IBD 100 and CANSLIM "quality" weekly screens

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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    IBD 100 and CANSLIM "quality" weekly screens


    I don't care what you guys say about my screening critieria as outlined in "mining the IBD, striking gold"... it has proven to work over a 2 month time period, so keep that in mind. It may take 2 months for these to work out, but they work. Everything is well documented, and I have given you the excel spreadsheet for you to do your own backtesting and analysis, so don't give me any BS. I will not waste my time responding to it. Some criteria has been tweaked so that only the best are able to pass the screen. Most of the screening criteria remains the same. The screen results come from the list of IBD 100 and CANSLIM select, offered by Investors Business Daily.

    1.) I am not offering entry points or exit points, that is for you to decide

    2.) I am not following any kind of trading scheme, these are simply stocks to explore

    3.) I will not disclose whether I own the stocks or not.

    4.) This is simply screening results of the IBD 100 and CANSLIM select, no other stocks are considered.

    5.) Independant analysis of the screen results (the stocks) is to be done on your own. I strongly encourage you to post your results here:
    ___a.) do some technical analysis to determine a buying and selling point
    ___b.) do some fundamental analysis to see whether you'll agree that there is "quality" in the picks
    ___c.) do some analysis of the market
    ___d.) do some work on company events. when will they make certain reports / events readily available?

    6.) This is NOT a forum to debate the merits of IBD, CANSLIM, William O'Neil, or any other "service" to the investing public. Do not attempt to do this, you will be ignored.

    7.) The discussion should be on the stocks, not the posters, or the car you drive, or how many cows you have, or what goji's taste like, or whether or not you got kicked off of IBD or not, or who you miss, or any other irrelevant information. This is about STOCKS!!!! Keep it that way.

    8.) If you don't like the thread, then simply pass by it. Don't bother to waste my time or the other poster's time by making us read your mind's diarrhea. Post relevant information only. If you feel the need to waste time, start your own dang thread.

    Enough said.... the next post begins the topic of "IBD 100 and CANSLIM "quality" weekly screen" results.
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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    4-28-06 screen results

    IBD 100:


    CANSLIM select:

    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • #3
      It requires a lot longer data period than two months to prove or disprove the effectiveness of any system, Peanuts.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Keep up the work. Whether we agree with your methods or IBD doesn't matter.


        • New-born baby
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 6095


          Keep it coming! I am reading it And there are a lot more like me
          pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by DSteckler
            It requires a lot longer data period than two months to prove or disprove the effectiveness of any system, Peanuts.
            Not for day traders and swing traders
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            • #7
              Originally posted by IIC
              Not for day traders and swing traders
              Actually, it does. Look at some of the work published by Larry Connors and Dave Landry. They are day/swing traders and the methodologies they published in their books shows the win/loss parameters of years of backtesting. That's the only way to have confidence in a trading system.


              • New-born baby
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 6095


                Great Avatar, Peanuts.

                BOOM: took a beautiful $9 dump last Thursday. Looking at weekly and daily charts, I think BOOM has a chance to return to $43 here this week. The problem with BOOM is that it has no option chain. Otherwise I wouldn't be afraid to take it here and ride it until Friday. Probably a nice POTW candidate.

                Having said all of that I will say that BOOM could also go South. I don't think it will here because it has had quite a bit of momo, and that should carry it higher. When the momo cools off, that $9 drop in one day would signal that $27 is back in vogue. But, imho, not just yet.
                pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                • df21084
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2004
                  • 258

                  Question for New-born

                  Originally posted by New-born baby
                  Great Avatar, Peanuts.

                  The problem with BOOM is that it has no option chain. Otherwise I wouldn't be afraid to take it here and ride it until Friday. Probably a nice POTW candidate.
                  I believe you've stated more than once that you won't buy a stock unless it has an option chain. Why? Why is an option chain important when making a decision about a stock?

                  Happy investing,

                  My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


                  • #10

                    HANS moved nice from its lower channel,no option either.

                    I believe NB prefers optionable stocks to provide protection and increased profit potential.I agree with him.

                    cordially Tom


                    • New-born baby
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 6095

                      NBB's options

                      Originally posted by df21084
                      I believe you've stated more than once that you won't buy a stock unless it has an option chain. Why? Why is an option chain important when making a decision about a stock?

                      Hi Dave,
                      Simple. With an option chain I can daytrade the stock and still own it. Or I can sell out of the money calls if the stock turns against me and profit on the stock without selling it short. And frankly I like to have a pacifier in my mouth when I own a stock and I am away from the office.

                      It gives you a lot of ways to profit if the stock turns against you.
                      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                      • #12

                        HANS is moving huge,great pick

                        cordially Tom


                        • #13
                          BOOM showed up on a screen of mine and I owned it briefly, but I bailed out with a small profit when they announced that a majority holder would be unloading their entire position. Inexplicably, the stock climbed from there until another announcement of the same news a month later, when it crashed on very large volume. The market is just wierd sometimes.

                          This secondary, of which no proceeds go to the company, is still not priced.


                          • scifos
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 790

                            BOOM almost made my Top 15 screen this week. Good thing it didn't.
                            Buy Low
                            Sell High
                            STAY FROSTY!


                            • peanuts
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2006
                              • 3365

                              The weekly return is in parentheses

                              Originally posted by peanuts
                              IBD 100:

                              USG (1.73%)
                              BOOM (1.23%)
                              HANS (14.48%)
                              ERS (-10.17%)
                              OXPS (.22%)
                              SCSS (1.13%)

                              CANSLIM select:

                              BOOM (1.23%)
                              DRQ (13.35%)
                              LVS (10.04%)
                              The return is the difference between Friday, April 28 and Friday, May 5 closing price... only one in the negative territory (ERS) but it was an obvious short term "sell"
                              Hide not your talents.
                              They for use were made.
                              What's a sundial in the shade?

                              - Benjamin Franklin

