Peanut's Potent Plethora of Profit

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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
    Great!.... in the mean time keep an eye on Q.... it's down another 2.5% since my earlier post.
    ouch! my stop loss still hasn't triggered. Looks like I'll be holding over the weekend...
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • Websman
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 5545

      Originally posted by peanuts View Post
      business hours? what's that? I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, dude. I get calls from China in the middle of the night. For Thanksgiving last year, I had dinner with a bunch of Indians and Chinese in Guangshan, China. My employer knows that if a job needs to be done, they can count on me.

      It's called "multi-tasking"
      I've eaten some really nasty food while in China. It's funny how quickly the Chinese get offended if you don't like their food. It's best to just forget about what it is, swallow it down and act like it's the best food you've ever had...oh and don't forget to tell them how great their culture is.

      Man, I love China...jejeje


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by peanuts View Post
        Would it matter if I was actually 4 years older than that?

        You see, the oddest thing that I have witnessed regarding people is that the older we get, the more we feel that we are right all the time. It is harder for us to absorb new information and use it to our advantage as we age. Older people have a much more difficult time changing their thought patterns and belief system. This is scientific knowledge and I have personally experienced it. A generic age caste system is in place throughout the world, and it is as old as the Bible (honor thy mother and father). I have witnessed that some older people disregard us younger people. I, for one, don't take that very well, and like to prove to those same older people the error of their ways. Funny thing though- they don't like to learn from a "young pup"

        I never get respect from old people. Yes, I do have an attitude, and that fact may be a major reason for this. I have made many enemies by coming back at people and slapping them in the face with my accomplishments... always the people that have doubted me or disregarded my ideas. I love to be right, and I love rubbing it in the face of people that think they were more right than me. I have a very abrasive personality.
        Dude, I like your attitude. You remind me of myself. I've always been told that I can be a little abrasive, but it's really my sense of humor that they don't always understand. I like everybody, regardless of what they think of me. Life is way too short to be negative... That's what I like about Mr Market. He's always positive and never attacks those who attack him.

        I'm 41, but am always willing to learn from someone who is younger than me.


        • Rob
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 3194

          The Old Sage

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          I have witnessed . . . that the older we get, the more we feel that we are right all the time.
          This may be true in some cases, but as a general rule I believe it's the other way around.

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          It is harder for us to absorb new information and use it to our advantage as we age. Older people have a much more difficult time changing their thought patterns and belief system. This is scientific knowledge and I have personally experienced it. A generic age caste system is in place throughout the world, and it is as old as the Bible (honor thy mother and father). I have witnessed that some older people disregard us younger people. I, for one, don't take that very well, and like to prove to those same older people the error of their ways. Funny thing though- they don't like to learn from a "young pup"
          Peanuts, I understand your frustration, but I think you fail to recognize the value of greater life experience. When you were 10, how much weight would you give to something a 5-year-old told you about decision-making? Or that of a 10-year-old when you were 20? Or that of a 17-year-old now that you're 24? You see the point? Now obviously there comes a point in life at which age differences account for less than they do at earlier stages, but you should not disregard the greater life-experince of older ones any more than they should disregard any knowledge that could be gained from another for the sole reason that he or she is younger.

          Do you think the Bible is part of a worldwide, conspiratorial caste system because it says to honor your father and your mother? You may be interested to learn that the Bible contains accounts of older ones listening to and learning from younger ones. And I'm not just referring to Jesus teaching the priests in temple when he was 12 years old. I mean, he was Jesus, for cryin' out loud. But there's the account in 2 Kings chapter 5 of Naaman, an esteemed, valiant, Syrian army chief, who learned something from a little girl who was his wife's Jewish slave, and what he learned changed his whole life. Also, when Job was severely tested and his three so-called "comforters" debated with him at great length, a fifth man, a younger man named Elihu, after remaining silent until they had finished—this out of respect for his elders—spoke. And Elihu spoke with true knowledge and discernment, correcting all of them including Job. The Bible in no way puts down young people. Once when Jesus' disciples tried to prevent young children from approaching him, Mark 10:14 says "he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Sorry if I'm sounding a little too "preachy" this morning. I'll cool it.

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          I never get respect from old people. Yes, I do have an attitude, and that fact may be a major reason for this. I have made many enemies by coming back at people and slapping them in the face with my accomplishments... always the people that have doubted me or disregarded my ideas. I love to be right, and I love rubbing it in the face of people that think they were more right than me. I have a very abrasive personality.
          That attitude will not serve you well in life; it will lead to misery and unhappiness. I would recommend changing it. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves, and learn to love and respect others. If certain ones demonstrate that they are unworthy of that kind of respect, just avoid them.

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          It is not easy to like me, and I sort of like it that way.
          This may have a few temporary advantages, but in the long run you will find that you need other people in your life.

          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
          I've been within 2 months of being married before, but I was much younger and did not have a clear idea how I wanted my life to be. She wasn't "the one." Now, I get to have many.
          ... or perhaps none.


          • Websman
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 5545

            Of course... I must say that, I wish I would had the knowledge and wisdom that I have now 20 years ago. I wouldn't have made so many dumb mistakes...jejeje

            You do learn many valuable lessons as you get older, but it also helps to keep an open mind.


            • Lyehopper
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 3678

              Originally posted by peanuts View Post
              I have advanced rapidly within the company. Part of this is dueto the fact that my father is president.
              You know it's such a perfectly beautiful day to work outside here in the Blue Ridge.... My God! I do love this time of year!.... I'm in such a great mood I think I'll give Peanuts some "fatherly"!

              Peanuts, Son.... I love my father very much but I would not want to work for him. Not because I think he would be a bad boss or anything, just because I always wanted to accomplish my career goals outside the family circle. I was a pretty hardheaded kid.... but I've learned much from older people as the following story shall reveal.

              I started my Machine Shop when I was twenty-two years old. It's impossible to hire experienced machinists, welder/fitters CNC programmers and tool-makers younger than I was. It was also difficult for me to hire older men and have them respect me as a business owner due to my young age and lack of experience. I quickly learned to mask my pride in favor of the larger goal of the success of the company. In doing so I actually gained a vast amount of knowledge from my older employees. As these older guys saw the business grow and saw me manage it responsibly they in turn showed me great respect.

              Today I am 43 and I have seen many of my "old employees" retire over the past Five years. My sales manager stopped working just this spring and he's 74 (my father's age).... I have had two journeyman machinists retire just this year as well. These men (and their experience) are all dearly missed.

              On the other hand I have also built a staff of younger employees as well. My "second in command" is in his early 30's and he's been with me since 1997. He has climbed his way up the ladder by hard work and innovative thinking. He has earned respect from me and the entire workforce at my company through setting the pace himself.... My customers also trust and respect him.... His attitude has never been to "rub his accomplishments in anyone's face".... If he had that attitude I think he'd be doomed to failure regardless of his natural talents....

              Peanuts.... Why don't you fly from under your Dad's wing and try it "on your own" for a change. You might lose some Internet time.... but It would be a great learning experience for you.
              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                Lyehopper, Rob, Websman,

                You guys are awesome. I really appreciate the responses that you have written. I think that everyone can learn from them.

                Lye, the relationship of my father and I is truely unique. It may seem that I am "under his wing" from the surface, but when you consider what the company has become since my arrival, I think you would have a different idea of my current situation. Actually, the "on your own" thing... it's coming very soon. I've been eyeing some real estate for my venture lately. You'll hear more about it some other time. Congrats on your achievement- you are very wise to have masked your pride. I think you're taking my example of "rubbing my accomplishments in someone's face" out of its original context. I'm certainly not one to do that to an innocent person to make myself feel better- ONLY to someone that doubts me or thinks that they are better than me- those people deserve to be humiliated, and I'll happily do that anyday. I believe that people should live in reality, and if they can't accept something for what it really is, then I cannot, and should not respect them.

                btw: I am 28- and I never said that I hated older people, or disrespected them in any way that was undeserving of them. Nor did I say that I think that the bible is conspirational- in any manner. And yes, Rob, I may become the loneliest person on Earth by being myself. It is actually my biggest fear. I've yet to find anyone that, in my opinion, loves me for me. I often wonder whether I really am that ugly inside. So, what I've decided is that the most important thing is that when I look in the mirror, I can say that I love me... and mean it. Pretty disturbing, huh?

                Webs, I can't eat American Chinese food anymore...

                Once again, guys, thanks!
                Hide not your talents.
                They for use were made.
                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • billyjoe
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 9014

                  How do you determine a price for land in Pa. with Nat.Gas under it? Does surface area have anything to do with the price if you have mineral rights. I knew a guy who set up the gas wells , valves etc. .He told me of an old lady living in a shack don't know how much land but she had the mineral rights and had so much gas pressure that special valves had to be ordered to contain it. She became a multi-millionnaire but stayed in the same little house maybe buying new curtains and a kitchen table, that's all. This was in the mid 70's and was somewhere near your location.



                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                    I'm certainly not one to do that to an innocent person to make myself feel better- ONLY to someone that doubts me or thinks that they are better than me- those people deserve to be humiliated, and I'll happily do that anyday. I believe that people should live in reality, and if they can't accept something for what it really is, then I cannot, and should not respect them.
                    I disagree with this reasoning Peanuts, here's why; If someone doubts you or thinks they are better than you then that's out of your control.... The only one you can control is yourself.

                    If I remember correctly, you are in sales?.... How can you survive and compete as a salesman without encountering potential customers that show you a measure of disrespect.... For the larger good of your company you must "mask" your pride and leave them thinking some positive thought about you and your organization.... It takes great self control and the ability to remove your "feelings" from such a situation..... You then size up the customer, think about him/her and what they've said.... then you call on them again and continue to "attempt" to build a relationship. For me it's a goal to win over such a customer, or neighbor, or family member, or workmate.... etc. I set no time limit on winning them over I just keep trying.... You win in the end if you master such self control and realize that sweet revenge ain't so sweet afterall.... I have landed some HUGE deals with customers that cut me off or refused to even see me in the begining. One of my biggest customers took me about ten years to land ANY work from.... I never gave up and it has paid off bigtime!

                    Remember this; Your reputation is very important if you want to succeed in business. You never know when an "enemy" you make might show up as a customer or in a similar sensitive position that can really hurt you later on. It happens.

                    If you want revenge?.... Do what I do.... Get mad at the groundhogs that disrespect you by digging up your fields.... Head shoot those bastards from about 300 yards away with your 25-06.... Feel free to use your "imagination" as you peer through the scope just prior to squeezing the trigger.... lol!
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • peanuts
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 3365

                      Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
                      If you want revenge?.... Do what I do.... Get mad at the groundhogs that disrespect you by digging up your fields.... Head shoot those bastards from about 300 yards away with your 25-06.... Feel free to use your "imagination" as you peer through the scope just prior to squeezing the trigger.... lol!
                      25-06 on a groundhog's head would surely be interesting! I might have to get transparencies made of some of my 'favorite' people and place them over the scope to make the fantasy more visual. Maybe I'll use my .300 mag and a soft tip, low grain bullet...
                      Hide not your talents.
                      They for use were made.
                      What's a sundial in the shade?

                      - Benjamin Franklin


                      • peanuts
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 3365

                        Last week's results

                        Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                        IBD 100:
                        FTO $32.83
                        WNR $24.14
                        FMD $52.69
                        CTRP $51.69
                        DK $21.10
                        ANST $23.99
                        HITT $43.85

                        CACB $34.84
                        BWP $28.71
                        Major Indices move last week: DOW: -0.63%, NAZ: -1.25%, S&P500: -0.92%

                        TICKER, $beginning price, $ending price, 1 week % return (positive or negative)

                        IBD 100:
                        FTO, 32.83, 28.57, -12.98%
                        WNR, 24.14, 21.93, -9.15%
                        FMD, 52.69, 52.98, 0.55%
                        CTRP, 51.69, 51.63, -0.12%
                        DK, 21.10, 18.06, -14.41%
                        ANST, 23.99, 24.11, 0.50%
                        HITT, 43.85, 41.56, -5.22%

                        CACB, 34.84, 34.04, -2.30%
                        BWP, 28.71, 27.16, -5.40%

                        Indices were down on lower than average volume for the week. The low volume is partly attributable to a 4 day trading week (Labor Day). All indices bounced at their support levels, Friday, ending the week on a positive note. However, the Nasdaq and S&P are currently below their 13 day MA's. The DOW ended the week slightly above its 13 day MA. In recent weeks, the DOW has been showing the most strength, so this may be a good indication of next week's market performance. Monday is the anniversary of 9/11, and may bring unease to morning trading. This might be a good opportunity to trade some stocks that are making wild moves in the morning.
                        Hide not your talents.
                        They for use were made.
                        What's a sundial in the shade?

                        - Benjamin Franklin


                        • peanuts
                          Senior Member
                          • Feb 2006
                          • 3365

                          9/8/06 screen results

                          Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                          The IBD Weekly Screen
                          IBD 100:
                          ANST $24.11
                          CTRP $51.63
                          FMD $52.98
                          CTCM $22.55
                          HITT $41.56
                          OFLX $23.43

                          CACB $34.04
                          TXU $66.98
                          Hide not your talents.
                          They for use were made.
                          What's a sundial in the shade?

                          - Benjamin Franklin


                          • peanuts
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 3365

                            steel industry

                            Today's buyout of NS Group by IPSCO is a continuation of the consolidation trend within the steel industry. I will be spending some time this week to give you guys my opinions of who's a target, and who's an acquirer.

                            The steel industry is HUUUUGE
                            Hide not your talents.
                            They for use were made.
                            What's a sundial in the shade?

                            - Benjamin Franklin


                            • peanuts
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2006
                              • 3365

                              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                              How do you determine a price for land in Pa. with Nat.Gas under it? Does surface area have anything to do with the price if you have mineral rights. I knew a guy who set up the gas wells , valves etc. .He told me of an old lady living in a shack don't know how much land but she had the mineral rights and had so much gas pressure that special valves had to be ordered to contain it. She became a multi-millionnaire but stayed in the same little house maybe buying new curtains and a kitchen table, that's all. This was in the mid 70's and was somewhere near your location.

                              There are testing services which will estimate your reserves from existing wells, but as far as I know, it is a crap-shoot if you buy property and look to put wells on them. The good part about this, is that when the gas companies want your gas, they will pay for everything- site prep, drilling, capping, running the link-up lines, equipment, maintenance, and clean-up. The only thing that you, as a property owner, needs to worry about is how much gas is under your land. My good buddy, since middle school, has a farm that already had 4 wells on it. This year, they are drilling 3 more and have already hit on 2 of them. He farm is approx 250 acres. The gas company says that there is a good possibility that more wells can be drilled. Depending on the type of deposit, you can get anywhere from 1 well / 20 acres to 1 well / 70 acres in W PA. Of course, you need the mineral rights and luck.

                              As far as pricing the land. That's all speculation on the amount of gas reserves. Some people hit it big, other don't hit at all, and are left with a bunch of grass and trees

                              Lye, my buddy has 70+ head of Black Angus
                              Hide not your talents.
                              They for use were made.
                              What's a sundial in the shade?

                              - Benjamin Franklin


                              • Lyehopper
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 3678

                                Originally posted by peanuts View Post
                                It (KLIC) does seem that is has made a reversal, but I think that it will be a stronger reversal once it surpasses the biggest area of resistance- $8.20-$8.70 Once that happens....
                                Keep a keen eye on KLIC.... It really wants to "go" I think.
                                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

