On slots the casinos measure what is called "coin-in," i.e., how much coin you dropped into the machine. You bring $500 and go home with $500, but if you played 6 hours day your coin-in might be $10,000. That attracts freebie offers!
Should Mr. Market Hold A Convention in '06???
Originally posted by DStecklerOn slots the casinos measure what is called "coin-in," i.e., how much coin you dropped into the machine. You bring $500 and go home with $500, but if you played 6 hours day your coin-in might be $10,000. That attracts freebie offers!"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by DStecklerUgh. Tremendous house advantge to that game."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by New-born babyAlright, Dave:
Ya scared me the other day saying we ought to buy GooG and "sell higher." That chart said $316 is the bottom . . . and you said, "Buy low, sell higher this year." Okay, now's your chance! What's the plan, Stan?THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
So...Are we having a convention or not???...My wife is bugging me about our vacation plans...Got 2 days in April and 5 in October planned...I get 4 1/2 weeks a year...and I still have over 2 weeks leftover from last year...Doug"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IICSo...Are we having a convention or not???...My wife is bugging me about our vacation plans...Got 2 days in April and 5 in October planned...I get 4 1/2 weeks a year...and I still have over 2 weeks leftover from last year...DougTHE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracerNormally I would go anywhere for something like this but right now I'm just bringing a 68 unit 4 story condimium project out of the ground with a specifically tight construction schedule an it would have to be on the east coast within a 150 mi. radius of NYC for me to even think of attending. I know that won't influence the final decision but that's it for me. The time element is another story."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Slots Payouts
Originally posted by DStecklerOn slots the casinos measure what is called "coin-in," i.e., how much coin you dropped into the machine. You bring $500 and go home with $500, but if you played 6 hours day your coin-in might be $10,000. That attracts freebie offers!
I have seen in an article where a few sloats in Nevada actually pay slightly over 100% .....I did not believe it either . I think these were high denomination slots! In other words if you can play long enough ........you HAVE to come out ahead!
OK...Are we gonna have this convention or not?...I've got 7 weeks vacation this year but I've already committed to 2 1/2 weeks...I have June and July available and October too...Actually, I'm going to Cape Cod in October but I have not set the date yet so if it is in Atlantic City I could work around it I think.
My preference is July except for the first week. I'd prefer Las Vegas or Atlantic City...Actually, I'd prefer a 3 day cruise to the Bahamas but it doesn't seem like many would come.
Ernie...When are you available? Even 20 or 30 would be pretty cool w/ spouses or friends and even the kids welcome IMO...So????????
If we are actually going to have one I would be happy to help w/ the arrangements...But we should hurry up and set it up...It's almost Christmas...Doug(IIC)"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by mrmarketIf you guys plan it, and it's in Atlantic City, I will come.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
OK...Let me see what I can come up with in July in Atlantic City...Will keep you posted...Doug"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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