I don't think that we are talking about "when Saddam hangs" anymore. Should the name of the thread be changed to reflect the religious vs scientific nature of the conversation. Also is there no common ground here between you two guys. I think there is and if there is perhaps we could deliniate the common and agreed upon points and take it from there. It's an interesting topic but I would like to know what points you do agree on if any.
Religion and science
Originally posted by skiracer View PostI don't think that we are talking about "when Saddam hangs" anymore. Should the name of the thread be changed to reflect the religious vs scientific nature of the conversation. Also is there no common ground here between you two guys. I think there is and if there is perhaps we could deliniate the common and agreed upon points and take it from there. It's an interesting topic but I would like to know what points you do agree on if any.
Searching for common ground would seem like a good idea, but I must say that I am a bit sceptical about that, and that means about the usefulness of this discussion in general. But we can always try. It would for instance be nice to establish what Rob accepts of the dating methods, and to settle any questions regarding those first. After all, it is a fairly basic tool in the scientific repertoire, and nice, solid physics instead of the more historical palaeontology, so there are lots of nice, testable, and repeatable facts to settle issues.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Originally posted by Karel View PostHi ski! Well, I am sort of used to the title by now
Searching for common ground would seem like a good idea, but I must say that I am a bit sceptical about that, and that means about the usefulness of this discussion in general. But we can always try. It would for instance be nice to establish what Rob accepts of the dating methods, and to settle any questions regarding those first. After all, it is a fairly basic tool in the scientific repertoire, and nice, solid physics instead of the more historical palaeontology, so there are lots of nice, testable, and repeatable facts to settle issues.
Ain't my thread....
Originally posted by skiracer View PostGood move Karel. I think it fits better if we are going to be discussing the differences in religious beliefs and and scientific substance in the two areas. At least if someone new picks up on the thread they won't be wondering what this has to do with Saddam's hanging.
Hey Karel.... You split the freakin' thread, so it's yours....BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by Lyehopper View PostI did not initiate this subject.... I think it started with an exchange between Karel and NBB about the Roman Catholic Church.... I came in about fifty posts later. Please remove my name as the owner of this thread as I've been done with it for some time.
Hey Karel.... You split the freakin' thread, so it's yours....
To everyone: I split that thread at about the place where the current discussion started. There is still some mentioning of Saddam early on in this thread, but I was too lazy to disentangle the whole thread.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Originally posted by beglobal View PostI think it could be any of the four options... no one really knows... we can only wait and forget about it, because its really stressful to be thinking about something we can never be sure about...
There are a lot of things we never may be sure about, but neither are we completely in the dark. I think it is exciting to try to understand such things, but there's no accounting for taste.
And welcome to the board!
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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I know that everytime I was ever in a tight spot in the Army, business, or life in general I always went to praying to God and Jesus for the strength to get through. He was and is always the bottom line and I leave it to my faith in him. Whenever I pray to him for that strength I always find myself feeling stronger and am able to perservere in finding my way throught whatever obstacle is confronting me. He enables me to see clearer and focus on my situation. On the other hand there is so much scientific factual evidence about life, the evolution of it, our planet and universe that I find it hard not to want to understand it from a scientific perspective, to read and learn and debate the issues in my own mind about the two, and I use the word opposing views for want of a better word, so that I'm at least somewhat up to par on both views. Isn't the inquisitive intellectual mind at least entitled to do that without violating their faith in Jesus and God and the miracles that are supposed to be their doing. I find it hard to accept the tunnel vision of many Christians that will not allow themselves to do this because of the Bible and written scriptures. I consider myself a Christian and my faith is tried, tested, and proven but I have had conversations with plenty of intelligent Christians that cannot and will not accept my acceptance of some scientific fact. That is a question that I have been dealing with for quite a few years in my own mind. I won't allow myself to unequivically tell them they are wrong in at least remaining open minded but on the other hand I have had close friends and relatives tell me that my faith is less than what it should be and that I am blatantly wrong in my take on it.
I would like to hear what others feel about this without the unnecessary noise of taking an unwavering position in their own beliefs. Why do you feel that you cannot believe in Jesus, God, the Bible but yet understand and accept some scientific fact that presents another view.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
I think we all have to go back to the original thread "when Saddam Hangs" and reread all of the posts to get the basic ideas of everyone that was a participant earlier on. Or each of the earlier participants could give their brief synopsis of their previous posts and feelings.
I found the thread interesting and although not as up to date on either side do have my own feelings about the topic. I would like to see it continue and hope that it will.
You guys should voice your feelings regardless and I'm sure they will draw responses.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracer View PostI think we all have to go back to the original thread "when Saddam Hangs" and reread all of the posts to get the basic ideas of everyone that was a participant earlier on. Or each of the earlier participants could give their brief synopsis of their previous posts and feelings.
I found the thread interesting and although not as up to date on either side do have my own feelings about the topic. I would like to see it continue and hope that it will.
You guys should voice your feelings regardless and I'm sure they will draw responses.
And by all means read up a bit and chime in!
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Originally posted by cosmicporchThe human race was engineered many thousands of years ago with the help of Plejaren DNA. Why do you think there are different lines of men such as cro magnon and neanderthal? [snip]
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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Frankly, it takes more than the bald assertions of one man, who is probably seriously confused (to put it charitably), to accept his "theories". We would like to have some independent proof, but this is missing.
About humans evolving too fast to put it down to evolution: how fast did they evolve, and why is that too fast for evolution? You claim it is too fast; please explain.
KarelMy Investopedia portfolio
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support of theory of evolution as "bias"
Originally posted by Rob View PostWell, Karel, there is no question about the scientific community's being heavily biased toward evolution ...
As if this is an issue of "bias"! The ignorance of the history of science shown on this board is pathetic.
Vestigial items found in the human body:
Hindlimbed snake ancestors!
Uh-oh! Another fish/amphibian transitional fossil was found in 2004:
Misunderstandings about evolution (Wikipedia):
There are a number of common misunderstandings about evolution, some of which have hindered its general acceptance.[45][46][47] Critics of evolution frequently assert that evolution is "just a theory", a misunderstanding of the meaning of theory in a scientific context: whereas in colloquial speech a theory is a conjecture or guess, in science a theory is "a model of the universe, or a restricted part of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to observations that we make" [48] Critics also state that evolution is not a fact, although from a scientific viewpoint evolution is considered both a theory and a fact.[49][50][51] A related, more extreme claim is that evolution is a "theory in crisis", generally based on misrepresenting the scientific support and evidence for evolutionary theory.[52]
Another common misunderstanding is the idea that one species, such as humans, can be more "highly evolved" or "advanced" than another. It is often assumed that evolution must lead to greater complexity, or that devolution ("backwards" evolution) can occur. Scientists consider evolution a non-directional process that does not proceed toward any ultimate goal; advancements are only situational, and organisms' complexity can either increase, decrease, or stay the same, depending on which is advantageous, and thus selected for.[53]
Evolution is also frequently misinterpreted as stating that humans evolved from monkeys; based on this, some critics argue that monkeys should no longer exist. This misunderstands speciation, which frequently involves a subset of a population cladogenetically splitting off before speciating, rather than an entire species simply turning into a new one. Additionally, biologists have never claimed that humans evolved from monkeys—only that humans and monkeys share a common ancestor, as do all organisms.[54]
It is also frequently claimed that speciation has only been inferred, never directly observed. In reality, the evolution of numerous new species has been observed.[55] A similar claim is that only microevolution, not macroevolution, has been observed; however, macroevolution has been observed as well, and modern evolutionary synthesis draws little distinction between the two, considering macroevolution to simply be microevolution on a larger scale.[56]
Other widespread misunderstandings of evolution include the idea that evolution violates the second law of thermodynamics, which applies to isolated systems, not open systems like the earth, which absorbs light from the sun an radiates heat to space; and that evolution cannot create new physical information, although this regularly occurs whenever a novel mutation or gene duplication arises.[57]
Understanding Evolution, for Teachers:
Last edited by Guest; 01-22-2007, 02:10 AM.