Here is a great topic for discussion ...Lets see it is raining pretty hard here in Alabama... I also like mustard with my fries
What about the Weather?
Rained here Christmas Day and today and probably New Years Day. Very unusual. We were about 35% above average annual rainfall as of Dec.23rd. That is about 12 inches more rain during the year. No drought this year.
Sunny out here in L.A. today...Although it is a little chilly...About says it will get down to 45 tonight.
The coldest I was ever in was -31 degrees back on a record cold day in Lincoln NE circa early 70's. I still remember that day although it wasn't all that bad as it was perfectly wind. It was much worse back there when it was 10 or 15 and the wind was howling....I remember after indoor winter workouts...taking a shower and then going outside...My hair would instantly freeze...Then when I got where I was going it would defrost all down my face...Those were the good 'ol"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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I had the same experience during a ski trip to Jackson Hole WY. Around -30 deg and dead still. You could still ski tho. I remember stopping at a gas station and the exhaust from the cars would sort of crystalize and hang in the air a few feet from the tailpipe.
Originally posted by IIC View PostThe coldest I was ever in was -31 degrees back on a record cold day in Lincoln NE circa early 70's. I still remember that day although it wasn't all that bad as it was perfectly wind.
The coldest I've ever experienced was when the temperature was equal on the celcius scale and the farenheight scale....but we were x-country skiing in the woods, no wind, so it felt OK....I've never seen it that cold since and doubt I ever will. What temperature was it? NO cheating by looking at the thermometer...heres the formula: 1.8 degrees F per degree of celcius, start at a temp. you know, like freezing, and figure from there.
About 5 years ago I was skiing at Stratton in Vermont. We drove up in a raging blizzard an it just got heavier and windier. They have a gondola which seats about 12-14 people and the temp at the top of the mountain was about -10 deg but with the wind who knows. The skiing conditions were great with the fresh snow but it was so windy and frigid hardly anyone was skiing which gave us and a few other brave souls the entire mountain from the top. The gondola got you to the top ok but it was very cold skiing down. It was supposed to be a weekend trip but it snowed from Friday when we left Jersey all the way into Vermont and all weekend and the conditions and fresh powder were so good we stayed until Wednesday. I think over those 5 days it got down to around -12/-15 deg. at one point.
The coldest I've ever been was deer hunting in PA. We had a cabin on a lake about 1.5 hrs. south of Scranton off of Rte. 611. No heat, electric, running water, or toilet facilities. You had to go outside to the outhouse to do your business. To get water we had to walk about 1/4 mi. to an artesian well that flowed out of a pipe from the side of a mountain. It got so cold it would freeze the artesian well solid at times. The only heat was from the fireplace and we would pay a guy to load us up with about 5 cord of hardwood during the summer and we would burn up every bit of it trying to stay warm at night. Then we would start on the the pile in the neighbor's yard. If you had to take a crap at night it was an ordeal to make yourself go to that outhouse and sit down. It wasn't that much easier in the daytime.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by Tatnic View PostThe coldest I've ever experienced was when the temperature was equal on the celcius scale and the farenheight scale....but we were x-country skiing in the woods, no wind, so it felt OK....I've never seen it that cold since and doubt I ever will. What temperature was it? NO cheating by looking at the thermometer...heres the formula: 1.8 degrees F per degree of celcius, start at a temp. you know, like freezing, and figure from there.
Wow...that's cold...But I cheated so I won't post the answer"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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When I was at college in Nebraska they sold beer at the liquor store...If you bot warm beer it was cheaper than cold beer. In the winter I always bot warm the time I got home it was already cold. Had to be careful though...If you were outside for more than about 5 or 10 minutes you'd end up w/ Beersicles"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Global Warming
....seems like a good thread to discuss this. There's alot of emotional discussion about this serious topic. I just read an interesting piece about it and to summarize:
On the extremes, there's the climate campaigners who are screaming doom and gloom, and there are the energy company lobbyist who are doing their best to muddle the issue and downplay the threats. In the middle are many climate scientist who worry about those 2 extremes. I get the impression that the most if not all climate scientist recognize and worry about the threat, but they're scientist and many of them question some of the predictions on how bad things will get. But at the same time they firmly believe that its better to take out an insurance policy so to speak and do everything that's prudent to counteract the impacts of global warming. Most of them believe that even if you stopped every engine on the planet now, its too late to slow global warming simply because of the amount of heat that's already been stored in the oceans over time. That's depressing....but they also worry about scaring too many people, even if the perceived impacts are reasonably predicted. They fear that if people are panicked, then they'll basically give up and have a defeatist attitude and this will only worsen the already dire situtation.
Bottom line, things are bad, no question, but its kinda like the iraq war....what do you do going forward to make a bad situation not as bad?
I saw on TV the other night that the Polar Bear population is in danger because the ice caps are melting. They said there are only 20,000 to 25,000 left although I don't know how many there were at the peak...I guess people still hunt them too"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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