I'd like to hear from all of the members....so, I want to know which stocks you bought...and why did you like them at the time?
Did you ever buy a $$$MR. MARKET $$$ Stock Pick?
I've held a few, sometimes before you pick em, sometimes afterwards. I always to my own homework on them, I take what you say as a suggestion to look into the stock. I'll have to get back to you on what/why as I'm at work right now and can't doddle that longBuy Low
Sell High
I lost on OFG, but no problem. I made it up elsewhere.
I bought NUTR when it bottomed out and made a little bit on it. I'm still looking at buying NUTR back.
There are a few others I wish I would have bought. Now that the market seems to be taking off, I'll probably get in on the next big pick from the huge one!
I'm a buyer
Huge One,
I was new to invest in April, 2004. I had read on the IBD forums board some of your posts, and some of the anti-Huge One posts, also. So I discovered this site, and promptly bought OFG. I was up about $500 when she started to dive, and took Spike's advice and bailed. That has been my only Mr. Market pick to date.
I have considered all the MM picks since then, but haven't really liked the market conditions until now. I was going to buy this last MM pick, but when MM chose a casino, I didn't buy. Gambling and liquor are two industries I will not buy into. I am looking forward to MM's next pick.
Originally posted by New-born babyGambling and liquor are two industries I will not buy into. I am looking forward to MM's next pick.
Stock Market no gamble.
No, the stock market is not a gamble. I am buying a portion of a company. It is no more of a gamble than walking across the street: I think I'll make it without being run over, but you never know. I am buying an ownership stake in a business.
Better yet, I usually buy a dividend yielding stock so that if the market sags, the dividend acts as a kind of a pacifier. And thanks to this forum, your "odds" of getting across the street alive are greatly increased.
Best investing to you!
I bought my first stocks in the 1960's. Trusted some brokers and got screwed. Owned no stocks between the mid 70's and the late 90's except for mutual funds. Decided to start studying the market around 1998 and have been serious about it every day since. My returns are getting better all the time. Owned several of the Mr.Market picks, some before Mr. Market. Became aware of WSB and WSBK through MM and did very well with both. Bought WSB very late after MM convinced me that it was very undervalued ,but had great fundamentals . Ended up buying it three times and made out like a bandit. Only lost a little on BEL , maybe 7% , but considered it a great pick at the time. Would buy any stock that exhibited such characteristics. Every stock Mr.Market picks I put through my own checklist. Sometimes there's no funds free at the time to purchase , sometimes I have another pick I like better. You'll never get a bad pick from Mr.Market. Everybody has their own style that's why we're able to discuss or debate our different opinions.
I have bought every pick you've posted since COH. I had also bought NFI prior to that, and seeing that you liked it also is part of what brought me over here. The other part was seeing that IART was in your top 5 at that time- which I also owned, and have since sold for around a 50% gain. I've bought a few of your picks twice, after getting out just under the 15% limit (I'm a bit paranoid about locking in that gain). I picked up CHKE (sold for 15% gain) and PTSI to round out my $$MM picks a while back. And I've doubled down on quite a few- some have worked out for me (PRX, HELE) and some haven't (BEL!!!). I've even bought a couple off your top 5 which have also done very well for me (RRGB is one I picked up at 28 and sold some at 49). I also apparently own two out of your "buy and die" port (MSFT and MRK) which I also plan to hold forever.
Basically, the reason why I like your picks is that I can understand your system- you've shown exactly how you make the determinations up until the top 5. It makes sense that it would work, and the evidence shows that it is working. I don't argue with success. By the way my 2 favorite picks are WSB (which I still have half of my position) and OFG, which I plan to keep around as good dividend-paying bank stocks, a few of which every portfolio absolutely needs to have.
Your picks have been outperforming the rest of my portfolio, especially lately with LJPC in the doghouse, so I've very glad to have been following your moves.
Many thanks for this site, and lots of fine meats and cheeses to you, Ernie!
Here's a history of my port for the past 13 months (yes, I'm new to this stock game). Some are mr market picks, some aren't.
Stock Date In Date Out Paid Sold (or current price) Gain
1 DHI 10/21/2003 12/8/2003 37.85 43.6 15.192
2 CD 11/25/2003 3/10/2004 21.47 23.62 10.014
3 CFC 12/9/2003 1/8/2004 105.75 98.01 -7.319
4 PBR 12/18/2003 1/14/2004 27.4 32.92 20.146
5 FNF 1/21/2004 2/17/2004 40.1 42.42 5.786
6 ASCA 2/11/2004 3/25/2004 27.34 31.28 14.411
7 MTH 2/18/2004 4/12/2004 71.1 71.5 0.563
8 AACE 3/11/2004 4/19/2004 30.4 28.9 -4.934
9 HZO 3/15/2004 4/5/2004 25.65 29.5 15.010
10 PDX 3/30/2004 4/21/2004 60.22 69.25 14.995
11 VIP 4/5/2004 4/27/2004 104.65 97.1 -7.215
12 SPF 4/14/2004 9/22/2004 53.58 55.13 2.893
13 ROV 4/20/2004 10/21/2004 29.21 23.97 -17.939
14 AUO 4/27/2004 10/21/2004 25.7 11.88 -53.774
15 DECK 5/3/2004 8/3/2004 26.9 31.74 17.993
16 PXP 5/5/2004 8/5/2004 20.35 20.35 0.000
17 WKDH (NOW PLNI) 5/10/2004 OPEN 0.1 0.0032 -96.800
18 MVK 8/25/2004 9/15/2004 28.4 31.64 11.408
19 MSA 8/25/2004 10/6/2004 40.5 41.55 2.593
20 HDWR 9/27/2004 10/22/2004 28.59 31.45 10.003
21 VLO 10/11/2004 OPEN 41.95 43.68 4.124
22 VIP (AGAIN) 10/21/2004 11/10/2004 106.75 118.5 11.007
23 WWW 10/22/2004 11/10/2004 30.28 29.52 -2.510
24 URBN 10/25/2004 11/11/2004 37.92 43.57 14.900
25 CAI 10/26/2004 10/27/2004 59.61 62.26 4.446
26 MCRI 10/29/2004 OPEN 27.99 37.52 34.048
27 ALDN 11/12/2004 OPEN 30.175 29.64 -1.773
28 VDSI 11/15/2004 OPEN 4.05 3.97 -1.975
29 MFLX 11/15/2004 OPEN 17.4 17.04 -2.069
30 ANF 11/16/2004 OPEN 44.98 44.41 -1.267
1 MM pick 11/10/03 after I bought, but I followed MM's 15% guideline. (Coincidently, my holding time was much shorter than MM)
2 A nice holiday gift to myself. I was late opening the presant
3 Sell price adjusted for the 12/18/03 4:3 split + $27 cash in lieu of fractional shares.
4 Nice Brazillian integrated Gas/Oil company
5 Sell price adjusted for the 2/10/04 11:10 split
6 Was a MM pick 2/10/04. After my own DD, I followed.
7 Not a MM pick, but I think it was a top 5 shortly after I picked it.
8 Was a MM pick 3/5/04 @ 31.34 waited for better price, was stopped out.
9 MM pick 3/11/04. After my own DD, I followed.
10 MM pick 3/30/04. Was so delighted about HZO that I jumped right in (should have done homework first, then buy, but I was loving MM back then)
11 Seemed good, didn't pan out and I abandoned, precursor to me deciding I need stops
12 Picked it up in just the wrong time, the market was broadly bearish during this time.
13 Ouch, I forgot about this one for awhile and let it drift too far down.
14 This was the Stock that taught me about stops. I finally admitted defeat way too late.
15 A MM pick 5/3/04, already had my eye on it and had done DD, MM's stamp was my green light.
16 Was up and down, finally just set stop at break even and that’s what happened.
17 Hardest lesson I ever learned, don't let someone sell you a dream of astronomical returns and do your damn homework. Stock is now worth less than half a penny and isn't even worth the commission.
18 One of my best picks that wasn't endorsed by MM
19 Nothing much to say.
20 MM pick 9/21/04. Did my DD, then bought but sold early to free up cash for WWW(for some reason)
21 I think I got into the refinery business a little late. Still hanging in there.
22 This time VIP is for real. Set my stop a little too low and I lost some gains before stopping out.
23 Blah, just didn't pan out. Didn't hold it long either. For some reason I can't remembe why I got in or out of this.
24 Was a MM pick 11/18/03 but that’s long before I bought this.
25 Accidently sold the next day
26 MM pick 11/12/04 about 2 weeks after me. Funny thing is it hasn't done a lot since MM bought. Sitting on +34% and thinking of moving on.
27 Not sure how I got it for a half cent cheaper, that just what Ameritrade says.
28 Brand new, hasn't done much yet. I'm actually really nervous about buying such a low priced stock
29 Started well, now stumbling.
30 Bought it yesterday, not really a MM style stock, but I'm thinking its good for a few dollars.Buy Low
Sell High
I see MTH in there... That's one I picked up out of $$MM's top 5, and boy am I kicking myself over that one! I did practically the same as you did- holding it for a few months, then chickening out and bailing with a 2% loss. It's trading about 30% higher now... Guess I needed more guts for MTH. I wish SPF would get on the ball and catch up!
I buy them all, since the beginning of 2002, that is: when I have money free. I also buy stocks from my own copy of the $$$Mr.Market$$$ model. In fact, my first $$$Mr.Market$$$ stock was from my own model: 10 ATN in 1/31/2002 for 40.05, out 3/27/2002 for 46.93. My, was I proud! As the position size is 400, you may deduce I paid $4 commission back then. I had forgotten I started that small
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
(You need to have a (free) Investopedia or Facebook login, sorry!)
I joined this site because the MM model works better than me asking my stockbroker what lackluster stock he recommends, simply because some analyst says it's a good stock. The MM model is objective, and I like that.
That being said, I have a lot to learn. I take what MM determines to be the top 5 stocks, and then I look at some technical indicators.
Currently I'm holding ARLP, FLIR, MCRI, MO, OFG, PDX, SIRI, and SPF. I sold MBG shortly after the merger was announced. I've made the most profit on MO and MBG, two stocks that I picked on my own. But I have faith in the MM model, and I am anxiously waiting to collect my profits.
Regards.Happy investing,
My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.
I have bought the following --RYL, JOSB,RATE,LEND,OHB,SFCC,OSII,HELE, Also CBK,BEL,GGI,WSB, BUT GOT OUT OF THESE AFTER AI did not feel Ernie gave me an unsatisfactory answer to my questions about the stocks. Took the money and made some dart picks and more than doubled that money. Bought ahead of Ernie DW,DHI,DECK,AXL,DKS,CCBI.
Love the sight and Ernie also GREAT GUY there Is no one on the Internet that would do what he dose and has given all of us. One of the reasons I gave up my IBD subscription because of all the BS people give him there. I get to upset.Ray Long