new to the trade

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  • sisterwin2

    new to the trade

    Hello all,

    I was gentley urge to start a new thread. I want to know if there are newbie's out there who need a bit more teaching and maybe we can get it here without wasteing others time reading who are not interested in spreading thier knowledge, (and being bashed).

    I have been watching a few penny stockes and it seem to simple to me.
    I have lost on penny stocks before but think it was just lack of understanding.


    say I bought Tnog (1,000$) at .0033 cents. It goes up to .02 cents. I put in a trigger sell at .02 cents. I end up with almost triple my moneies? Seems to simple.

    A little about myself.

    Nurse, inherited ge a few yrs back. Since then been following the Market. Ge has been sitting without makeing money for a few yrs. but since its not my monies it dosnt hurt. Do get a nice dividend quarterly to reinvest but thinking not revesting it back to ge and using that monies to expand out.

    Bought D, Csx, DVN, Pepsi. On these I have made money. With D and CSX I have doubled...

    Bought PLLK,quest.. and lost all. Bought RMH, IIJI, ABT which I have gains but nothing to write to Mamma about.

    Now getting interested in learning how to short stocks and attempting to learn how read and follow charts. I do now understand P/e, and the basic's..

    This board has the most information I have found since I have been on the search for sharing information. Hate AOL's boards since its mainly bashing and little true facts.

    good trading and hoping its skill and not luck,
  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971


    You'll get more responses to your questions in the general discussion forum. You posted this in the portrait gallery area. I have asked Karel to move it for you.

    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      It's great to have you! Trust me when I say that you will never get bashed on the Mr Market boards.

      Don't be afraid to ask questions. There's a lot of great traders here to learn from.

      Congratulations! You've found the best investing forum on the internet.


      • #4
        Don't buy penny stocks; there is my word of advice. A great majority of them are scams, and difficult to find out which ones aren't. Just a few days ago a few on this board were looking over HISC.PK and wondering about its prospects. The company was going to release big news after the market and shares were getting snatched up in anticipation. The big news? Silence. HISC down 20% today.

        They just aren't well regulated enough to know if you are getting swindled.

        So...from one beginner to another (who was pretty quick to wash his hands of the cheap stuff), skip that lesson.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by Iggy
          . Just a few days ago a few on this board were looking over HISC.PK and wondering about its prospects. The company was going to release big news after the market and shares were getting snatched up in anticipation. The big news? Silence. HISC down 20% today.

          They just aren't well regulated enough to know if you are getting swindled.

          So...from one beginner to another (who was pretty quick to wash his hands of the cheap stuff), skip that lesson.
          Very good advice.

          True, we were looking at HISC, but we did not buy it for the very reasons you talk about. I may still consider buying it, but I would never risk any "real" investment capital in it. I would consider any pink sheet stock as a gamble and nothing else. It's more like playing a slot machine in Vegas...sometimes you win and sometimes you don't.


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by Iggy
            Don't buy penny stocks; there is my word of advice. A great majority of them are scams, and difficult to find out which ones aren't. Just a few days ago a few on this board were looking over HISC.PK and wondering about its prospects. The company was going to release big news after the market and shares were getting snatched up in anticipation. The big news? Silence. HISC down 20% today.

            They just aren't well regulated enough to know if you are getting swindled.

            So...from one beginner to another (who was pretty quick to wash his hands of the cheap stuff), skip that lesson.
            For some reason I wrote this big long post about penny stocks at work...and then it wouldn't post...But anyway...STAY AWAY unless you want to make it a full time job...I dabble...but just with my lunch is TOUGH...and IGGY is right...Scams are bad enough in the listed stocks...but the pennies are normally ripoffs...IIC
            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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            • #7
              Originally posted by sisterwin2
              Hello all,

              I was gentley urge to start a new thread. I want to know if there are newbie's out there who need a bit more teaching and maybe we can get it here without wasteing others time reading who are not interested in spreading thier knowledge, (and being bashed).

              I have been watching a few penny stockes and it seem to simple to me.
              I have lost on penny stocks before but think it was just lack of understanding.


              say I bought Tnog (1,000$) at .0033 cents. It goes up to .02 cents. I put in a trigger sell at .02 cents. I end up with almost triple my moneies? Seems to simple.

              A little about myself.

              Nurse, inherited ge a few yrs back. Since then been following the Market. Ge has been sitting without makeing money for a few yrs. but since its not my monies it dosnt hurt. Do get a nice dividend quarterly to reinvest but thinking not revesting it back to ge and using that monies to expand out.

              Bought D, Csx, DVN, Pepsi. On these I have made money. With D and CSX I have doubled...

              Bought PLLK,quest.. and lost all. Bought RMH, IIJI, ABT which I have gains but nothing to write to Mamma about.

              Now getting interested in learning how to short stocks and attempting to learn how read and follow charts. I do now understand P/e, and the basic's..

              This board has the most information I have found since I have been on the search for sharing information. Hate AOL's boards since its mainly bashing and little true facts.

              good trading and hoping its skill and not luck,
              Here is about a 45 min video that talks about a short set up.

              You should not need a password. The info is from yesterday. Hope this helps!


              • sisterwin2

                Here is about a 45 min video that talks about a short set up.

                You should not need a password. The info is from yesterday. Hope this helps!
                Things in motion change..

                I tried to watch this and it kept breakinig up on me. So I order a cd on shorting. I thank you and will get back after I recieve/study it. Isn't life grand when you get excited to learn new tricks. I also looked on the thread that listed the fav. books. Order some of them too. I just finish Warren Buffet book... still a bit over my head.


                Diluded shares... can I get a simple explanation on the term?



                • jiesen
                  Senior Member
                  • Sep 2003
                  • 5320

                  Originally posted by sisterwin2
                  Diluded shares... can I get a simple explanation on the term?

                  Diluted shares: When you figure the total number of shares of a company outstanding, you get one number, but if you add the effect of unexercised options, you get another number. The higher number of shares is the "diluted" number of shares.

                  Example: Acme Buggy Whips has 10M shares outstanding, but the CEO has 1M options to buy shares at $0.01. If he chooses to exercise them, there will be 11M shares outstanding. If that's all of the options that exist, the total "diluted" shares outstanding is 11M. Companies typically report their earnings divided by both of these numbers to keep the shareholders from deluding themselves into believing that all of the earnings are theirs, when in fact, they need to keep in mind that option holders have a claim on a portion of it, too.

