Skiracer's stock slopes

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  • Greetings Ski,

    I have been patient watching SNAK,slowly raising my bid,it looks very strong to me.Could be another HANS in the making.Sooner or later its got to drop to support,right now it looks about 5.20 and rising.

    One of these days Ill buy with a market order,so you guys can grab at support,Ill let you know when my patience has run out.

    BTW that MAIN chart looks very tempting without even knowing what they do.

    cordially Tom


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      I've been waiting on SNAK myself for a decent entry. MAIN is in the food and restaurant business. They also look good.
      Currently holding PETS from 9.55. Waiting to get in on their Dec. 12.50 call options but haven't been able to get my entry price with them either. Be patient especially with this market as indecisive as it is right now. Good trading.


      • Greetings,

        I post this with the hope of others learning from my folly.Watching SNAK today,had a bid in at 5.40,price held up all morning.Aroung lunch a surge,my emotions kicked in thinking this was the wedge break,thought I could get in at 5.70 with a market order.Filled at 5.85,price came back to 5.74 at close.
        In hindsight I should have just bought around 5.30,now Im in,and looking at the chart,it hit the upper channel,and bounced right down.

        To all looking to get in,I suspect support will now be tested in the low 5s.I like the chart,and these funds are in my IRa,so I will hold on like a pit bull.Emotion will kill profits every time.

        cordially Tom


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          They'll do it to you everytime you give them a chance. Now that you own it from 5.85 your patience is really going to be tested. I don't think there will be a problem holding it if it does pullback somewhat and you could always add some to the postion to bring the entry down alittle.



          • Originally posted by skiracer
            Do you think it could go under 5? That would be a steal in my opinion.
            looks like MAIN is under 5.00. The Restaurant group has been taking a nice beating as of lately. In fact it has fallen 7.79% since the beginning of Aug.


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014

              A blast from the past. I just found a post of yours from about 18 months ago on a forum that will remain unnamed. It was referring to natural gas stocks, you mentioned NJR , a NG distribution stock. I think we've got a small window in which to cash in on nat. gas distribution stocks or even more promising, U.S. or Canadian nat. gas exploration and producers. Some that stand out are ATLS CHK and GMXR. They may appear somewhat extended, but a year from now we'll be kicking ourselves for hesitating. Any thoughts on this? Thanks ski.


              p.s. wonder whatever happened to bruzcru ? would like to see him on Mr.Market's forum


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                I wonder if Ski is on vacation with IIC? He hasn't been on here since Aug 31.

                Come back Ski...


                • Originally posted by Websman
                  I wonder if Ski is on vacation with IIC? He hasn't been on here since Aug 31.

                  Come back Ski...

                  Ya, where is SKI. I need some input on MAIN


                  • Originally posted by skiracer
                    This is exactly how I feel about the market in general right now. Cautious on the long side and except for SNAK and CMVT am looking for shorts and other breakdowns if they setup. Here's what the Swing Trader says:

                    These are all examples of bearish patterns and the last three are bear flags. That top one below the SPY daily chart, SCQ media index, is not an ascending triangle an although not exactly bearish could fool you into thinking that.

                    CMVT has been doing well!


                    • Nice range pop on CMVT


                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        Where are you Ski?

                        Still holding PETS?
                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          Just laying back and reading and listening to the posts for awhile. Had a big computer malfunction an everything, except my handheld, was shut down for a couple of weeks from the end of August to Sept. 17. Just got everything back to normal. Had no backup whatsoever on anything on my harddrives and lost all of it. Had to reconfigure everything new to the new hard drive. Talk about a pain in the ass.

                          I'm holding 20 of the Dec. 12.50 call contracts on PETS. I'm averaged in at .69. Thought it was going to go off on this past Tuesday but it stalled and had a big drop on Wed on bigger volume. Recouped a big part of the drop yesterday and the channel on the daily chart looks like it is coming up to a channel long.

                          I got alittle anxious on the first buy on the options and bought the first 10 contracts at .85 an it immediately fell to around the .40/.45 range right after I bought them. I bought another 10 contracts at .55 and am holding. I think it showed decent strength this week bouncing back after the drop on Wednesday. Still stalking SNAK and waiting for it to make up it's mind on what it wants to do.


                          • New-born baby
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 6095

                            Hand held

                            Originally posted by skiracer
                            Just laying back and reading and listening to the posts for awhile. Had a big computer malfunction an everything, except my handheld, was shut down for a couple of weeks from the end of August to Sept. 17. Just got everything back to normal. Had no backup whatsoever on anything on my harddrives and lost all of it. Had to reconfigure everything new to the new hard drive. Talk about a pain in the ass.

                            I'm holding 20 of the Dec. 12.50 call contracts on PETS. I'm averaged in at .69. Thought it was going to go off on this past Tuesday but it stalled and had a big drop on Wed on bigger volume. Recouped a big part of the drop yesterday and the channel on the daily chart looks like it is coming up to a channel long.

                            I got alittle anxious on the first buy on the options and bought the first 10 contracts at .85 an it immediately fell to around the .40/.45 range right after I bought them. I bought another 10 contracts at .55 and am holding. I think it showed decent strength this week bouncing back after the drop on Wednesday. Still stalking SNAK and waiting for it to make up it's mind on what it wants to do.
                            That hand held--a quote tracker? Do you like it? Would you buy another? What advice have you got for someone considering buying one?

                            What's your take on BMHC?
                            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by New-born baby
                              That hand held--a quote tracker? Do you like it? Would you buy another? What advice have you got for someone considering buying one?

                              What's your take on BMHC?
                              No, it's an ealyier Dell handheld that I had on my ISP broadband setup. It's outdated and isn't wireless which is the only way to go today. I'm looking at the new Blackberry's with eSignals Quotetracker program. Haven't bought it yet.
                              Regarding BMHC. I like it and think it will continue up but I wouldn't buy the stock. To pricey and to much money on the line to make a couple of thousand. Plenty of other good and lesser priced issues out there to play.
                              The options, out a few months, might be worth looking at. Something out of the money and with a strike of around 100/105 might be worthwhile speculating with.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • skiracer
                                Senior Member
                                • Dec 2004
                                • 6314

                                Been watching this one and lost track of it for a few weeks with my systems being down. Some insiders have been buying big chunks recently.
                                THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

