Hot Pick Of The Day

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  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    Originally posted by billyjoe
    49.62 I'm figuring how many new snow shovels can be purchased with my dividends.
    I didn't tell you this but SFL ALSO pays an 8% dividend.

    God bless BillyJoe!
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • New-born baby
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 6095


      Originally posted by jiesen
      I disagree. 21 is a great price to buy NGPS, not sell it, IMO.

      You may well be correct. I have no guts for this stock because it lacks a dividend. I wish you well. I was writing to Tomrich who bought in and (I think) regrets the purchase.

      Hey, I was wrong on MRK, wasn't I? I think your PFE is probably a good buy soon.

      God bless Jiesen!
      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Was wondering if you manage the funds of your church? If so , they're a lucky bunch. Lots of congregations have money problems and many times the pastor is partly to blame. Our community church is prospering, 157 years in the same building and numbers growing. Just read an account from a member on the sadness at the announcement of Pres.Lincoln's death from the very same pulpit. I'm a history buff and find these old writings and photos very interesting.


        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095

          Church Funds.


          We are an Independent Baptist Church, which means that whatever comes in the offerings are spent according to the congregation's vote. As a pastor, I agree with your statement that many pastors spend their church into financial difficulties. I am very conservative in spending, and our church does not have financial difficulties because I refuse to borrow money. If God wants us to have it, He'll give us the money up front without borrowing.

          What city/state do you live in? You could send me a private email if that question is too personal, or ignore this question altogether.

          I love history!
          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • tokyojoeskid
            No Posting allowed; invalid email
            • Oct 2003
            • 222


            NBB a couple of questions about FRO,
            Is this a special divy? Is this a short-term play for you? Do you think the stock price will drop 20% on thurs?


            • tokyojoeskid
              No Posting allowed; invalid email
              • Oct 2003
              • 222


              So on top of the 20% div you also get shares of SFL which pay a 8% div. seems like a win win situation, is there is something that I am missing?


              • tokyojoeskid
                No Posting allowed; invalid email
                • Oct 2003
                • 222


                With 3 billion in debt seems like fro should be paying that off not a fat div especially with int rates on the rise.


                • tokyojoeskid
                  No Posting allowed; invalid email
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 222

                  by the way i am an idiot about the 20% drop on thurs what i mean was a 2.50 drop reflecting div payment sorry about the flurry of posts, I need to learn how to condense things.


                  • New-born baby
                    Senior Member
                    • Apr 2004
                    • 6095

                    Originally posted by tokyojoeskid
                    NBB a couple of questions about FRO,
                    Is this a special divy? Is this a short-term play for you? Do you think the stock price will drop 20% on thurs?
                    The SFL shares are a one time shot. The $10 divy pays 2.50 each quarter. I am a buy and hold on this baby. Yes, the price may drop, but then, how far can it drop if she can pay the divy? If it can drop and still pay the divy, I am a buyer, because I don't know where I can make 20%+ on my money in the USA at this time.
                    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                    • Gatorman
                      No Posting allowed; invalid email
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 448

                      Originally posted by billyjoe
                      MSB (Mesabi Trust) Main source of income is royalties from the Mesabi Iron Range in Minnesota of which it is principal land owner. Income is based on the shipments of iron ore pellets from the range as well as the price received for the pellets.
                      Cleveland Cliffs Inc. is the lessee/operator of the range. Over the past 2 years, an average of 4.68 million tons of ore pellets have been shipped annually. The amount of ore shipped per year is effected by demand, weather conditions, steel imports, and current price.
                      At 16.52 , MSB is within 2% of its 52 week high price. It paid dividends of 1.18 last year, a 7.1% return on current price.
                      There are 13.1 million outstanding shares with a market cap of 216 million.
                      In the last 7 months, the stock has appreciated approx. 175%. It trades on average 103,000 shares per day.
                      For the 9 months ending 10/31/04 revenues increased 78% to 6.9million. Income was up 86% to 6.5 million. Return on equity was an amazing 99%. Sales growth was 43.1% in 2004. income growth, 44.7%.
                      Apparently the Wall Street Journal has published 2 favorable articles on MSB in the past 2 weeks, but I haven't seen them.
                      IBD ranks them at #55 in the latest paper.
                      What attracted me to MSB was their high ROE and dividend.
                      If you think iron ore will continue to be in great demand, this is a great stock. If the demand drops, so will the price and dividend or distributions as they are officially called.
                      Excellent pick on MSB. I thought it had come too far, too fast but apparently not. It's up 1.61 today as I type.
                      Got any more of these gems hidden away that you would like to share with us?


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        I hope you bought it, unfortunately I didn't. Have to rebalance the portfolio more like Mr.Market. Then there would usually be at least one stock to dump to replace with a good one like MSB. It might take a couple years to set it up right. I don't like buying under 100 shares of anything, unless it's a special situation like CME.

                        Gator, I accidentally came across it while doing research on GDP. I think it is rated highly (top 5 ) in it's group on IBD
                        Last edited by billyjoe; 01-31-2005, 02:45 PM.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          I assume you're always on the lookout for high dividends and bonuses like FRO. Did you find it at the same site with the Cans? Thanks.


                          • Gatorman
                            No Posting allowed; invalid email
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 448

                            Originally posted by billyjoe
                            I hope you bought it, unfortunately I didn't. Have to rebalance the portfolio more like Mr.Market. Then there would usually be at least one stock to dump to replace with a good one like MSB. It might take a couple years to set it up right. I don't like buying under 100 shares of anything, unless it's a special situation like CME.
                            Unfortunately, I went with MO instead. Thought MSB was too extended. Oh well, guess you can't buy them all.


                            • dmk112
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2004
                              • 1759


                              MFLX went up 6% today... your thoughts?


                              • New-born baby
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 6095



                                I would like to ask you to throw up on this thread your hot pick of the day. Would you please help us out?

                                pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN

