Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • I should also mention many will short the next rally attempt!!


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Take a look at this site, It's run by a guy named Deron Wagner. I know you're interested in ETF's and he puts out a daily letter, the Wagner Daily, that deals with just ETF's and his trading in them. You can subscribe for $49.00 per month or get them for free by going to the site and going into the archives to get them the next day. The site is full of good stuff and the reports are great for keeping up on what sectors, ETF's are ascending or descending. Just that much more ammo in your arsenal for free. I've been a subscriber for a couple of years an have done real well following his selections plus what I have learned from his insight. Definitely worth your time to take a look at the site.


      • Skiracer, I’ll check out the site, sounds interesting!


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Took a position in CMTL this am at 29.95/30 range. Sold off this pm at 31.25. in their opinion section of their menu has the stock rated as an average hold which isn't exactly spectacular. Decided to take the bird in the hand on the big gain today although that last graveyard candle on the daily could imply that a bullish reversal of the recent downtrend could be in the wind. Personally I don't think the markets are going to bust out to the upside and today was more like a big tug of war between the bulls and bears on some pretty heavy volume. I must say that it did give me a pretty good scare on the big run up and then the drop back to give back half of the gains before moving back up over 31.
          Still not back into HTRN. Big tug of war going on there also. Had a chance at 11.70, the low of the day, but procrastrinated to long and missed the opportunity. I got stopped out at 11.71 last Monday and want back in at the price or lower. Thought it was going to do that for me today but stopped right at 11.70 as a low today and closed at 11.93. It is showing decent strength in this market and has been trading in the range of 11.90 to 11.95 for a few days now. They report on 4/28.
          I've included an image of's opinion section on CMTL. It's a great site and offers alot of good technical statistics.



          • Skiracer, you have a bunch of awesome web sites don’t you? I checked out Morpheus site and it is pretty cool. About the only site I’m on is stockcharts and yhoo. I found out that sometimes to much info would mess up my head.

            I still favor sideline action or Day trades at this time. Expecting a bounce, but I’m a thinking the selling may not be over. Just need more direction. Like you stated looking at the charts it was a tug of war between the BULLS and the BEARS>>>


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              At Morpheus you can get a 1 month free trial to the Wagner Daily. It's his daily ETF report. He's a pretty sharp guy and swing trades the ETF's on a regular basis. It would be very educational and wouldn't cost you anything. I would be willing to bet that you would more than pay for the $49 subscription price, after the first month free trial, by just following a few of his ETF trades. Anyway I'm glad you took a look at his website. I hope you will look into the free trial. It would be very educational.
              I wanted to thank you again for the info on getting me straight on the image shack site. It's much easier and simpler to use that the other ones that I was using to upload images although I like them to but this is much simpler and no compression variables to contend with.


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                Still not back in this yet but it's showing something but on low volume. My opinion is that it's earnings report on 4/28 is going to be pretty much above any guidance. These things get volitaile just before earnings and this is typical for it to show some gain on lower volume and then to pullback just before earnings only to breakout right after a good report. I'm back in on any pullback to the 11.75 range. It's one of the few issues that have held their own over the last 3 weeks in a crappy choppy market. Been under some institutional accumulation of late and I'm looking for it to go to 16/18 range in the intermediate term after earnings. Just my opinion but it has held it own. Thought today was going to go off but glad it didn't yet. Still some indecisiveness on retail investors. likes the stock.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314



                  • HTRN has been pretty awesome. I did not trade this one, but been following it. Think short-term target of reference low will hit at open. Had I bot I’d trim some at my first target range.


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      I'm a little pissed off for letting myself get stopped out last week at 11.71. Initially I never set a stop until I get a decent gain going and then bring the stop up to what I feel is a safe range to protect my gains yet not to close to get stopped out. I knew at the time that the stock was swinging within a wide range intraday but was consistently closing back or above it's opening price of the day. I just got a little to protectionist an a little to close to it's swing range an got stopped out.
                      I still haven't gotten back into the stock yet and while waiting for it to pullback closer to the area where I got stopped out I may have missed the opportunity.
                      They are always somewhat volitaile just before reporting earnings an usually consolidate to a degree just before reporting. That's what I'm waiting for at the moment. It may not happen but if it gets any kind of a pullback from here to the 12/12.25 range I will re-enter. Something in my gut tells me that that may not happen because it has been holding it's own during the recent choppy market.
                      If you look at and follow channels you'll see that it is approaching the upper line of it's channel suggesting it could be due for a pullback. Friday's are always a good day for that after a couple of days of advancing.
                      I never tout or advise anyone to buy a stock but the proof is always in the pudding and to be honest I think this one is just beginning a pretty good run. I've had it twice from 10.75 or so and from 11 and got stopped out both times around 11.70/11.80 range so the stock doesn't owe me a think but still pisses me off that I got stopped out.
                      Keep an eye on it for a pullback in the next couple of days. It reports on 4/28.


                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        It pissed me off when I was foolish enough to by LU, based on Jim Cramer recommending it...Jim sucks.


                        • Originally posted by Runner
                          Follow up on SRNA


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            SRNA was another stock that fit one of the patterns that I look for in certain markets and situations. This one didn't go the way I thought it would. So much for that but I didn't make the play anyway because of the way I've felt about the markets right now.
                            But I am keeping an eye on this one for the time being.

                            What is really on my mind of late is the current state of the markets. Pretty volitaile and very dangerous under these conditions. Wide swings like the last couple of days only lead me to believe it is safer to stay out of the water for the time being. No clear signals and really can't tell which way the markets or individual stocks want to go.
                            CMTL a prime example of what I'm talking about. Up 1.25 points on Thursday only to give it all back and more on Friday. Hard to trade those circumstances unless your able to sit at the computer screen all day watching your trades. Was wondering how anyone else felt about all of this?
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • Skiracer, I’m in cash and will remain this way until I get a better sense of what is happening. The whipping around is crazy. I’ll let the big dogs battle it out and go with the flow. I had a good indication that Friday was going to get slapped back. I’m sure many make a bundle on the short side Friday. I view this markets risk level right now as high. That means to me that cash is King!!


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                I agree with you that cash is king and a safe harbor at the moment. I'm really waiting for a pullback of some sort in HTRN for an entry there this week before they report earnings. I might be pissing in the wind though., who I rely on for a number of things, has a column called the Technical Take, which explains the technical side of what going on daily and weekly. These two charts are pretty good for giving you an idea of the main indices and their tracking stocks support and resistance levels. Just thought I would show them here for last week and this coming week.

                                THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

