Stenzrob's specials

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  • QVDX needs a swift kick in the ass. It doesn't seem to want to get past $5.

    My question for today is SFCC. I made a bunch in a runup from 25 to 35 a few months ago, but it's settled down lately. Think it's worth the value now?


    • tokyojoeskid
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Oct 2003
      • 222

      vlgc gmai

      joined you today stenz in gmai at 10.20, chart looks awesome looks like a breakout is goin down. Passed couple breakouts in gmai looks like once it passes resistance it gets a nice pop. am in vlgc at 1.83 action looks great
      good work stenz.


      • Re: vlgc gmai

        Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
        joined you today stenz in gmai at 10.20, chart looks awesome looks like a breakout is goin down. Passed couple breakouts in gmai looks like once it passes resistance it gets a nice pop. am in vlgc at 1.83 action looks great
        good work stenz.
        GMAI does look like a breakout in the making. LENS is recovering nicely from post earnings drop. How come everybody got to buy VLGC for less than I did (some bought LENS for less, too)? That's not fair! I have got to work on my timing, I guess.

        In answer to earlier question about SFCC - I haven't been following it very closely. Seems cheap, may have bottomed, but I don't understand why it dropped like a rock after Ernie sold it. Hmmm.

        Also, SWIR is looking interesting on this dip, I am just watching it for now.


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          Stenz...did you like last pick?

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • Originally posted by mrmarket
            Stenz...did you like last pick?
            Yes, your HUGENESS, I do. I'm not going to buy it, because it's only likely to keep moving very smoothly upwards, which is not my style, but it looks like a winner to me for sure.


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Originally posted by stenzrob
              Originally posted by mrmarket
              Stenz...did you like last pick?
              Yes, your HUGENESS, I do. I'm not going to buy it, because it's only likely to keep moving very smoothly upwards, which is not my style, but it looks like a winner to me for sure.
              Stenz...I'm surpised you are a beer drinker...based on your stock picks I would think you drink Red Bull and Vodka.

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • Originally posted by mrmarket
                Stenz...I'm surpised you are a beer drinker...based on your stock picks I would think you drink Red Bull and Vodka.
                LOL! Actually, I'm not really a beer drinker - more a single malt scotch kind of guy.

                I'm off to Madrid for all of next week, not likely to even get a chance to check on positions. My portfolio will be on auto-pilot while I'm out, I just hope it doesn't melt down or anything.

                Have a great holiday and a great week.

                regards ... stenz


                • mrmarket
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5971

                  Originally posted by stenzrob
                  Originally posted by mrmarket
                  Stenz...I'm surpised you are a beer drinker...based on your stock picks I would think you drink Red Bull and Vodka.
                  LOL! Actually, I'm not really a beer drinker - more a single malt scotch kind of guy.

                  I'm off to Madrid for all of next week, not likely to even get a chance to check on positions. My portfolio will be on auto-pilot while I'm out, I just hope it doesn't melt down or anything.

                  Have a great holiday and a great week.

                  regards ... stenz

                  Stenz...have a safe trip. I'm going to reward your thread with a sticky (not that you need one) while you are away.

                  I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                  - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                  • Originally posted by mrmarket
                    Stenz...have a safe trip. I'm going to reward your thread with a sticky (not that you need one) while you are away.
                    Ooooh, Ernie, you make me sooo .... sticky.


                    • Re: vlgc gmai

                      Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                      joined you today stenz in gmai at 10.20, chart looks awesome looks like a breakout is goin down. Passed couple breakouts in gmai looks like once it passes resistance it gets a nice pop. am in vlgc at 1.83 action looks great
                      good work stenz.
                      You're pickin' the cream of the crop there tjk. VLGC is turning out to be a lot more fun than it looked the first few days after I bought it, that's for sure. You're up over 45% in a week, if you didn't already jump off the ride.


                      • tokyojoeskid
                        No Posting allowed; invalid email
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 222

                        oh im still in

                        45% is correct sir.
                        maybe exiting shortly just such a big gain so fast, wish i could do that every week. Its only a small position which is why i may be a little patient to see if this baby keeps rolllin.
                        happy volatile days

                        are you really in till 6.95 and if so why did you set that goal?


                        • Re: oh im still in

                          Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                          45% is correct sir.
                          maybe exiting shortly just such a big gain so fast, wish i could do that every week. Its only a small position which is why i may be a little patient to see if this baby keeps rolllin.
                          happy volatile days

                          are you really in till 6.95 and if so why did you set that goal?
                          I'll have to see how it goes, but yes, my target is $6.95, plus or minus $0.25.

                          Reason #1: VLGC IPO in late Spring of 2000 was at $7. It peaked at $24 that summer, then came down with the rest of the market, with $7 looking first like support, then like resistance, in early 2001. Look at a chart of the entire history of the stock. I see some resistance at $4, then $7.

                          Reason #2: My screen is used to identify BUY candidates. I especially like stocks with qtr/qtr revenue growth >35% just moving into profitability (which excludes them for the HUGE dump) and price/sales < 2. The majority of my holdings have qtr/qtr revenue growth higher than yr/yr (simple acceleration). But then, having bought, when do you sell if things go well? I haven't been as methodical about this as $$$M_M$$$, but the stocks that my screen has selected that have done very well for me, and in some cases went running on without me, like SWIR, FARO, ANIK, IFLO, seemed to run out of steam when the price/sales reached about 6.0. 8.0 would make me really nervous. Back in the bubble of early 2000, some stocks I followed sold at price/sales of 20 or more. This was insane. Without another reporting period in the interim, VLGC will reach a price/sales ratio of 8 when the price is $6.70.

                          By the way, someone posted this link on the GMAI board, and it has some good stuff in it -

                          For a stock that's done well, here's a strategy that I will sometimes use, though it seems a little conservative for me - after the stock doubles or more, sell half your shares, the rest are free. A philosophical discussion about this strategy could occupy us all for months, I'm sure.


                          • mrmarket
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 5971

                            Re: oh im still in

                            Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                            45% is correct sir.

                            For a stock that's done well, here's a strategy that I will sometimes use, though it seems a little conservative for me - after the stock doubles or more, sell half your shares, the rest are free. A philosophical discussion about this strategy could occupy us all for months, I'm sure.

                            Oh goodie...I love being occupied for months...I guess losers like us have lots of time to discuss this stuff.

                            I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                            - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                            • EMBT

                              Any thoughts on EMBT...embarcadero tech... :P


                              • kingofthehill
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 487

                                MY PICK IS DUKE REALITY ....DRE

