Hello all,
I was gentley urge to start a new thread. I want to know if there are newbie's out there who need a bit more teaching and maybe we can get it here without wasteing others time reading who are not interested in spreading thier knowledge, (and being bashed).
I have been watching a few penny stockes and it seem to simple to me.
I have lost on penny stocks before but think it was just lack of understanding.
say I bought Tnog (1,000$) at .0033 cents. It goes up to .02 cents. I put in a trigger sell at .02 cents. I end up with almost triple my moneies? Seems to simple.
A little about myself.
Nurse, inherited ge a few yrs back. Since then been following the Market. Ge has been sitting without makeing money for a few yrs. but since its not my monies it dosnt hurt. Do get a nice dividend quarterly to reinvest but thinking not revesting it back to ge and using that monies to expand out.
Bought D, Csx, DVN, Pepsi. On these I have made money. With D and CSX I have doubled...
Bought PLLK,quest.. and lost all. Bought RMH, IIJI, ABT which I have gains but nothing to write to Mamma about.
Now getting interested in learning how to short stocks and attempting to learn how read and follow charts. I do now understand P/e, and the basic's..
This board has the most information I have found since I have been on the search for sharing information. Hate AOL's boards since its mainly bashing and little true facts.
good trading and hoping its skill and not luck,
I was gentley urge to start a new thread. I want to know if there are newbie's out there who need a bit more teaching and maybe we can get it here without wasteing others time reading who are not interested in spreading thier knowledge, (and being bashed).
I have been watching a few penny stockes and it seem to simple to me.
I have lost on penny stocks before but think it was just lack of understanding.
say I bought Tnog (1,000$) at .0033 cents. It goes up to .02 cents. I put in a trigger sell at .02 cents. I end up with almost triple my moneies? Seems to simple.
A little about myself.
Nurse, inherited ge a few yrs back. Since then been following the Market. Ge has been sitting without makeing money for a few yrs. but since its not my monies it dosnt hurt. Do get a nice dividend quarterly to reinvest but thinking not revesting it back to ge and using that monies to expand out.
Bought D, Csx, DVN, Pepsi. On these I have made money. With D and CSX I have doubled...
Bought PLLK,quest.. and lost all. Bought RMH, IIJI, ABT which I have gains but nothing to write to Mamma about.
Now getting interested in learning how to short stocks and attempting to learn how read and follow charts. I do now understand P/e, and the basic's..
This board has the most information I have found since I have been on the search for sharing information. Hate AOL's boards since its mainly bashing and little true facts.
good trading and hoping its skill and not luck,