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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    Rocker!!!!! Dude!!!!

    Originally posted by Rob
    Hey, dude, what do I have to do to get an invitation to that huge cook-out? [Wink, wink, nudge, nudge]
    Is that you Rocker Rob?.... DUDE!!!! where have you been? You knooooow you're invited bro.... just bring that guitar. Hey you would get along good with the Vulcan "Websman", he a "player" too.

    Hey fellas.... This is the dude that turned me on to $$MM$$ several years ago. We go waaaaay back. I rolled the dice on one of Robs picks back in "03" and nailed down six figures over night..... Ain't that right Rob?

    Hey What are you buying these days anyhow?
    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • Rob
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 3194

      Yeah, it's me.

      Well, that's almost right. I think it was Feb. '04. Ancient history now, huh?

      By the way, I shouldn't have sold my OVTI. It's done quite well in the past several months.

      I bought GOOG in early Dec. for about $403, rode it up to the $470s, and then rode it right back down and bailed with only a fraction of the profit I could have bagged. Oh well. I'm watching it really close come Monday morning, 'cause it's cheaper now then when I bought it before. If it looks like the punishment is about over, I might have to get on board the Google Express once again. But I'm willing to wait and buy it cheaper if they want to hammer it some more.

      Imclone has been basing for almost a year now, and I'm still holding tight, because I think this year will be bery, bery good to IMCL. (They report on Tues., by the way.)


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Rob
        Well, that's almost right. I think it was Feb. '04. Ancient history now, huh?

        By the way, I shouldn't have sold my OVTI. It's done quite well in the past several months.

        I bought GOOG in early Dec. for about $403, rode it up to the $470s, and then rode it right back down and bailed with only a fraction of the profit I could have bagged. Oh well. I'm watching it really close come Monday morning, 'cause it's cheaper now then when I bought it before. If it looks like the punishment is about over, I might have to get on board the Google Express once again. But I'm willing to wait and buy it cheaper if they want to hammer it some more.

        Imclone has been basing for almost a year now, and I'm still holding tight, because I think this year will be bery, bery good to IMCL. (They report on Tues., by the way.)
        Dude it's good to hear from you!.... Why don't you play the POTW with us this week. I'll enter IMCL for you if you'd like. Here are the rules if you're interested.... btw.... I sent you an email today. It went thru so I guess your address is the same.

        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • spikefader
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 7175

          Originally posted by Lyehopper
          I was just sittin here watching my tickers and listening to a little Blue Grass (Bill monroe).... and the thought hit me..... Wonder why I am patient when holding a long position allowing the stock to slide 7-8% (or more) because I think it'll recover..... but if I'm holding short I get all nervous when my short rises 1%.... What is wrong with my brain?..... hmmmmmm? I think I'm on to something here.... not sure what.... but it's something.lol

          I'll finish off this pot of black coffee and see what I come up with.

          lol hey I think I know what it is dude! It's simple: Stocks fall faster than they rise! You've got speed on your side lol
          EDIT: lol doh! I just realized I read that wrong. Seems like you don't like goin' fast, and you're a papaw, so short isn't what you feel comfortable doin'! lol

