A Humble Request

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
    Methinks it would be a great mistake to miss the opportunity I have. Something like 90% of the people who want to go just for the first four years can't get in. Its not being sheltered to be exposed to the people we have here.
    Louetta...my crystal ball tells me that you are very intelligent...And I don't think there is anything wrong with you getting an advanced degree at a great school...But my crystal ball also tells me that you are a "Real Down to Earth" person with good sense...This is just my opinion, but that combo doesn't happen very often...I think you could go very far in the business world...Of course, being happy in what you do is the most important thing...Plus, you are young...you've got plenty of time to decide which direction to go...In the meantime you are making good use of the opportunities afforded you from what I can tell...Best, Doug(IIC)

    PS...I'll bet your Dad is an Academic...Right???
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    • Louetta
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2003
      • 2331

      Originally posted by IIC View Post
      Louetta...my crystal ball tells me that you are very intelligent...And I don't think there is anything wrong with you getting an advanced degree at a great school...But my crystal ball also tells me that you are a "Real Down to Earth" person with good sense...This is just my opinion, but that combo doesn't happen very often...I think you could go very far in the business world...Of course, being happy in what you do is the most important thing...Plus, you are young...you've got plenty of time to decide which direction to go...In the meantime you are making good use of the opportunities afforded you from what I can tell...Best, Doug(IIC)

      PS...I'll bet your Dad is an Academic...Right???
      No, he's a business man. But his company Tiburon went bankrupt 4 years ago. Night night.


      • Karel
        • Sep 2003
        • 2199

        In a desperate attempt to get this thread back on topic: I personally deplore profanity, but when anyone uses profanity, I consider it to be their problem. When other people want to call attention to this issue, that is perfectly OK, of course.


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        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
          So what the H. E. double hockey stick do we have this thread for?
          Now that is clever but yet not fattening! I'll have to have them line up and have them drop their drawers. Anyone whose thighs touch will have no more chocolate covered Macademias for their own good.


          • #65
            Originally posted by skiracer View Post
            You are such a rascal Cosmic. Are you really trying to be sarcastic? They wouldn't dare do anything on 11/6/6. That's my birthday and if they screw up my day I may have to go over there and rip out someones jugular veins.
            cosmic...don't you think they've already influenced the elections? THis election is all about the iraq war what a SHITTY job bush has done executing the war. It can't be any simpler than that. If I'm wrong, the repubs keep congress.


            • #66
              Daylight Savings

              Originally posted by Rob View Post
              Separately yet again, though related, did you know that next year they are extending Daylight Saving Time? Here's the story.
              I didn't click on the story Rob linked to, but when they were talking about it this morning on the radio, the morning hosts opined that the reason has to do with candy sales. I guess candy companies have lobbyists too, eh?



              • #67
                Originally posted by IIC View Post
                I don't see the point of getting a Doctorate unless you want to teach or write some books...Securities Industry...Hmm...Could become a Specialist or Trader.
                Nope- Quant PH.D. only.


                • #68
                  Academia vs. Real Life

                  Originally posted by IIC View Post
                  No...real life is centered on what one does with their life...IMO Academia is sheltered (in general)
                  There are some people I've met (one in particular, who is the senior partner in a law firm I once worked for) who are academically BRILLIANT ... but who have no common sense and/or people skills. They are totally unaware of anything going on around them that is outside of whatever they happen to be focusing on at any given moment.

                  From a completely different perspective (which won't mean anything to those in the group who are atheist or agnostic): "What we are is God's gift to us. What we make of ourselves is our gift to God."



                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                    ......THis election is all about the iraq war what a SHITTY job bush has done executing the war. It can't be any simpler than that. If I'm wrong, the repubs keep congress.
                    Hey Tatnic, Don't you think your use of profanity in this thread is a slap in the face to my friend Rob? Not only have you used profanity in this thread but you further rubbed salt in Rob's wound by capitalizing the profanity. Was it you who also rated it with one star? I'll allow you to answer these questions and even offer some sort of apology to Rob before I continue with my thoughts on this....
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • #70

                      Some of the responses in this thread have made me sad. It's only been about a week since my brother, Rob, invited me to join this group. I was looking forward to learning a lot about the market. However, since I'm so new here, I don't know if I'll hang around if Rob quits the group over some people's apparent belief that profanity is so important that they are unwilling to give it up even after being humbly asked to refrain from using it.


                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        Your request is having an effect. With over 2000 members it's impossible to stop everyone from profanity and they'll always be a few who will go out of their way to cuss when it will get someone's attention. I'm thinking twice about what I say here. New-born might bring a lightning bolt down on me . Overall this is the best group I've conversed with on the net. Most of us are trying to better ourselves and in doing that will have a positive effect on the younger members such as Gwhiz and Stickytreat. Heck, even Peanuts is giving more thought before he posts. Wouldn't we all have gained from positive influences 30 or more years ago? I wish I had someone to talk stocks with as a teenager. Rob, your actions have a more positive effect than you'll ever know. We sure need you on this forum in any capacity you choose.



                        • Louetta
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 2331

                          Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                          I was just thinking that this thread started out asking for the forum to ease up on the use of profanity. Now we've evolved into Louetta and her post grad work. And the transition was so subtle.
                          Maybe we should get back to my grad work. Actually I spent several hours reading about how to meditate better, my sessions lately have been very sloppy. So is my backstroke for that matter, though my eligibility is gone so it doesn't really matter. And I missed this rally. Hmm.


                          • riverbabe
                            Senior Member
                            • May 2005
                            • 3373

                            Originally posted by louetta12001 View Post
                            Maybe we should get back to my grad work. Actually I spent several hours reading about how to meditate better, my sessions lately have been very sloppy. So is my backstroke for that matter, though my eligibility is gone so it doesn't really matter. And I missed this rally. Hmm.
                            Louetta, grad work really does matter and it does pay off! You'd be surprised how many doors a Ph.D. opens, no matter what field it is in. It gives you instant credibility. Mine has opened up to me opportunities to serve on Boards of non-profits and other associations and really do some good. Not only that, it finally gave me the opportunity to find out "what I want to be when I grow up" as my 5th career, and the actual joy of getting up to go to work in the morning! Keep up the good work, keep the vision, and don't be discouraged easily. In the end, it will be worth a thousand or more times what you invest now.


                            • Louetta
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 2331

                              Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                              Louetta, grad work really does matter and it does pay off! You'd be surprised how many doors a Ph.D. opens, no matter what field it is in. It gives you instant credibility. Mine has opened up to me opportunities to serve on Boards of non-profits and other associations and really do some good. Not only that, it finally gave me the opportunity to find out "what I want to be when I grow up" as my 5th career, and the actual joy of getting up to go to work in the morning! Keep up the good work, keep the vision, and don't be discouraged easily. In the end, it will be worth a thousand or more times what you invest now.
                              Well said! Thank you.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                                Louetta, grad work really does matter and it does pay off! You'd be surprised how many doors a Ph.D. opens, no matter what field it is in. It gives you instant credibility. Mine has opened up to me opportunities to serve on Boards of non-profits and other associations and really do some good. Not only that, it finally gave me the opportunity to find out "what I want to be when I grow up" as my 5th career, and the actual joy of getting up to go to work in the morning! Keep up the good work, keep the vision, and don't be discouraged easily. In the end, it will be worth a thousand or more times what you invest now.

                                Problem is most fail to see the bigger picture. Unless you got deep pockets or parents with deep pockets most spend several years paying the school debt off. Then many end up in a job climbing the ladder only to find out the ladder in leaning on the wrong wall. Or they fire you because they will just hire two college kids and pay them less. Or they go through a corporate restructuring and this means your job is no longer needed. They pump you up in the beginning promises promises. Yea they even give you your own office and if you’re lucky you might even have windows to stare out of. hehe Oh but I love my job life is sweet. Well if you love it so much do it for free. Tell the boss you don’t need that 100K SALLERY (intelligent term meaning “we own you’). Just thinking out loud…

