TA vs. FA ..... a contest

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    TA vs. FA ..... a contest

    I'm worried that the Tecnical Analysts (TA) crowd is taking over Mr.Market's forum. As humble as we are, the Fundamental Analysts (FA) fellows can take no more and challenge New-born , Spike, Runner , and their kind to a showdown. So far it is billyjoe and Jiesen against the evil TAers. We need 5 TA people to position their charts against 5 FA's with their awesome numbers : earnings , sales, etc.
    We need 3 more Fundamental folks to join Jiesen and billyjoe and 4 Technical dudes as New-born is the only committed TA so far.

    Since we issued the challenge, we will give the initial advantage to the TAers in a two day contest where each team member picks a stock . After two days in the market either the TA or the FA team will be declared superior. We realize that 2 days is an eternity for the TA bunch, but too bad, we thought of it first.

    Then we will conduct another test with each team picking 5 stocks for a week long contest.

    Let's get some more contestants. First to sign up are in, 5 per team. No duplicate picks on the same team. Don't tell us your picks until starting times are announced.

    See posts on "Jiesen takes over the world" for background info.

  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Good, Spike is in, we need 3 more Technicals and 3 more Fundamentalists.



    • #3
      Hey BillyJoe, thank you for your invitation. I personally would not be interested in such a contest. I respect all traders both FA and TA alike. I go off signals and if my signal hits in 2 days or not determines the action I take. Many times my signal to sell hits the same day I enter and so this is why I would not be interested, plus I don’t think it matters to me. If your style suits you fine then great. Really I have nothing to prove.


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5320

        sign me up

        and count on my pick being AMLN. I'll take it on any 2-day, 10-day or 20-day period this year!


        • dmk112
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2004
          • 1759

          I'll take a seat on the TA team if I can.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Runner is out ,but dmk112 is in. We need 2 more TA's and 3 more FA's. RL, Ray Long where are you? I count a dartist as a FA. Chartist vs. Dartist. Ray, help me and jiesen out, please.



            • jiesen
              Senior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 5320

              hey, $$MM, you want to throw your Vegas winner into the ring on this? We could use your HUGE talent to defeat the evil TA doers.


              • RL
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1215

                Billy I'm I'n just so my team mates know I'm throwing darts
                Ray Long


                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  As a Vulcan I can not enter this contest, as I straddle both sides of the TA/FA fence. We Vulcans like to use all logical methods available.


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    I'll take a seat on the T/A side.


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Excellent, ski joins the TA bunch and RL the FA gang. We still need 1 TA person and 2 FA's. There's a couple I'd really like on our team, but am too proud to ask. If you count all the stock picking contests we've had on this site (I did) , there have been 35 lasting a week or longer. Of those , there have been 9 multiple winners. One individual has won 5 times and isn't in this contest yet. Another has won 4 times , but has yet to appear here. Sign up for the FA team and see what riches await you. I'm not saying who they are 'cause those TA's will surely go after them.



                      • #12
                        Here is my analogy of the difference between the FA guy and the TA guy. One may relate this to football. The FA guys like to look at the whole team and the TA guy is only concerned with the offense and the play book (chart).

                        The FA’s like to play the entire game and when they get things right they win big. The TA’s only mission is to move the ball down the field. They strive for first downs, but sometimes they score a touch down. They believe games are won by using the play book and anticipating the next move. If the opposing team begins to push them back they bail.

                        The FA’s got the play book and the entire book and they investigate weather the team will be worth the investment of time and money. Once they have conducted the research they make a move. They often will not worry about temp set backs because they believe in the numbers and as long as those numbers do not turn against them they will hold. Ta’s could care less about the team in general, they might not even be able to tell you the name of the team, but they are driven with the main mission of getting in and not overstaying there welcome. They believe the game is won by one yard at a time. For many TA’s time is money and often they will get stopped out for a small hit, but they move on to the next team. They study play books all weekend long and look for when the opportunity and time link up together and they attack. Many of these TA guys will play 3-5 teams in one day and do well.

                        Fa guys do well also, many have a system in place and they also follow it to a tee. So in view of this differences of styles it is not fair for either FA or TA to say who is the bigger or better team!!


                        • skiracer
                          Senior Member
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 6314

                          Good show. A great example of middle of the roadmanship. We're going to run you for office as soon as the T/A guys win this event. LOL.


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Runner has it pretty well down...But here's my take...FA long term...TA short term....Intermediate Term...combine 'em...IIC
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

                            Follow Me On Twitter


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              CAN I PLAY?!!! pick me! pick me!

                              Can we short sell? Who are the team captains?

                              I'm open to either team, who's desperate enough to pick the Lyehopper? I can do either TA or FA....
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

