Originally posted by Websman
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Any person is "doomed" (we'd say, "damned" which means, "condemned to hell") regardless of what "religion" he may be. In other words, every person starts out headed to an eternal judgment in hell because he has violated God's law, i.e., sinned. Any sin is enough to condemn a man to eternal judgment. In fact God holds us all responsible for the original sin of Adam because we participated in it (Romans 5:12). So point one is this: everyone is headed to hell from day one.
Point two is that no one may earn salvation from this judgment. No thing that you do will earn merit with God that He would give you eternal life instead of eternal judgment (Ephesians 2:8-9). The reason is simple: God is a righteous judge. He cannot approve of sin. He must judge sin. If He were to give a sinner eternal life without the sin being judged, He would be a corrupt judge, and something He cannot do since He is absolutely holy (Romans 3:21-31).
Point three is that God has provided a way to eternal life. It is the only way possible. What He did was this: He sent His Son to die for our sins as a substitute. The result is this: when a sinner turns to Christ believing that 1) he is a sinner deserving hell for his sins, and 2) that he cannot save himself from his own sins, and 3) that God the Father sent His Son to pay the penalty (the 'fine' if you will) for our sins, and 4) calls upon Christ to save him, he will be saved from eternal punishment and given eternal life instantly.
A few verses that teach this are:
John 3:16f. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish [that's hell] but have everlasting life. (v. 17) For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him would be saved. (v. 1

There are many, many other verses that could be quoted. But let me just urge all readers to do this: ask Christ to save you from your sins. Simply call upon Him in prayer and admit the truth: I am a sinner, and I know judgment is coming; I know I cannot save myself. Dear Jesus please save me, a sinner. Jesus said, ". . . he that comes to Me I will not reject." He'll hear you. And He will save you.
Have a great 2007, Webs
