Originally posted by Mary
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Here's my take...I like Rob...I think he's a great guy...But I also think he's being hyper-sensitive.
I do not think profanity is a problem at this forum. I moderate some small forums and I used to moderate the Yahoo Canslim StockPicks Forum that had over 2,000 members. There were certain words that I would not and do not tolerate. There are other words that may be offensive to some but that I do/did tolerate because they are words that many people use in everyday life....For those that used the words on my ban list I would send 2 warnings before I took action...At Yahho CSSP I was the judge and jury for several years...Right or Wrong.
One thing I did not tolerate was newcomer spam and posts that were derogatory towards sex, religion or race...Instant banishment.
So here we have Rob making a request. He has the right to do so...But he is not in charge here. I'm not either. He needs to direct his complaints to the people that are in charge IMO.
Personally, I do not think colorful language is a problem at this forum...But he is entitled to his own opinion. However, he has a choice...I'm sorry that he takes it so hard...But if he thinks the language at this forum is out of line then he has to make his own decision as to whether he wants to stick around. I hope he does stick around...But that's his decision...Not mine....Doug(IIC)