Week 9 Cheap Stock Port Hold and Fold Method
3 Huge winners this week RWC +19.06% GEOI +11.75% MOSS +7.47%
Final dollar totals (started with $100,000 each position)
HOM stopped Mon.$95,010
TLF stopped Tues. 95,072
MED stopped Wed. $102,027
RWC stopped Wed. 119,060
GEOI stopped Wed. 111,746
NUAN stopped Thurs. $96,697
PRFT stopped Thurs. 95,897
EGY stopped Thurs. 99,564
LPSN stopped Thurs. 98,761
MOSS sold Friday $107,465
Grand Total $1,021,299 minus transaction fees of $300 = $1,020,999 or again of 2.1%. Next week is the final week of the experiment.
3 Huge winners this week RWC +19.06% GEOI +11.75% MOSS +7.47%
Final dollar totals (started with $100,000 each position)
HOM stopped Mon.$95,010
TLF stopped Tues. 95,072
MED stopped Wed. $102,027
RWC stopped Wed. 119,060
GEOI stopped Wed. 111,746
NUAN stopped Thurs. $96,697
PRFT stopped Thurs. 95,897
EGY stopped Thurs. 99,564
LPSN stopped Thurs. 98,761
MOSS sold Friday $107,465
Grand Total $1,021,299 minus transaction fees of $300 = $1,020,999 or again of 2.1%. Next week is the final week of the experiment.