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  • Best time to buy RES. Industry pull back cover RES's strong earnings this morning. $2

    Best time to buy RES. Industry pull back cover RES's strong earnings this morning. $22 level is unbelievable low. I am buying here with previous shares. Oil price just temporaly pull back a little bit and will back up again soon. Oilfield industry is promising in 2006 and demand side of the oilfield equiptments is growing. Tomorrow RES will rebounce back to $27

    Here is the article from Bloomberg, $100 a barrel is possible.

    Ex-Chevron Scientist Sees Opportunity in Oil at $100 a Barrel

    By Charles Siler
    Jan. 18 (Bloomberg)

    ....Tertzakian, a former scientist for Chevron Corp., is chief energy economist of ARC Financial Corp., an investment-management company in Calgary, Alberta, that runs private-equity funds focused on energy.

    Sometime this year, he says, global oil demand will reach 86 million barrels a day, or 1,000 barrels a second. We're on the cusp of a ``break point'' that will change how we consume energy, creating opportunities as well as challenges for companies and investors.

    ``Oil at $20 per barrel is history, at least until major changes reduce the uncertainty, pressure and volatility that we are only now beginning to experience,'' he writes. ``Seasonal spikes of $100 per barrel or more will be the new reality.''

    The world isn't running out of petroleum, he says: ``There is plenty of oil left in the ground to last us many decades, if not longer.'' Unfortunately, he adds, demand is accelerating even as the world is running short on the best grade of petroleum, light sweet crude.


    • The stock looks broken to me although if it holds at today's low (so far) it might be good for a DCB in the next day or so.


      • RES is a strong buy here, 38% cut from its 52-weeks high is a signal for a buy. RES r

        RES is a strong buy here, 38% cut from its 52-weeks high is a signal for a buy. RES reports a strong earnings Wed and good guidance for 2006.RES is a very solid company with huge demand on its oilfield products.

        Compare to all other competitors, such as BJS, SLB, BHI, TTI, etc, RES has the second highest ROE 29.26%, slightly behind SLB. RES forward PE is only 16 and Profit Margin 14.2% and no debt. More importantly,Qtrly Earnings Growth 125.7% which is the highest in the oilfield industry.

        Maybe due to industry pull back and oil price retreat recently, RES's price tumble by 38% from its $35 high. But from yesterday's strong move of industry index, we can easly observe the rebounce. Especially today analysts updated BJS and SLB should fuel more confidence to this sector.

        I think this kind of cut only happen in Biotech or high tech. When you see this happen in oilfield industry, definately is a good entry point and you don't want to miss this great chance. No brainer here.

        RES to Present at the Enercom Oil Service Conference IV today, will give more guidance to investors. IBD ranks RES's technical to 95 (highest 99) gives me more confidence that RES will back up to its fair value which I believe is $28.


        • Analysts comments on Oilfield sector on Feb 17 2006 and recommend to buy RES at its l

          Analysts comments on Oilfield sector on Feb 17 2006 and recommend to buy RES at its low price.

          RES's near-term prospects look bright eventhough recent pull back from its 52 weeks high. Based on its strong earnings in 2005, we believe the growth rate will continue in 2006 thanks to oil price surge and oilfield equipment market booming. We are holding our fair value for RES at $28 per share.

          Industry review

          The strong share-price advances of companies in the Oilfield Services/Equipment Industry last year have continued thus far in 2006. The sector's Timeliness ranking in the Value Line system is now 3 (of 9, up another notch since our prior report in November. Many oilfield services concerns are generating record earnings, and their share prices are hitting new highs. Bullish operating fundamentals are reflecting rising worldwide energy demand, coupled with record-high oil and natural gas prices, which have in turn prompted exploration and production (E&P) companies to boost capital spending on drilling and oilfield services.

          Rig Utilization

          The market for drilling rigs and vessels continues to tighten. Domestically, the number of rigs in service totaled 1,473 at the end of January, an increase of 218 from a year earlier. In Canada, the number of rigs in operation totaled 660, versus 550 in January of last year. Internationally, the number of rigs under contract and drilling totaled 905, according to the Baker Hughes-BHI International Rig Count. This is an improvement of 104 rigs from 12 months earlier. (Note: Due to rising political tensions, Baker Hughes has elected not to include in its international tally any rigs directly or indirectly under the control of the governments of Iran and Sudan.) The worldwide rig count is likely to continue to climb over the next few quarters, as demand and high oil and gas prices provide the incentives to drill for more hydrocarbons.

          Oil And Gas Prices

          Oilfield services/equipment companies provide drilling rigs and other ancillary products and services to integrated oil companies and E&Ps. Drilling activity has increased substantially because of growing energy demand and persistently high oil and natural gas prices. The trend continued in 2005, and expectations are for more of the same through 2006. Last year, the Energy Information Administration (EIA), which is part of the U.S. Department of Energy, came out with forecasts for oil prices to remain at least around $50 a barrel through the end of next year. It now appears that even this estimate may be a bit too conservative. The EIA also stated that OPEC's relatively low level of spare operating capacity provides very little room in the event of a sharp rise in demand or to cover a supply disruption. Too, the EIA does not believe that the output of non-OPEC producers will be sufficient to offset OPEC's shortage in spare capacity over the next two years.

          Many names in the sector are posting their best operating results ever, due to oil prices and gas prices reaching all-time highs. The oilfield services firms are benefiting from the extra cash that the integrated oil and E&P companies have generated from high commodity prices, which has prompted greater spending on drilling activities. Moreover, the tightening supply of available rigs due to increased drilling has led to meaningful increases in dayrates.

          These favorable conditions have led to a run-up in share prices of many stocks in the sector in recent months. Their P/E multiples have expanded a bit, but a windfall of profits has kept them below historical highs, as rising dayrates and growing demand for rigs continue to support strong profitability.

          Investment Advice

          Drilling companies are poised for solid results in the quarters ahead, backed by strong oil and natural gas prices and growing global economic expansion. The industry has benefited from increased rig utilization and higher rates charged for rig usage and ancillary products and services. This gives most stocks in the sector good Timeliness ranks. But many of these stocks have appreciated so sharply in such a short period of time that we question their attractiveness from here for capital gains potential out to 2008-2010. Nonetheless, we are in the midst of an extended up cycle in drilling activity that has shown few, if any, signs of slowing. We believe the progress will continue at least through the end of this year, and probably well into 2007. Investors should have in mind, though, the historically volatile nature of the Oilfield/Equipment Services Industry and the stocks that we track here.


          • Oilfield rebounce and small bio stocks

            Oilfield sector is revocering from the volume and price jump.

            Look at SLB, BHI, TTI, all show strong backup from selloff last month.
            RES definately been cut heavily more than 40% from its $35 high, and showing strong buy orders today. Should see much higher rebounce.

            Also, RNAI is $6, 100% profit from my call two months ago with price $3. Also you might look at CARN which granted avi pact today.


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Have you ever used the VTP Cash???


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Sorry Cash, but RES is not through falling yet.


                • Oilfield sector forming double bottom and recovering

                  Originally posted by Websman
                  Sorry Cash, but RES is not through falling yet.

                  SLB upgraded today and BHI got raised by valueline. The whole oilfield industry finally recover after profit taken last month. Similar pattern to steel industry last year. Oil supply is a big concerned and oilfield is booming in the past 3 years and analysts predict this sector will keep profiting and keep the fast growth rate in 2006. Any oilfield stocks is a good buy now. If Iran and Nigaria and Iraq problems can not be solved, oil price will fly to $70 easily.


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Bet anyone a buck that Cashmaker posts again here within 30 days...My chrystal ball is never wrong!!!!
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                    • spikefader
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 7175

                      Originally posted by IIC View Post
                      Bet anyone a buck that Cashmaker posts again here within 30 days...My chrystal ball is never wrong!!!!
                      He might want to but he has a bit of a hurdle it seems hehe


                      • IIC
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 14938

                        Originally posted by spikefader View Post
                        He might want to but he has a bit of a hurdle it seems hehe

                        Doesn't matter...I spelled crystal wrong anyway.

                        The reason I said that is he was posting at another forum too and he disappeared within 3 days of when he vanished from here...then all of a sudden he posted there yesterday...
                        "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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