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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Come back and I'll believe you're a kid unless you post during school hours.



    • New-born baby
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 6095

      Is it really you?

      Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
      SsSsSsSsssss! Should I post a sexy picture of myself now or wait a while?
      Is this really you? Looks like the camera got him just as he was posting on MM Forums. Lou, please note the caption on the pic.
      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        You shouldn't make fun of people with glandular problems. That's not Lye,it's Sticky.



        • peanuts
          Senior Member
          • Feb 2006
          • 3365

          Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
          My thoughts are that you are not a high school student but someone playing little games....I say this because your writing style is nothing like a high school student's.
          Rather than jumping to conclusions, why don't you put him through a test? He could be a really bright kid and I don't think you want to alienate him. Ask him questions.
          Hide not your talents.
          They for use were made.
          What's a sundial in the shade?

          - Benjamin Franklin


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by peanuts View Post
            Rather than jumping to conclusions, why don't you put him through a test? He could be a really bright kid and I don't think you want to alienate him. Ask him questions.
            He's a 15 year old kid. I would bet on it.


            • Lyehopper
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 3678

              Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
              Is this really you? Looks like the camera got him just as he was posting on MM Forums. Lou, please note the caption on the pic.
              That's just sick NBB.... Does your congragation know that you post nude pictures of fat men on internet forums? Maybe you should go to confession.... or what ever it is that self righteous naughty Baptists do.
              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
                That's just sick NBB.... Does your congragation know that you post nude pictures of fat men on internet forums? Maybe you should go to confession.... or what ever it is that self righteous naughty Baptists do.
                OMG!!!! hehehehe

                I feel bad for laughing so loud
                Hide not your talents.
                They for use were made.
                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  I'm going to tape that picture on my refrigerator and I'll never eat again.



                  • JohnHenry
                    Senior Member
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 1020

                    Hey guys. I have to a book report due on Wed, a chem, and physics lab due for Friday.

                    Btw, that's sick that you guys put a nake picture of Santa Claus.


                    • Originally posted by New-born baby View Post
                      Is this really you? Looks like the camera got him just as he was posting on MM Forums. Lou, please note the caption on the pic.
                      now that's huge! I bet he'd field dress over 300 lbs.


                      • JohnHenry
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 1020

                        Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                        My thoughts are that you are not a high school student but someone playing little games....I say this because your writing style is nothing like a high school student's.
                        Hi Tatnic…Gee at first glance, I thought you were saying my writing was somewhere in the junior high level…I felt bummed out on the way to school but after reading it the second time. Um…Yeah, Hey! Thanks for thinking I write like an adult; you don’t know how much it means for me to hear that, thanks.

                        Let me tell you how my spelling and writing has improved just a little over the past several months. Prior to the BRKA and Mr. M chat rooms, the last book I read was Charlotte Webs like back in the first or second grade. So this tells you I’m not a fan of reading and my writing sucks, that’s why I was placed in a regular English class as for my friends; they were placed in AP English classes. I can hang with the other kids in about any other subjects like math and science.

                        At the beginning of the year some stocks were giving to me and my family but I didn’t know what a stock was. All I knew I could sell them to buy a brand new pair of tennis shoes and a skate board that I really wanted. I can’t skate board but it would look cool strapped to my back pack when I walk to school. I still didn’t get the shoes or the skate board. Before this, the only time I would get on the internet was to check my emails and chat on myspace. Anyway, I tried learning about stocks and money by surfing the net and visiting chat rooms. I met many nice people in the Brka room and that’s where I met Jiesen and he invited me here.

                        I’ve been told by members at both sites that my sentence structure lacks discipline and this doesn’t make me look any better in the eyes of others, so tighten up my ship. Yeah, sure I needed some help with my sentence structures. Thank goodness for people giving advices as to reading IBD and reading anything else I can get my hands on would help to learn all I can. Read everything they tell me! To improve my writing, write as much as I can, write stories, get a job on the school paper, and again read as much as I can. Good techniques were shown to me on how to limit my spelling errors before posting online. Thanks Louetta, Lye, and Doug.

                        I was also told to think about what I was going to say and stand back and think about it before I ask the question and put it out there for everyone to see. So I spend a few seconds, sometime hours to days thinking about what I want to say and put out there first and to make sure if it’s what I really want to say. Thanks for not charging this great piece of advice Ski.

                        For school, like in my English class, I get graded on my sentence structures, grammar, punctuation, and other stuff. In my history class, my teacher, she just grades on the main point and not on grammar. Chem. and physics write ups are different, my instructors grade on series of steps, say if I drop my lab somewhere. Any normal average person can read and follow my procedures to get the same final results that are in my lab notes. So for each class I have to alter my writing style to meet (accommodate) the requirements of those classes.

                        I wished I could write like many of the members on here and at the BRKA room. To give a few examples, Mr. M, his threads are so vivid that I can picture it in my head when I read them; I feel as though if he was in the same room talking to me. When I read Rob’s daily POTW comments, WOW! I also wish I could come up with many clever short stories and write like Rob.

                        As for Louetta PMs (that sounds kinda funny huh...LOL), I have to read them at least three times and that could take a few days. Here writing flows with smoothness, it’s hard to explain; just read her threads yourself and you will see what I’m talking about. I think the reasons I take a long time is that my thinking in not up to her level and I learned a lot from her PMs.

                        I also like reading Parktwains threads but 70% of the time I don’t understand it. One day I will if I just keep at it.

                        When people (my family, friends, or teachers) think I’m pulling a fast one, I don’t think so. The questions or comments I make are what I learned or hear on IBD, the news, people talking on the train/bus, message board rooms, or from my family talking during dinner time, etc. I don’t have a clear understand so I post on here or asked in real life. The posting are other people’s ideas and thoughts. I try putting them in my own words.

                        If you notice, many of my posting are not set to the default font and size and that is because I use MS word or email spelling check before I post. For example, my last post on the $200 for which mutual funds to buy, which took me 20 minutes to write those few sentences. Notice the font and font sizes are larger.

                        In MS word, there’s an option that you can set for sentence structures, grammar, and spelling, etc. from hs school to college level to technical writing level. I set them to college level, except for my labs, which I set to technical style. Also, after I finish my writing, I use the thesaurus to play around with the words to give it some kick.

                        So when you read my posting, the writing is my own style and what I learned in the past few months here, I stole writing styles for the members and added to my own. That’s how you learn right? Sometime who ever is sitting next to me in the computer lab, I grab them, pull them to my computer and make them proof read and correct them before I post them. Maybe that’s why no one wants to sit next to me in the labs.

                        Before learning how to separate my posting into paragraphs, I would write my entire post on myspace in one paragraph that would be at least four or five pages long. When coming here, I notice everyone wrote many smaller paragraphs and it was nicer on the eyes when reading. Some thing I learned and copied from here… do you see the dot dot dot? I learned that from Doug…and I use it often.

                        During the summer, I had trouble understanding some physics concepts; so I asked Jiesen and he took the time to explain to me and gave some helpful links to prepare me for the fall semester. Also Diogenes has given hints to math equations. There are many things that I learn from Dave…the books he tells me to read and Billy Joe for his great example of charts. I do apologize if I left anyone out; I got this phrase from my dad, I hear him say it all the time to his workers.

                        Thanks for making that comment about me writing as an adult, thanks again because you have no ideas what it’s like being 14, man it sucks ass royally. The adult members on the internet would never even have a second thought about talking to me in real life. This is the only place I can go after school and share my ideas without being afraid if someone is telling me that I asked or said something stupid. I’m graceful that I got the chance to meet a lot of talented and gifted people who are willing to help.

                        As for being15, so far it’s the same as 14. I still have to take the bus to school and wait for my brother to pick me up and he’s usually late. For girls, they won’t go out with anyone who doesn’t have a car. All the senior guys with cars get all the hotties. And for the senior girls, get real dude, none of them will go out with a sophomore, especially if you don’t have a car.

                        If you are an English teacher or a professional writer and you think my writing is beyond the hs level, you must tell my English teacher Ms. Riley to bump me up to the AP class next semester so I can get that extra point on my gpa and you must tell the testing center at the junior college to put me in English 1A next semester.

                        Btw, this took me an hour to type up and yes you are correct about me playing games. Aren’t we all? Isn’t the market a game? A game to see who has the best entry and exit timing to make a lot of money?

                        Hey Mr. Peanut Head…Lol, thanks for not alienating me. I got to go and rest, I have JRA and the joints on my fingers are swollen and they starting to hurt. Thanks


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          I don't know Tatnic...I never thought he wrote like an adult???

                          Adman had me fooled w/ his alter ego Stockboy...But I have a hard time believing that Sticky is not who he says he is...Doug(IIC)
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                          Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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                          • billyjoe
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 9014

                            OK I believe you're a kid and a smart one too. Sometimes your writing style seems to change as though another person is writing the post. You also talked about living in California , but going to breakfast with your grandfather in Nevada every morning. I looked at the map and the cities you mentioned weren't close to each other.

                            ---------If your writing continues to improve as it has in the last few months AP English classes should be a breeze for you. Keep up the good work and keep reading.



                            • JohnHenry
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 1020

                              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                              You also talked about living in California , but going to breakfast with your grandfather in Nevada every morning. I looked at the map and the cities you mentioned weren't close to each other.
                              Hi Billy Joe, I think this is what I say back in Aug.

                              Originally posted by StkyTreat View Post
                              Have you eaten at The Original Pancake House in Henderson? My grandfather takes me there every Saturday morning after his golf game. I’ve been there four times this summer. So far this place serves the best omelet. I think they use ostrich eggs for the omelets because I eat the take home for dinner and for breakfast for the next morning. Anyway there’s not much to do here if you can’t drive or gamble.
                              Yeah, I live in Sacramento, Ca and he lives in Henderson, Nv. Well I don't have school during the summer and I don't work. I don't think anything is strange to go on vacation during the summer, do you? I think it's only an hour or maybe an hour and a half to fly from Sac. to L.V., I'm not sure. My grand pop picks me up on Friday evenings and my parents, brother, or sister picks me up on Sunday nights or early Monday mornings.


                              • Lyehopper
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 3678

                                Why do I call him the "Lil' Hustler"....?

                                Because he's smart and he's a fast learner.... Heck! he's got some of you guys thinkin he's an adult....LOL!.... I beleive STKY is indeed a 14 year old kid. BTW, I'm pretty good at figuring this kinda stuff out. AND.... I also predict he'll be worth $15 million before he's 30....

                                Hey STKY! In a few years if you buy a nice farm and want to raise beef cattle?.... Call me and I'll help you get started....

                                PS.... Another nice pick in the POTW, I'm gonna start buyin' your picks!
                                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

