Stinger Systems (STIY): opinions?

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  • Stinger Systems (STIY): opinions?

    I have been watching Stinger for a while now, as I am still amazed at the P/E granted TASR. STIY appears to have a competitive, if not superior, product, at a lower price, to begin selling in a few months. I have been considering taking a position but am a bit wary at this point. They just recently went public, so I am leaning toward waiting for their first quarterly report to see what kind of financial shape they are in. Any opinions on this one? Volume appears to be picking up, along with the stock price...


  • #2
    Well, I couldn't resist and jumped in at 24.50 this monrning. Up to 27.50 now, so I can't complain. I may hold a long in this one for a while. They were a profitable company before they went public, so it looks relatively safe. A bit more specualtive than I would like, nevertheless....



    • The Photon
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 189

      shocking stock

      I as well could not resist and was ammused by the "duel in the desert" - the CEO's facing off at 30 feet - posted in the IBE forum, I called the company in NC and they indeed said they were moving from the pink sheets to the Nas in the first quarter. The prop wash from TASR alone should move this. I am currently at 87% and will be playing this with house money very soon. New year is off to a good start- lights out- Photon
      The Photon


      • #4
        Almost sold at 34, but decided to hold. I remember TASR being like 140 at some point...*wink*



        • MEA_1956
          Senior Member
          • Oct 2003
          • 655


          LENF=== IS also one in that sector you may want to look at. ===> M.E.A.
          GO BIG RED!!!!!


          • #6
            Dropped out of STIY today with a nice 30% gain in 2 days. Not as good as if I had picked up some LENF today though! I am going to keep an eye on both of these, and possibly take a medium long position after I check into their financials a bit more.



            • The Photon
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 189


              I am long at 130% about 4 weeks. I will hold on and see where this takes me- the Photon
              The Photon


              • #8
                Bought some LENF today at 8.25, looking to ride for a few days. They actually have a working prototype of their gun, so I feel safer. I emailed Stinger to see if they have a working model they might show off, but as yet no reply. Marketting a product without actually having a working model scares me a bit...



                • #9
                  Both STIY and LENF making huge moves today on excellent volume. Go us!



                  • #10
                    I just got a reply from my email to STIY investor relations:

                    "Thank you for your interest in Stinger Systems. Yes, we have a working
                    prototype and we will have a video on our website shortly. "

                    I would feel 500% better about a long in STIY now.



                    • #11
                      My first time here, I could pass as Mr. Markets Twin brother, so this website must be good! LOL

                      Lenf website has a comparison video clip.
                      Congrats to all of us who went long in STIY and or LENF!

                      I got STIY at 15 and 18.5 and LENF at 6.8 and 10. I am going to see how far they go. With stinger hitting the nas and its 4 dart gun we may have a TASR type mover here! TASR's falliing out of favor is certainly a plus for us!

                      Its ironic that I used my profits from TASR to buy these two stocks



                      • MEA_1956
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 655

                        Yes Dave, I must agree, I do feel good about this product line. I've heard of no insider selloff eather, (like TASR)===> M.E.A.

                        Originally posted by Dave
                        Both STIY and LENF making huge moves today on excellent volume. Go us!

                        GO BIG RED!!!!!


                        • #13
                          My choice for a long hold is going to be Stinger, as I think their gun is superior to both TASR and LENF. The LENF gun has interesting firing patterns, with a smaller spread at 30ft than at 20ft. I am not sure how they managed that, but it was intriguing. I think Stinger, if they can actually provide what the claim on their site, has a huge advantage with the integrated laser sight, as well as nice MPG4 video option. I want to see this thing though before I consider a large long.



                          • New-born baby
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 6095



                            Please post your findings after you study it out. I'd be interested in your opinions.
                            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                            • #15
                              Another interesting developement occurs as TASR warns they may have delayed orders as customers test options from competition (possibly LENF and STIY). Of these three I feel that Stinger appears to be the best choice, if I were going to have to use one. The design is slick, the laser sight is built-in, and they claim they will launch with video-cam option that LENF does not have, and TASR claims they will have some time in late 2005 or 2006. Four darts would seem to be a large advantage in this group, as opposed to the two fired by LENF and TASR guns. If anyone has seen the TASR gun, the grip is tiny, and the LENF, well that thing is fairly large, and to me would be hard to holster and draw. It could use a re-design, although I am sure it would be easy to re-do the case (plastic). Both LENF and STIY have other products, and have some established clients that may quickly purchase their guns, especially STIY, whose other products are stun-related already.

                              So, out of this group I would give the definite edge to STIY, pending actually seeing its gun in action. A quick look at their relative market caps:

                              TASR: 883mill
                              STIY: 644mill
                              LENF: 245mill

                              This is interesting and makes me a little hesitant to go long in STIY as their market cap is approaching TASR's, but keep in mind that TASR has been beaten down lately and only sports a P/E of 53, compared to the 100+ it had only a few weeks ago. STIY has unknown earnings as they just went public in Q4, and LENF is about a break-even company currently.

                              So the question is, which one to buy? TASR is certainly hard to pass up at its current level of 15. Less than a month ago it was near 35. STIY appears to be approaching what I would consider fair value if it already had some market share, but we have not even seen their prototype yet. Hard to buy at these levels of near 50. LENF has shown their gun to be better performing in all areas than the current TASR model, but it is not as slick looking as potentially as good as the Stinger. Their website is also a bit crappy compared to the others. They could use a new designer for their gun and site, and some better PR people I think. They also have by FAR the lowest market cap. Common sense would dictate a long in LENF at this level, and they are also planning to ditch their .OB status in Q1/05, with their application already pending in the AMEX.

                              Edit: I forgot to mention that the LENF gun incoporates what they call FMT (Fused Muscle Tetony), which allows the gun to produce the desired effect while using 1/4 the power of the TASR models. Supposedly this makes the thing safe(r), which may help LENF to capture some market share from TASR. TASR has gotten a ton of bad press lately, with various oragnizations trying to link deaths to shocks from a TASR gun. In the past the has always been circumstances such as a heart condition or drugs that have been ultimately blamed, but who knows. End Edit!

                              Bottom line is I went long again LENF today at 10.75. It took my 18 attempts to buy the damn stock, so it better be worth it!

                              If STIY was lower I would probably have bought it as well, and if they come out with their prototype video I will jump in at least for a short-term long.

                              Although it is hard to pass up TASR at its current level, I think it is going to be a while before they post some news to get their stock moving again. Hell, if orders actually DO get delayed, they may actually move a bunch lower...

                              Last edited by Guest; 01-11-2005, 04:08 PM.

