Steckler's Star Studded Stock Picks

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  • NVR - trouble ahead?

    Resistance at the 200DMA, around 782.


    • MAPS update

      Easily cleared its 50DMA on average volume. Volume Flow Indicator turned positive today and very low daily ADX (12.5 suggests that the breakout, regardless of direction, will be strong. The 52-week high is 14.65 and todays high was 14.45.


      • RL
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 1215

        Dave would like your advice. Looks like the market could have a decent run but no one knows for sure. A'm I better off holding 6 top stocks or should I try to swing trade? Anyone else reading this would like your In put also.
        Ray Long


        • << A'm I better off holding 6 top stocks or should I try to swing trade? >>

          Ray, it would be foolish of me or anyone else to answer that question without much more information from you. For example, are you independently wealthy with a seven figure net worth or living paycheck to paycheck? Have 12 mouths to feed or single with no family obligations? Age 35 and in the pink of health or age 99 with one foot in the grave?

          My facetious point is that if you're asking that question, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to sit down with a certified financial planner and asking him or her for an analysis of your financial situation. Only after that is completed would you be ready for an answer to that question.


          • mystiky
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 333

            Your follow-up on TRAD...???


            I was wondering if you have any further comments about TRAD. You replied in Spike's group last Friday that "Connect the 11/14 and 12/6 highs and draw a trendline. It runs up to about 15.50, just above where TRAD closed today. Will be interesting to see what happens Monday."

            Looks like TRAD had it's nice debut at #9 on the IBD100. But, it seems like towards the 2nd part of the day, more and more sellers started to appear.

            It closed at 15.73, which is FURTHER AWAY from the DAY HIGH (16.25) than the day LOW (15.42). So, its not as bullish as the previous 3 or 4 closes, which were almost all at the high of the day at the close. Also, the stochastics look really overbought on the short-term. Hey, its gone up from 12.40 (low print) to 16.25 (top print) during these first 5 days of 2006!

            Is it forming a SHOOTING-STAR DOJI?

            I am seeing short-term support at 15.50, 15.30 and then probably 15. If one was to short it near $16 tommorow on any gapup, would it be a prudent play for a $1 or $1.50 gain?


            • dmk112
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2004
              • 1759

              Originally posted by DSteckler
              << A'm I better off holding 6 top stocks or should I try to swing trade? >>

              Ray, it would be foolish of me or anyone else to answer that question without much more information from you. For example, are you independently wealthy with a seven figure net worth or living paycheck to paycheck? Have 12 mouths to feed or single with no family obligations? Age 35 and in the pink of health or age 99 with one foot in the grave?

              My facetious point is that if you're asking that question, it wouldn't be a bad idea for you to sit down with a certified financial planner and asking him or her for an analysis of your financial situation. Only after that is completed would you be ready for an answer to that question.

              Dave which style would your recommend for the different types of people you mentioned?


              • RL
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1215

                Dave I'm retired and have already feed 4 mouths they have thier educations and are all better healed than I am. I have apox. 35k to play with however have no more to add to It.I enjoy the trading [gambling] however naturally trying to make money not here to give It away only wanted to know If you felt I could make more by holding during a good market or trading? I realize something catastrophic could happen or I could wake up on a cloud at any time.However you answer this Is not gosepel or If you choose to not answer It at all we will remain friends on this forum.
                Ray Long


                • Originally posted by DSteckler
                  Broke out of a coil today. Breakout is suspect, however, since volume is only half the ADV.
                  Dave, what is a coil?


                  • Dave, I forgot to welcome you to the forum. Welcome and I look forward to learning a lot from you and your team. I have a question. What are some of your thoughts regarding exit strategies? It seems we all place much effort in the set-ups and little on the exit. I’ve herd it is because we feel in control on the entry is this true? What are some of your exit rules or strategies? I use to think I could pick out the tops but the market has a way of making fools out of us.



                    • << Is it forming a SHOOTING-STAR DOJI? >>

                      That's a shooting star. A doji is a candlestick where the open and close are the same price. That wasn't the case with TRAD although the O/C prices were close to each other. Shooting star candlesticks are bearish in an uptrend.

                      << I am seeing short-term support at 15.50, 15.30 and then probably 15. If one was to short it near $16 tommorow on any gapup, would it be a prudent play for a $1 or $1.50 gain? >>

                      Sure. You're talking about a 6% - 9% gain. On a swing or day trade, that's a great return.


                      • << If you felt I could make more by holding during a good market or trading? >>

                        Ray, I don't mean to be evasive or deliberately not answer but it takes a lot more than the answers to a few questions to properly advise you. Seriously, you should be asking your question to a certified financial planner who can ask the questions you needed to be asked, and answered, in order to give you a useful recommendation.

                        Trust me on this, I've been down this road many times before with clients.


                        • << Dave which style would your recommend for the different types of people you mentioned? >>

                          Welcome to Investment Planning 101. LOL! I'm sorry but the answer would take pages for me to properly explain what styles would be suitable for each type of investors in my example.


                          • Coils

                            << Dave, what is a coil? >>

                            A coil is a pennant-like formation that can develop over a period of time that may be as short as a few bars or as long as several months. The pattern differs from a pennant in that there is no preceding sharp upswing in price - that is, there's no "pole." A good example of a coil is a symmetrical triangle.

                            Coils are consolidation (rather than continuation) patterns because of their tight trading patterns, with lower highs and higher lows. It is a largely unpredictable pattern because prices can break out in either direction; buyers and sellers are about equal in strength. I look at various technical indicators to help gauge in which direction the coil is likely to break out.


                            • Exit strategies

                              Runner, my wife is hollaring at me to take the dogs out for a walk. I'll get back to you on this in the morning.


                              • Well heck now I know what a coil is. I even trade the set-up with trigger line above proceeding days high. In fact I found that formation happens very often. I saw it in APPL. I just figured that the coil was more likely then not to follow the longer-term trend. Based on the direction of the coil I think I received 5 signals on AAPL since Oct. I figured the gap down in Dec was a caution signal but the 30ema held and popped off it.

                                Thanks for giving me the TA coil definition.

