When Saddam Hangs

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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    Originally posted by spikefader View Post
    This is a very interesting discussion ........ and it highlights the existence of Fuzzy Christianity! hehehe

    If they do exist, Fuzzy Christians must, at some point, realize that impulsive human nature will settle at some point and retrace to a critical line in the sand that will determine whether one is going to heaven or hell.

    This is known as the Fuzzy 'See'. That is, one either 'Sees' God's grace and single route to heaven or one doesn't. One is either gonna shoot impulsively toward heaven up and away from the Fuzzy 'See'......or if you fail to see the Fuzzy 'See', and don't support it, then your Fuzzy 'See' is really just a Fuzzy "Me"........in which case down you go......toward that next crucial support level (near-death experience???) that may just send you rocketing up towards the light, enlightenment, and eternal life.


    A new fuzzy "see", I see. I especially like the impulsive behaviour
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    • Karel
      • Sep 2003
      • 2199

      Thread split

      From this point onward most of the discussion centered on religion and science, so I split the thread here.


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