Will Big Pharma execs dare to look at AOB?????
Assuming you're a Big Pharma top exec . You face big challenges such as; low r&d outcome, declining margin in an evermultypling me too drugmarket, a flurry of lawsuits, Fda increasing scrutiny in the NDA process and so on. Lately you heard about a small Amex listed chinese cie that's steadily growing fast in the largest consumers market in the world. You read the news that this cie will be listed NYSE having began on the OTC only three years ago.
What do you do?
A) I ask the financial chief to tune in on this cie by buying shares or option. I also ask the marketing director to study the cie. From these data, i look into a possible partnership with this cie . This venture would help our pipeline, distribution of our products in Asia, distribution of Aob products among our channel. An opportunity really worth the efforts.
B) I do nothing and keep on doing business as usual. After all focusing on that matter is not planned in our programmation for the year. Why do I have to take the risk of being blame for not sticking with our plan?
In dec 2002 , I wrote to a Big Pharma exec asking him to take a look at ELN which had crashed but still has a good pipeline potential . I receive a laconic answer from an assistant stating that it was not in the cie plan. Eln was then trading @1$ a pop. Today you can buy a share for 14$. The Ceo went to retirement with the shining pension package a couple of months ago. He was very good at sticking with the plan. Under his helm the cie share price went from 80$ a share to the mid twenties$. A bid success for the shareholders( or bagholders).So I guess this little story will help you answer my question.
Have fun
Assuming you're a Big Pharma top exec . You face big challenges such as; low r&d outcome, declining margin in an evermultypling me too drugmarket, a flurry of lawsuits, Fda increasing scrutiny in the NDA process and so on. Lately you heard about a small Amex listed chinese cie that's steadily growing fast in the largest consumers market in the world. You read the news that this cie will be listed NYSE having began on the OTC only three years ago.
What do you do?
A) I ask the financial chief to tune in on this cie by buying shares or option. I also ask the marketing director to study the cie. From these data, i look into a possible partnership with this cie . This venture would help our pipeline, distribution of our products in Asia, distribution of Aob products among our channel. An opportunity really worth the efforts.
B) I do nothing and keep on doing business as usual. After all focusing on that matter is not planned in our programmation for the year. Why do I have to take the risk of being blame for not sticking with our plan?
In dec 2002 , I wrote to a Big Pharma exec asking him to take a look at ELN which had crashed but still has a good pipeline potential . I receive a laconic answer from an assistant stating that it was not in the cie plan. Eln was then trading @1$ a pop. Today you can buy a share for 14$. The Ceo went to retirement with the shining pension package a couple of months ago. He was very good at sticking with the plan. Under his helm the cie share price went from 80$ a share to the mid twenties$. A bid success for the shareholders( or bagholders).So I guess this little story will help you answer my question.
Have fun