Stenzrob's specials

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  • Re: TRCI

    Originally posted by MEA_1956
    TRCI has started a selloff. Am i missing something here, I see no bad news developing, at present time it is under your $15.80 mark are you thinking of picking up some more of this one or should we be considering an exit point. ===>MEA
    It just looks to be taking a little break. I am planning nothing at present for TRCI - holding the remaining half of position, will not sell unless it begins serious selloff, will not buy more unless it establishes a new base and starts up again, or the price drops on low volume.


    • Re: thanks

      Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
      Quick question to everyone out of college, do you use anything from your first four years of college???
      I use the diploma.
      It covers an unsightly hole in the wall of my study.


      • Re: What about FOG?

        Originally posted by the_daqman
        Originally posted by Karel
        Jon Markman's Flare-Out Growth, or FOG screen article.
        The FOG screen on Moneycentral
        Hey thanks, guys. I may play around with combining some of this stuff with my existing screen. If I come up with something, I'll let you know.


        • Stenrob,

          I thoroughly enjoyed your reply to TokyoJoe'sKid. As noted by others, it was a very good and insightful post. Thanks.

          (I also appreciated your joking reply to me about the avatar. Sometimes I feel like people don't get my sense of humor over the internet. )


          • wsucougz
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 6


            Looking like a good China related play. With strong government backing, their video encoding is now the standard for HDTV in China, this is for certain. There is also a big push by the Chinese government & industry to replace DVD in China with the homegrown standard EVD(Encoding provided by ONT), which has 5 times the image quality as DVD and the hardware is backwards compatible with DVD and VCD. This could be good for a quick double or more.


            • Stenz,

              It seems VLGC is building a base at around $1.85. Do you think this is a good sign?

              The Kid


              • Originally posted by The Kid
                It seems VLGC is building a base at around $1.85. Do you think this is a good sign?
                Yes, since this base would be just below the 52 week high. This stock has been seeing some serious volume in the last six months compared to the last three years, which corresponds with significant progress toward profitability in the last few quarters. (Note that I am not assuming cause & effect here, only a correlation.)

                Extreme caution is warranted with this one - do not overweight it, IMO, unless you really like life on the edge. There is a large short position in it, and there seems to be high interest in selling out (or shorting more) every time it clears $2. On the other hand, if it manages to close above $2 and follow through with some real buying interest, it could move very fast.


                • Stenz,

                  Thanks for the analysis. Although I do like 'living on the edge' a little with my stock picks, you have certainly given fair warning with this and earlier posts about the volatility of VLGC. I have a small position and will ride it out, ready for a roller-coaster. I appreciate your thoughts and comments on this, and the other stocks. Hopefully, we will get to chat about this one when it reaches $5.

                  the Kid


                  • Originally posted by The Kid
                    (I also appreciated your joking reply to me about the avatar.
                    Changed my avatar
                    - Now, "The Man Without Fear" swings high above the terrified crowds of Wall Street, using his superhuman stock radar to detect opportunity and danger without emotion!


                    • Re: Suggestion for people with Stenzrob picks

                      In the last few years, an increasing amount of research has shown that PSYCHOLOGY and FINANCE go hand-in-hand in creating both unhealthy psyche and bad investment decisions.

                      Stenz, any particular book (or article) come to mind regarding psychology/finance connection?

                      I know there are several. I'm just wondering if one stands out for you.

                      Uncle T


                      • I think this new guy, Uncle T., has a rather uncanny resemblance to Don Knotts.

                        Stenz, I miss the other avatar. I was gettin' used to that guy.


                        • Re: Suggestion for people with Stenzrob picks

                          Originally posted by Uncle T
                          Stenz, any particular book (or article) come to mind regarding psychology/finance connection?

                          I know there are several. I'm just wondering if one stands out for you.


                          • tokyojoeskid
                            No Posting allowed; invalid email
                            • Oct 2003
                            • 222


                            Thinking of joining you on this one stenz, teacup maybe forming, today up on pretty big volume around triple the avg, closed at intraday high. Breaks ten and change could see a good run with little resistance. Although would like a little more rev growth an almost promised 40% inc for next quarter year over year is nice, and up from the most recent quarter.
                            thoughts are welcome


                            • Re: gmai

                              Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                              Thinking of joining you on this one stenz, teacup maybe forming, today up on pretty big volume around triple the avg, closed at intraday high. Breaks ten and change could see a good run with little resistance. Although would like a little more rev growth an almost promised 40% inc for next quarter year over year is nice, and up from the most recent quarter.
                              thoughts are welcome
                              I like the way this one is forming up, tjk. Bollinger's got tight and it broke to the upside on good volume, as you saw. A breakthrough to new high with volume could set it off nicely.


                              • Re: TRCI

                                Originally posted by MEA_1956
                                Originally posted by stenzrob
                                Originally posted by stenzrob
                                I love TRCI, TRCI loves me back. But anyway, I just sold the half of my position that I had bought back at $12.32 on 11/5 for $17.49, for a 42% gain in 5 days. Letting the original $6 position run, and looking for a pullback to get the second half back again.
                                Right after I sold those, I put in a buy order to get them back at $15.80, where I had guessed it might drop momentarily to "fill the gap". I have no idea why gaps often fill, but they do, so I try to play it sometimes. It dipped alright, but only down to $15.90. Missed it by the proverbial thin dime. I have since removed that order and will just wait to see what happens with it.
                                TRCI has started a selloff. Am i missing something here, I see no bad news developing, at present time it is under your $15.80 mark are you thinking of picking up some more of this one or should we be considering an exit point. ===>MEA
                                Just bought those shares back for $14.16. Maybe I should have waited until it bases, but it has a tendency to move more than it stands still.

