Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by billyjoe
    Really liked your charts on AOB over on Webs thread . They are very clear and easy to understand . My question is how do you know what chart to go by to determine a purchase point? Yours were daily and weekly , but some people (we won't mention names) insist on a minimum 8 week base . What if the daily looks great but the weekly stinks or visa versa. Does it depend on the time frame you plan on holding? Those are the best charts yet and keep up the good work.

    I try to keep it simple but underneath there is alot going on when I try to make a determination on taking a position. I'm a TA strategist but always look at the fundamental side of a stock to see what's going on etc..
    When I'm watching the screens during the day I have on the 5/10/15 minute charts to catch any intraday movement or breakouts. You can't catch them all but it does happen and those 3 time frames are what I use intraday for a short scalp or daytrade. Sometime the momentum of a scalp or daytrade will remain strong an I'll take the position overnight or for a few days.

    When I'm initially checking out a setup or looking for them I like the daily chart. Everyone will have a different opinion on this for their own reasons. I like the daily for the immediate short term view of what a stock has been doing. The daily and weekly almost always show a different picture. As with AOB the daily clearly showed an ascending triangle but the weekly was a completely different picture with more of a cup base and small handle.
    The daily usually is what catches my attention in the first place. I then go to the weekly, which I feel trumps or overides the daily, when making a determination. It gives a clearer picture of what has been going on over a longer period of time. Especially with volume and chart patterns.
    Entry points are usually driven by what I interpret from the chart and the indicators that I regularly use like RSI, MACD, A/D, volume, CCI. I'm now trying to learn Elliot Wave Theory to add to my arsenal.
    It's kind of hard to explain how I develope a strategic plan for taking a position. I look for high and low points and higher highs and lower lows over a period of time. You develope a feel for how and what you like to see in a chart that developes into a plan for entry, exit, and stops. Again these are based on trend lines, Fibonacci lines, my indicators, etc. and when they fall into place I get that warm feeling in my gut an then I know or think I know.
    The time frame I will hold a position is usually determined by what the stock does after my entry. I always have a basic idea of how I would like or expect the stock to trend but they have a mind of their own an you have to adjust to their action accordingly. Like anything it really boils down to doing it over a long period of time and learning, hopefully, from your positive and negative experiences.
    I spend alot of time going over a large number of stock charts everyday. After awhile certain patterns will start to stick out. I've said this and Spike has said it hundreds of times. The stops and cutting the losses short, plus once you're out, letting it go whether the outcome was positive or negative are two important factors on the TA side of things.
    One other thing is that there is nothing wrong with a nice long base. I'm not saying that you should wait for 8 wks. to make a play. You would be limiting yourself in my opinion by doing that, but if it is there, like with AOB on the weekly chart, it makes for a much stronger case for the stock if the base is the right type of base like that cup in AOB. But nothing is written in stone an only trying to make a bigger edge for yourself is the best you can do.
    One other thing I advocate, but am not trying to push on anyone, is to take a subscription to something like just to get the insight and educational value from the two guys that write their Swing Trader and Technical Take columns. It will provide you with a great education in chart analysis from another professionals point of view plus open a whole new area of how they use indicators in their analysis. I have my own that I like and I think that it's a good idea. There are hundreds out there but finding the legitimate ones that fit your needs and give the most for the money is the hardest part. I like, John Murphy from Stockcharts, and Morpheus Trading Group.
    Last edited by skiracer; 11-04-2005, 07:59 AM.


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Are you out there Ray? Just a shout to see if you're still holding MOT. I'm thinking now that $25/26 is not impossible or improbable. Sold off half my position the other day at $23 an am letting the remainder ride it out. Brought my stop up to $22.50. The NASDAQ looks to be strengthening and that is good for MOT. Let me know if you're still in it.


      • RL
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1215

        Ski still In holding untill Dec.15th. Unless some bad news. Thanks for your concern.
        Ray Long


        • RL
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 1215

          Ski sent you a message back on 11/1 about Mot. page 49
          Ray Long


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            I read that post Ray. MOT's got alot of strong fundamental stuff going for it. That's one of the reasons why it will do well. Just glad that you're still in it. Was wondering if you had placed a stop or were just holding on to it and watching it closely. I feel now that it will reach $25/26 range. Hopefully before Dec. 15 for you. What's going on with Dec. 15 anyway? Do you own options on it?


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Some negative news came across the wires early this morning about GENZ. Something about Medicare reimbursement to physicians for a GENZ drug that is responsible for about 10 % of GENZ's eps. The stock has risen about 3.5 points since I first posted on the play an if anyone is in it they might want to place a close stop early this AM to protect those gains as these things sometimes really overreact to this type of news.


              • dmk112
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2004
                • 1759

                Ski, are you still holding PETS? IF SO, nice call.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  I got stopped out of the stock position at $11 about a week ago. Made 1.65 points on the trade but was to close with the stop and probably should have given it more room because it went to $14.00 until today. Took a hit today on big volume but still over $13.
                  I'm still holding the Dec. 12.50 call options from $.69 so they're still in the money. They had gone to $1.80 on Friday but took somewhat of a hit today. The options dropped to $1.20 today as the stock itself lost $.89 or so on over 1.2 million shares. Don't know what caused the drop other than profit taking after the runup. But that was pretty heavy volume over average today.
                  I'm holding 20 contracts at .69 average and lost around $1300 today on the options. Ouch. I have around 38 days left until expiration on the options and still like the position although I haven't a clue what caused todays bloodshed. Probably some hedge fund selling off and taking their money. Still in the black with the trade but anxious about what tomorrow will bring. Never a dull moment and things change in a heartbeat.


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    I just wanted to get it right.
                    Last edited by skiracer; 11-09-2005, 08:57 PM.


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      How do I delete all of this last post to redo it?


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        Originally posted by skiracer
                        How do I delete all of this last post to redo it?
                        You can just edit it. The edit button is right next to the quote button at the bottom of your post when you go back and look at it.

                        So all you have to do is click on edit, then erase what you want, and redo it.

                        I hope I expalined it well enough...???

                        PS. It also gives you the option to actually delete the whole post when you click on edit.


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          I thought last weeks setup was a decent play although I usually don't buy to many stocks over $70/80 price. I usually play most of theirs but missed out on GENZ. Nice gainer. Anyone look at it or play it?
                          I like the SIRF setup and will be looking for it to hit the trigger point for an entry over the next couple of days. This one would be an easy one to jump on early but then you would be straying from the plan.
                          Thank you Webs.


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Position report:

                            PETS: Still holding the Dec. 12.50 calls - the stock was up to 14 range and the options up to 1.80 range but over the last few days the stock has dropped to 12.72 and the options to 1.05 at the close yesterday. There has been some insider/institutional selling over the last few days which has created some overhead supply. I believe the overhead supply will get bought up, if not already over the last two days, and the stock will return to the 14/16 level.
                            36 days left to expiration on the options. Still up .44 on the options but gave back quite a bit. Will be doing something with them shortly.

                            MOT: Still going strong and closed yesterday at 23.59. Still half position open from 21.26

                            On the radar: AOB, SIRF, and VPHM all for long positions. Like AOB on any decent pullback to the 6.50 or lower range now and SIRF as stated at 29.13 trigger. If VPHM breaks below 21 I'm looking to catch it at the bottom out point for an entry when an if it does that. 20.75/20.50 range would be nice an would be filling the gap from the breakout on earnings report a couple of days ago. This is a strong stock and is making great earnings. Profit taking yesterday and hopefully today again should provide a nice entry point. Looking to get back to 24 range from 20.75 entry if it drops to 20.75.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              I was looking to enter VPHM today if it broke 21 to around 20.75/.50 range but as I was watching it fall the bottom gave out and the nexting thing it's below 18. What a short if you could have caught it. I didn't see a thing on the wires or anywhere. Has anyone seen or heard anything on why it fell the way it did?
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                Morpheus Trading Groups week in review:

                                COHU triggered this AM an I caught it around the $25.20 range. It was moving pretty fast after opening below yesterdays close of $24.87 and dropped to $24.60 range before turning and blowing off. Up 1.91 today.

                                Also holding PDLI from last week at $26.85. Up 1.63 at close today.

                                I also bought SIRF, which was their pick two weeks ago but never hit their trigger of $29.13, last Thursday at $25.88. Institutional holdings had increased over 7.5 mil. over the last few weeks an on Thursday afternoon it bottomed and turned up. The position is now up 2.23 at $28.11. I'm placing a stop at $27.88 in the AM. If the markets hold this trend, which I think is questionable after today, their orginal target of over $30 is easily doable.

                                Sold off all of the PETS calls last Tuesday at $1.20. It was a great play from .69 but I hate those options an especially getting out of them. They were being bid 1.35 an asked 1.50 an I couldn't get out at the high end. Ended up taking 1.20. I should have sold them when they were in the 1.80 bid range a week or two earlier.

                                Forgot to mention MOT. Sold off remaining half position last week at $23.65. Looking back probably acted impulsively but wanted to free some funds for a couple of new buys. Ray are you still holding MOT? Looking real good now an if the markets hold this trend good chance on getting to $25/26 range. Cleared resistance and free sailing now.
                                Last edited by skiracer; 11-23-2005, 09:24 AM.
                                THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

