A Yahoo Post on GBRC
Apparently GBRC went from OTCBB to the dreaded PINK Sheets ,NOT A GOOD SIGN , the chart shows a big Drop off, and here is a YAHOO post by a "Hawk Hogan", Gee, I wonder if any relation to that fake wrestler "Hulk Hogan" LOL! Here is the Post from Hawk Hogan and 2 responses , one shows that a guy lost some serious coin with GRBC . Frankly I think GRBC is a SCAM , and not worth putting a plug nickle into!
" get many emails from GRC investors and that bunch is growing. I have one lately from Ireland that I have to laugh about. In his situation he was convinced by a pusher over yonder to buy GBRC stock. Now this is not new of course, we were pushing MSRM in the UK from within house and travelling there.
We really rammed it up their asses with restricted stock and the UK became the largest amount of shareholders. Now that they’ve been burned with the MSRM dilemma as we all know about. Selling them on more stock from the same company just ain’t going to get it.
So GRC moves to another country . . . . . the Emerald Isle lately. Not much success down-under with Worthington pushing the stock so after he hit the bricks we got us a full fledge Irish puppet.
GRC can keep moving from country to country and finding these suckers and THAT will keep this company running for quite some time so fear not Frank, although the SP might be cheap you’ll still maybe get those millions of shares sold regardless."
Shameless hawkhogan 22-Dec-09 01:14 pm
Re: Shameless
I think GRC should change the name of the machine ... hawkhogan Rate it 22-Dec-09 01:40 pm
Re: Shameless
I know I have been burned and now I am toast investmentr... (1 Rating) 22-Dec-09 01:47 pm
Apparently GBRC went from OTCBB to the dreaded PINK Sheets ,NOT A GOOD SIGN , the chart shows a big Drop off, and here is a YAHOO post by a "Hawk Hogan", Gee, I wonder if any relation to that fake wrestler "Hulk Hogan" LOL! Here is the Post from Hawk Hogan and 2 responses , one shows that a guy lost some serious coin with GRBC . Frankly I think GRBC is a SCAM , and not worth putting a plug nickle into!
" get many emails from GRC investors and that bunch is growing. I have one lately from Ireland that I have to laugh about. In his situation he was convinced by a pusher over yonder to buy GBRC stock. Now this is not new of course, we were pushing MSRM in the UK from within house and travelling there.
We really rammed it up their asses with restricted stock and the UK became the largest amount of shareholders. Now that they’ve been burned with the MSRM dilemma as we all know about. Selling them on more stock from the same company just ain’t going to get it.
So GRC moves to another country . . . . . the Emerald Isle lately. Not much success down-under with Worthington pushing the stock so after he hit the bricks we got us a full fledge Irish puppet.
GRC can keep moving from country to country and finding these suckers and THAT will keep this company running for quite some time so fear not Frank, although the SP might be cheap you’ll still maybe get those millions of shares sold regardless."
Shameless hawkhogan 22-Dec-09 01:14 pm
Re: Shameless
I think GRC should change the name of the machine ... hawkhogan Rate it 22-Dec-09 01:40 pm
Re: Shameless
I know I have been burned and now I am toast investmentr... (1 Rating) 22-Dec-09 01:47 pm