WMT getting cheaper my the day
Almost hit 42 today, 40 may be just around the corner. I think my plan will be to wait for FNM and WMT both to get under 40, then sell my (Jan 06 $40) FNM puts and use the proceeds to buy WMT stock. I think I'll be able to get $4-5 for those puts if FNM hits 38 next month. And this hurricane along with a flurry of bankruptcies in October just might do it- only problem is, will I be sorry I cashed in so soon, when FNM hits $25 in the following month?
Almost hit 42 today, 40 may be just around the corner. I think my plan will be to wait for FNM and WMT both to get under 40, then sell my (Jan 06 $40) FNM puts and use the proceeds to buy WMT stock. I think I'll be able to get $4-5 for those puts if FNM hits 38 next month. And this hurricane along with a flurry of bankruptcies in October just might do it- only problem is, will I be sorry I cashed in so soon, when FNM hits $25 in the following month?