Himalayan Goji Juice

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Websman
    They work great on an escaping inmate. It makes them fall off of the fence fast and the mess it leaves behind makes the others think twice before they try it.
    I thought those tower guards would be armed with the M-60 machine gun. That bad boy has been known to cut a man in half. All they need to do is walk the tracers up to the target. Simple effective and to the point.. Maybe I could also see a use for the M-203 this pup fires a 40MM grenade effectively out to around 350 meters. It comes with a HE round or high explosive. It will kill anything with-in a 5-meter area. Nice little thumper it is.

    I could see Webs placing out claymores at the fence and hiding in a ditch heck knowing webs he would daisy chain a bunch together and laugh as the ground shakes after he detonates them and sends millions of tiny steel balls flying at his target(s). Oh how about the M21 sniper rife. It to fires a 7.62MM round, as does the M-60. The scope on this bad boy is just awesome. The last resort weapon for webs is the M202-Flash. It fires 4 incendiary rockets and will burn anything that it hits. This weapon can not be used unless webs gets authorization from higher command and his rules on engagement is that their must be at least 5 inmates or more making a break for it. And they must be outside the wire. Inmates in the open, free fire zone!!!


    • Lyehopper
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 3678

      Originally posted by jiesen
      woah, there, Lye! It looks like you're falling off of your bull!
      It's that darned GoJi Brandy....
      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5320


        another link you may find interesting... let me know if you like it, Lye.


        • Lyehopper
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 3678


          Originally posted by jiesen

          another link you may find interesting... let me know if you like it, Lye.
          You are a freakin genius Jiesen! You are hired as Webmaster for the new Corp dude! Now we've got a website, just need some berries!

          I especially like the "about page"....Webs, check it out.
          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Only one small problem. Is the climate and altitude of the Blue Ridge Mtns. similar to Tibet ?



            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Originally posted by Lyehopper
              You are a freakin genius Jiesen! You are hired as Webmaster for the new Corp dude! Now we've got a website, just need some berries!

              I especially like the "about page"....Webs, check it out.
              Nice work Jeisen!

              The details of the marketing plan are coming together quite nicely. It looks like we have a professionally designed web page created, cultivation techniques are being worked out, and any security concerns have been addressed. So far, I'm impressed.


              • jiesen
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 5320

                Originally posted by Websman
                Nice work Jeisen!

                The details of the marketing plan are coming together quite nicely. It looks like we have a professionally designed web page created, cultivation techniques are being worked out, and any security concerns have been addressed. So far, I'm impressed.
                this is more than a lot of pink sheet companies can say for themselves!


                • Lyehopper
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 3678

                  GoJi factoid....

                  My further GoJi dd has enabled me to calculate some astonishing GoJi data and forward guidance....

                  You would have to eat over 10.5 pounds of Broccoli or 41 pounds of carrots to equal the antioxidant levels in just 6 oz of Goji berries....

                  Think of the money rabbit producers could save in freight alone if they switched from carrots to Goji's!

                  I see a potential 2 million dollar market just in the "replacement rabbit food market" (RRFM) within our first year. Then a qtr over qtr growth of 20%+ in the RRFM starting in 08.... (Insiders tip) short sell carrot producers, spring 06.

                  The potential customer base here is ENDLESS!!! This chart will give you some insight into the GOJI's true potential, This is a real growth story!.... Feel free to post any GoJi dd you've compiled.

                  BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by billyjoe
                    Only one small problem. Is the climate and altitude of the Blue Ridge Mtns. similar to Tibet

                    not just similar.... BETTER!!!!
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      Holy crap ! I just factored in your soil PH, average temperature , wind speed , rainfall , barometric pressure , day length , longitude , and latitude and if I've got this right , Goji berries will reach the size of grapefruits on your land.



                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        More good news!

                        Originally posted by billyjoe
                        Holy crap ! I just factored in your soil PH, average temperature , wind speed , rainfall , barometric pressure , day length , longitude , and latitude and if I've got this right , Goji berries will reach the size of grapefruits on your land.

                        Highly possible.... Talked to the Monsanto rep today.... He says we can produce a Roundup-Ready Goji within a few short years. I'm working out the details so Lyehopper Hollow Goji's will have exclusive rights to the new streign of plant.... Giving us a distinct advantage over EVERY other producer ANY WHERE!!!!

                        With Runners M-21, Ski's M60 and Webs AR-15 , We have the pest problem already taken care of.... Now (thanks to Monsanto) we can just arial over spray the bushes with Roundup and It'll kill off every living weed and creeping vine that threatens the crop... Our Roundup-Ready Goji bushes will not be phased at all by the herbicide.... Plus spraying the crop from the air is very economical.... We can still advertise pesticide free too because roundup is a HERBICIDE!!!! I love creative marketing.... BTW... A one pound (Grapefruit sized) GoJi berry is worth $45+ EACH!!!!
                        Last edited by Lyehopper; 11-08-2005, 11:28 PM.
                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          I think we need a market rally soon.

                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            Mr. Market,
                            We need this thread to unwind and relax after wheeling and dealing and throwing our money around all day. Anyway we're all going to become millionnaires from Lye's IPO .



                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              hate to change the subject....

                              ....does anyone here use satellite internet?.... Direcway or something similar?
                              I'm still on dialup at my house. No cable or DSL available to me out here. Use cable at work.... I'm at home today and.... I HATE THIS FREAKIN DIALUP!!!! Need advice!

                              Plus we'll need a fast internet connection in tower six for (webmaster) Jiesen when he pulls guard duty.
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • jiesen
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 5320

                                Originally posted by Lyehopper
                                ....does anyone here use satellite internet?.... Direcway or something similar?
                                I'm still on dialup at my house. No cable or DSL available to me out here. Use cable at work.... I'm at home today and.... I HATE THIS FREAKIN DIALUP!!!! Need advice!

                                Plus we'll need a fast internet connection in tower six for (webmaster) Jiesen when he pulls guard duty.
                                Maybe try an EVDO modem? I hear they work great for long distance wireless connection, and for a fraction of the price of a satellite linkup. AFT makes them (a stock I currently own) so give their website a look to see if it could work in your area.

