Originally posted by Rob
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The obvious criticism against the WBTS interpretation is that it relies heavily on conflicting reports from a very disturbed time in Greek history to discredit the existing King lists of Persia. Which seems to be a strange way to go about it. The Persian archives are more likely to throw light on the (in that time) confused Greek chronology than the other way around.
I then noted that your translation of Dan 9:25 is from the New World Translation of the WBTS. BTW, I have no opinion on the difference between this unique translation and all other translations I could check. Then I looked up its version of Gen 2:19, and I found "your" translation "was forming" for the wayyiqtol wayyitser. (And I do have an opinion on that translation.)
I also remembered your christology (The Son as subordinate to the Father), which is also a WBTS point of view, and your day-age creationism, which is also shared by the WBTS.
Which raises the question in how far you are guided by the Jehovah's Witnesses? Are you a witness yourself, or do you just use their publications for your education?