It's your call
It is your decision. The only difference is that with a Can, the divy stays the same. Here, if you do not buy today, you lose the free shares of SFL, which is also a shipping line.
There is one possible play you might consider. If you decide you might buy but you want a lower price, wait until the last 30 minutes of the day. Weak holders often dump (just before the ex-date) then, and perhaps you'll get a better price. That's all I can say.
Best to you!
Originally posted by yaoyao
It is your decision. The only difference is that with a Can, the divy stays the same. Here, if you do not buy today, you lose the free shares of SFL, which is also a shipping line.
There is one possible play you might consider. If you decide you might buy but you want a lower price, wait until the last 30 minutes of the day. Weak holders often dump (just before the ex-date) then, and perhaps you'll get a better price. That's all I can say.
Best to you!