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  • #31
    Are you saying that Bush and Osama need one another? You might be right.


    • lemonjello
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2005
      • 447

      conspiracy theory #1001


      I didn't know Bush was up for re-election. Now that's some Karl Rove strategery.

      I didn't know bin Laden controlled all the terrists. More Rove strategery?

      You surely must be able to provide a link to a legit polling service to back your statement.

      I'm sure you're not "trying" to be an a**hole.

      Lemonjello - waiting to see how Rove and the spin machine tries to work pedos in gubmint as a positive.

      Originally posted by Gwhiz View Post
      Not to be an a**hole but in since 9/11 Osama has mostly tried to keep the republicans in power, for example in the 2004 presidential election. This is because Osama's popularity ratings tend to parrarel bush's
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      • Gwhiz
        Senior Member
        • May 2006
        • 225

        Sry I can't provide you a link.

        All I can tell you is that in The One Percent Doctrine by Ron Suskind I read that Bush's ratings track bin Laden's.
        I didn't know Bush was up for re-election. Now that's some Karl Rove strategery.
        If the republicans hold onto power it will be good for bush no?
        It is reasonable to expect that since Bush would benefit from the republicans holding onto power, Osama's popularity would benefit as well, therefore Osama most likely wants to keep the republicans in power.
        I didn't know bin Laden controlled all the terrists. More Rove strategery?
        Osama is 1 the figurehead of international terrorism, and 2 the most sensitive of his kind to the american political situation. So I think if we do so any terrorist putting their two cents in on the midterm elections.(In the form of an attack or a video ro w/e) it will come from him. Anyone else you were thinking of?


        • lemonjello
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2005
          • 447

          Sounds like an interesting book. But the critical reviews say the conclusions are unsubstantiated and denied by the FBI for one. Don't know about the FBI, but undocumented statements don't hold water no matter who writes them. Did he have a reference for the Bush/ Bin Laden ratings?

          Here are some questions from his blog regarding the book -

          "Who is actually running U.S. foreign policy? Is there an operational cell, armed with WMDs, inside the United States? Have some of the world's most dangerous terrorists -- including leaders of al Qaeda -- been caught and accidentally released? Can America prevail in this struggle against enemies who are patient, ingenious, certain, and have clear tactical advantage?"

          What would you say his answer was to the above?

          There are many terrorist attacks that are not tied to bin Laden. E.g. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, Richard Reid. In fact, we don't even know if he's alive at this point. He has yet to produce a new video refuting the French leak about his death.

          For general argument purposes, I can't agree that a terrorist attack would increase Republican polls at this point. Depends on where they were among other things. I.e., if a large number of US troops were killed in a terror strike I think that would affect the Republicans badly. If they were in the US? The Repubs are supposed to be on guard, right?

          IMO if AQ itself in the US is still viable they would probably not try a minor attack in the US based on the elections, but rather wait for an appropriate weak point for a large attack. The US border is a leaking sieve for terrorists and the sea ports virtually open. I'd be suprised if they didn't even have some weapons stashed in the US before 9/11. Hope not, but unless they have neon signs attached to them flashing "terrorist" anybody could and can cross the Mexican border at will.

          Ok, this has been way off topic. So back to the market.

          Originally posted by Gwhiz View Post
          Sry I can't provide you a link.

          All I can tell you is that in The One Percent Doctrine by Ron Suskind I read that Bush's ratings track bin Laden's.

          If the republicans hold onto power it will be good for bush no?
          It is reasonable to expect that since Bush would benefit from the republicans holding onto power, Osama's popularity would benefit as well, therefore Osama most likely wants to keep the republicans in power.

          Osama is 1 the figurehead of international terrorism, and 2 the most sensitive of his kind to the american political situation. So I think if we do so any terrorist putting their two cents in on the midterm elections.(In the form of an attack or a video ro w/e) it will come from him. Anyone else you were thinking of?
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          • lemonjello
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2005
            • 447

            Or North Korea could detonate a nuclear weapon as they are reporting now.

            Yen is dropping against USD. US index futs are moving down.
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            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Repeat of one post I made over on my thread:

              Oil up:

              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

              Find Tomorrow's Winners At

              Follow Me On Twitter


              • lemonjello
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2005
                • 447

                You scooped me. 12:32

                Originally posted by IIC View Post
                Repeat of one post I made over on my thread:

                Oil up:

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                • Gwhiz
                  Senior Member
                  • May 2006
                  • 225

                  Anybody have any thoughts on what this large cap rally without much excitement in the smaller stocks means?


                  • Gwhiz
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2006
                    • 225

                    good point about the book, didnt know much background on it, found it on my dad's bookshelf w/o the cover or anything.


                    • lemonjello
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2005
                      • 447



                      DJX seem to be weakening - I know it doesn't look like it on a chart. I think this one could turn down first.
                      NDX still going like the energizer bunny.
                      SPX also still going.

                      Watch the bonds - something is wrong and the bond market knows it. Real vs. reported inflation? We'll eventually find out.

                      The government/the Fed used to think they controlled the bond market. But the bond market turned the tables a few years ago and is now in charge. The bond market is like Tony Soprano or John Gotti. Don't mess with the bond market.

                      The bond market it always smarter than the government and most other markets. Smarter than Spock. Smarter than Cramer. The bond market went to MIT undergrad with honors and grad school at Wharton and is HUGE!!!

                      Rumours floating around that a lot of specialists other various pros were caught heavily short during this rally. Lots of the move is short covering. That's a lot of shorts but strangely sounds right.

                      Have the home gamers moved their 401k's into Dow type funds yet?
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                      • lemonjello
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2005
                        • 447

                        Looks like general sentiment is switching to the bull side and the bears are giving up.

                        Could see the turn this week.
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                        • lemonjello
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2005
                          • 447

                          Oh, yeah.

                          Looks like there's a chink in the bull's armor.
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                          • Rob
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 3194

                            Originally posted by lemonjello View Post
                            Looks like there's a chink in the bull's armor.
                            That's not nice, Lemon. You should say: It looks like there's an Asian in the bull's armor.


                            • lemonjello
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2005
                              • 447


                              Some of those old Samurai suits of armor sort of look like bulls - they have horns anyway.

                              Originally posted by Rob View Post
                              That's not nice, Lemon. You should say: It looks like there's an Asian in the bull's armor.
                              Last edited by lemonjello; 10-17-2006, 06:15 PM.
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                              • lemonjello
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2005
                                • 447

                                Pull up an intraday futures chart for the Naz or S&P and look at the huge spike today - Sunday. And back down. Something is very unusual here. As a junior chartman I'd say that looks like some kind of reversal setting in.

                                That spike is not to be missed.

                                You can find futs charts on
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