob & BDCO Now here are a couple of penny stocks a person may want to take a look at. They don't have much at the present time but IMOP they will be a company of stature some day.

    there are also the refineries Why bid I sell TSO VLO GI. they all have gone on to higher prices.

    There are also the pipelines KMI is a long for ever. EP IMHO I would stay away from for a while longer. Been thinking about picking up a few shares of WMB. they are in on a play IN THE GULF and it sounds pretty good. Also one I like is KPP, They supply fuel to the rail comming out of WY coal fields.

    Well here is my two cents on the OIL topic. ====> MEA
    GO BIG RED!!!!!


    • Michaelk005

      Oil rises every summer due to supply demand, but this year OPEC and the arabs are plain screwing us. The 4% slash last month in production on top of the lies of reserve lows are blowing the price of gas and oil into stupid highs. Then again look at copper, steel and all commodities in the last while.
      My OIL picks for a good next quarter are COP SC and of course XOM


      • MEA_1956
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2003
        • 655

        As you have stated these companies are sure to post good returns but as I have stated in the Market that we are in at this time in life the lower caps have out preformed the larger caps. Would you like to post a few Mid to Lower Caps that you feel would fair well in the up and comming year. My personal pick of CWEI is not a choice for it has fell over 70% in these last sell offs. OFW... BUT YES I would let you Include RRC POG & TRGL.
        GO BIG RED!!!!!


        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655

          Hello Mike

          This would be a grand time to hear from the man on the fling trapize. what are your inputs to this topic. This is your topic O-I-L..... We sure would like to hear from you on this topic, are you invested in any P & E comp. at this time. Does LNG peak your intrest or are you looking for a company that is of Pipeline Nature.

          APL would be a pipeline to think about.

          FTO is a midwest pipeline that is also doing asphalt

          TIV is a P & E Comp around Bakersfield that is up over 233% since last summer

          TGA is one that Ernie picked I do believe and since then its up 124%

          WMB is a company that does deserve a look at. They are hook up with D and are bring there product to the main land.

          Please do add to this topic for I do feel there are alot of points to veiw it from .

          SJT We Have An Other Bingo. ===> MEA
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • carribean_mike

            Are there any interesting Oil related ETFs out there?


            • New-born baby
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 6095

              OPEC--24 May 04

              OPEC just announced that it is not going to up production. Oil will jump higher Monday, and you can bet that the market is going down again.
              Look for short positions--even XOM and COP are not immune to falling on a dog day. Check it out.
              pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


              • MEA_1956
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2003
                • 655


                Originally posted by carribean_mike
                Are there any interesting Oil related ETFs out there?
                Had a little conversation with a friend at work today and he pointed me in this direction so I shall this news with you about ETF... In the Energy sector he advised me to look at these three IYE,, OIH,, XLE,,, and he was thinking that they are top notch picks, but not for sure the call letters were right, so do some DD and advise us of your finding.

                Still looking for the perfect stock ===> MEA
                GO BIG RED!!!!!


                • mrmarket
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5971

                  The following table illustrates the NYMEX crude oil futures prices for the next 18 months.

                  Open High Low Last Change Time
                  CLN4 Jul 2004 40.95 42.38 40.90 42.33 0.00 set 14:47
                  CLQ4 Aug 2004 40.90 42.25 40.85 42.19 0.00 set 14:45
                  CLU4 Sep 2004 40.55 41.80 40.45 41.77 0.00 set 14:30
                  CLV4 Oct 2004 40.00 41.10 40.00 41.20 0.00 set 14:30
                  CLX4 Nov 2004 39.25 40.35 39.70 40.62 0.00 set 14:24
                  CLZ4 Dec 2004 38.80 39.95 38.70 40.05 0.00 set 14:45
                  CLF5 Jan 2005 38.60 38.85 38.60 39.43 0.00 set 14:07
                  CLG5 Feb 2005 38.85 38.85 38.85 38.87 0.00 set 14:26
                  CLH5 Mar 2005 36.83 38.05 37.75 38.39 0.00 set 14:25
                  CLJ5 Apr 2005 37.00 37.60 37.00 37.97 0.00 set 14:10
                  CLK5 May 2005 36.90 36.90 36.90 37.57 0.00 set 14:07
                  CLM5 Jun 2005 35.33 36.75 36.65 37.21 0.00 set 14:46
                  CLN5 Jul 2005 36.20 36.40 36.20 36.91 0.00 set 11:20
                  CLQ5 Aug 2005 35.10 35.10 35.10 36.62 0.00 set 11:52
                  CLU5 Sep 2005 35.75 35.80 35.75 36.35 0.00 set 13:45
                  CLV5 Oct 2005 35.59 35.59 35.59 36.11 0.00 set 12:25
                  CLX5 Nov 2005 35.40 35.40 35.40 35.88 0.00 set 12:15
                  CLZ5 Dec 2005 34.90 35.30 34.80 35.66 0.00 set 14:10

                  Near month crude price is $42.33. An oil producer can sell their future production at the price listed for the commensurate month. This means a producer can hypothetically sell their crude (assuming NYMEX grade) through December of 2005 at a price no lower than $35.66/bbl.

                  What I want to know is why are the Wall Street analysts using $28/bbl for their crude prices over the next 2 years in their economic models for determining company earnings??? Their target stock prices are based on these earnings projections. This price does not seem to reflect market conditions. What are they waiting for??

                  Once they change their assumption for crude prices, they will change their earnings targets and, as a result, will adjust the target prices for these stocks.

                  I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                  - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                  • MEA_1956
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 655

                    Saudi Talks

                    Flipping through channles last night I stopped on C Span and listened to a man from Saudi talk about the price of oil. His bottom line was they feel $25.00 to $28.00 p/ Brl is there goal for stableization. We will all just have to wait add see where they do leed us. ===> MEA
                    GO BIG RED!!!!!


                    • MEA_1956
                      Senior Member
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 655


                      Eariler post made on MILL.ob was a watcher which turned into a buyer. With the current movements in ENERGY I feel that this one will be at least a 25% gainer before cold weather hits. Who knows, with there WILDCAT WELLS they may turn into another PETD. You do know they are sharing intrests in some of there projects this year. This is Going to be my next TRGL, and who knows maybe this little guy will turn up in MM dump someday.

                      Best of trading to all and to all I bid a fond Goodnight. ===> MEA
                      GO BIG RED!!!!!


                      • #12
                        EFT's. energy

                        XLE is one of the ETF's, IYE and Ixc. Might be others.

                        Originally posted by carribean_mike
                        Are there any interesting Oil related ETFs out there?

