OT: Writing in general

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  • SundialMan
    • Mar 2006
    • 96

    Typical Tatnic response. I gave you a lot of facts to go with the prose, but you refuse to address the facts because you have no response. The position you took is a fraud and your so-called response is anemic. You can't defend the b.s. you wrote because it is indefensible. Goodbye, Tatnic.


    • #62
      YOu leaving? Who will push the bush agenda? Stay the course jack! Read from your script...you surely don't have a mind of your own.


      • SundialMan
        • Mar 2006
        • 96

        Even if you meant the question about my leaving this thread as a joke, I still wasn't clear in expressing what I wanted to say, so I need to reply to you one last time. I should not have said "goodbye" to you, but rather I won't be replying to your insipid postings after this one.

        As for me following a Bush agenda in my original story posting that you objected to and my follow up replies, I want to say the following. Many Holocaust survivors and their adult children, including many Democrats, have complained for many years before Pres. Bush ever entered the Oval Office that they were insulted by various American and world organizations attempting to co-opt the word "holocaust" to describe some minor or yuppie form of outrage. Even PETA today declared that meat eating and cattle production were a bigger cause of global warming than industry. They sent a message to Al Gore urging him to become a vegetarian.

        I will be writing here again, but don't think I will be addressing you, Tatnic.
        Last edited by SundialMan; 03-09-2007, 01:22 AM. Reason: small grammar errors and wanting to add an item.


        • #64
          Originally posted by SundialMan View Post
          Even if you meant the question about my leaving this thread as a joke, I still wasn't clear in expressing what I wanted to say, so I need to reply to you one last time. I should not have said "goodbye" to you, but rather I won't be replying to your insipid postings after this one.

          As for me following a Bush agenda in my original story posting that you objected to and my follow up replies, I want to say the following. Many Holocaust survivors and their adult children, including many Democrats, have complained for many years before Pres. Bush ever entered the Oval Office that they were insulted by various American and world organizations attempting to co-opt the word "holocaust" to describe some minor or yuppie form of outrage. Even PETA today declared that meat eating and cattle production were a bigger cause of global warming than industry. They sent a message to Al Gore urging him to become a vegetarian.

          I will be writing here again, but don't think I will be addressing you, Tatnic.

          Will you be sure to properly give credit to whoever fed you your ideas? I know they're not yours...I doubt you've ever had an original, interesting thought Jack--Just recylced rhetoric.


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            Speaking of slime how about good ol' family values Newt ? Would anyone trust him to run the govt.? He can't figure out how to stay married ....same problem with most of his cohorts. At least they got their religion.



            • #66
              Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
              Speaking of slime how about good ol' family values Newt ? Would anyone trust him to run the govt.? He can't figure out how to stay married ....same problem with most of his cohorts. At least they got their religion.

              Amen Brother!


              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                I look at the visitors to this forum quite frequently...many are spiders such as Google, Yahoo and MSN.

                But I just saw this one:

                11:28 AM Turnitin.com Spider Viewing Archives
                SIRI UP 76% IN A WEEK !!!

                I went to their site...it exposes plagiarism...Anyone ever heard of it?
                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                • SundialMan
                  • Mar 2006
                  • 96

                  The Best Decision I ever made on Wall St.

                  The Best Decision I ever made on Wall St.

                  This story is true.

                  A few years ago, I got an agitated call around 10 pm from my dad in Florida, saying he had received a letter that day telling him his small brokerage company, located in the Wall St. area, was being bought out by a bigger outfit that had no brick and mortar customer offices. This upset him quite a lot, he never liking either the small firm, with its confusing trades confirms format, or the big no-office firm that was taking them over. He wanted me to go to the brokers offices the next morning and transfer the entire account to another firm we had started using that has an office near where I lived. I had some transfer forms at home for the new local firm, but believed in my mind that I would have to go downtown to "sign out" and strongly request the account not be transferred to the no-customer-offices firm buying them out. As I was gathering papers for the trip downtown that evening, I recalled that I also had a small IRA account with this same firm and figured I might as well take everything out of their company. But in looking over my last monthly statement, I realized that I had "accidentally" only sold 300 or 400 shares of a 700 share position in Almost Family, a nursing home stock, in the previous summer. Even though the shares had risen over the last few months, I wanted to be rid of all the Almost Family stock, so I figured I had to delay my trip a few days because I would sell the remaining shares in the morning and wait for settlement day before getting any transfer forms and then going downtown to fill out and sign any papers. I believe it is always better to go in person to a place if signatures and other red tape are involved and I would do that in a few days.

                  All this convoluted thinking caused by a late night phone call meant that I would not be taking the "E" New York subway downtown the next morning, September 11th, 2001, to arrive under the World Trade Center at around 9 am and then walking east to the brokerage firm on Wall Street. And that was the best decision I ever made on Wall Street.



                  • SundialMan
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 96

                    Las Vegas watch story

                    A few years ago, I flew to Las Vegas from New York for a few days. On the flight out, I had to turn back my day-date display watch in the middle of the night. About 36 hours later, on a bright sunny afternoon in front of the Aladdin Hotel, I looked at my watch and realized that I had messed up the calendar functions on my watch when I adjusted the watch to Pacific Time. I then stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes adjusting the day and date display, but now I had the wrong time, so as I held the watch in my hand, I asked a passerby what was the time. He reacted with a scowl on his face and quickly walked away, as if I had insulted him. I thought it was weird, but his friend understood me and took out his cell phone, the "hip" way to tell time these days, and gave me the answer I needed. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the first guy who had walked away in a huff. He apologized and informed me that he thought I was some down on his luck gambler who was trying to sell his watch on the Las Vegas Strip! I didn't want to laugh right away, but felt compelled to tell him that I only wanted the time and wasn't selling anything.



                    • peanuts
                      Senior Member
                      • Feb 2006
                      • 3365

                      Originally posted by SundialMan View Post
                      A few years ago, I flew to Las Vegas from New York for a few days. On the flight out, I had to turn back my day-date display watch in the middle of the night. About 36 hours later, on a bright sunny afternoon in front of the Aladdin Hotel, I looked at my watch and realized that I had messed up the calendar functions on my watch when I adjusted the watch to Pacific Time. I then stood on the sidewalk for a few minutes adjusting the day and date display, but now I had the wrong time, so as I held the watch in my hand, I asked a passerby what was the time. He reacted with a scowl on his face and quickly walked away, as if I had insulted him. I thought it was weird, but his friend understood me and took out his cell phone, the "hip" way to tell time these days, and gave me the answer I needed. All of a sudden, I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the first guy who had walked away in a huff. He apologized and informed me that he thought I was some down on his luck gambler who was trying to sell his watch on the Las Vegas Strip! I didn't want to laugh right away, but felt compelled to tell him that I only wanted the time and wasn't selling anything.

                      geez Jack, you must have been wearing a Timex
                      Hide not your talents.
                      They for use were made.
                      What's a sundial in the shade?

                      - Benjamin Franklin


                      • SundialMan
                        • Mar 2006
                        • 96

                        "Geez, Jack, you must have been wearing a Timex."

                        Actually, it was a big self-winding Seiko I bought on the internet for $100 that originally retailed for twice that amount. How much can you get for a Timex? There's an old joke about a guy who went to Vegas in a $50,000 Cadillac and returned home in a $300,000 bus.



                        • SundialMan
                          • Mar 2006
                          • 96

                          General Observations on DC demontrations

                          I attended the rallies at the Vietnam Memorial on Saturday in Washington, DC. It was cold, around 40 degrees. I don't want to make a lot of political statements here, but would like to post one or two reporter type observations that didn't make the press. Indeed, because the antiwar turnout was less than expected, this event was played down by the press.

                          The surprise cold snap in the East caused many who waited to the last minute to buy a train or plane reservation to not be able to come to Washington. The train I took down there from NY was full of people whose flights were cancelled and they were trying to get to the midwest, getting off the train at the Baltimore Int'l Airport stop. Those people probably got on their cell phones at their airport and reserved their seats the day before.

                          Although both the pro and anti war staging areas were fenced off by the Capitol Police, there were many walkways where antiwar protesters walked by veterans and I saw no incidents of "in-your-face" arguments or shoving. It was like people passing in any American city's rush hour crowd.

                          If you want to read a good article about it, go to this one from Canada:



                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Hey Tatnic...LOL

                            Tatnic...This should make you happy...My wife got a big package from George & Laura today...Included a nice 8x10 Glossy of them...suitable for framing and some other New Year's stuff...I told her that she must be on the "C" list 'cause New Year's was 3 months ago...lol

                            So she digs out this really fancy gold leaf certificate that she got last year (I'd never seen it) awarding her a Super designation as an "Official Republican Task Force" member...one of only 250 awards in California...Wow!!!

                            Well, I'm just a Middle of the Road kinda guy myself...But it is no wonder that she is my parent's favorite...Heck, I think they like her more than me...But I guess it's not what you know...It's who you're married to...LOL
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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                            • SundialMan
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 96

                              Back with new story

                              First I want to thank those who kept reading my posts in my absence.

                              I've been away from this board, involved with projects that were the result of my seeing the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington on the afternoon of my trip to DC. History follows me around. Years ago, I was walking through Baltimore's Inner Harbor as a tourist when I saw a plaque on a stand informing me that the refugee ship Exodus, featured in the movie and book by the same name, was in fact a Baltimore to Richmond VA passenger ship named the President Warfield and a D-Day troop transport before it made its famous voyage from there in Baltimore to France and on towards pre-independence Israel in 1947 where the British captured it on the high seas. The crew were also American Jewish WWII veterans, which was also not in the DC exhibit I saw in March. It seems that although the Museum has the 1997 Public Television VHS show on file which says as much, it is not part of the small exhibit they show - until now. They are in the process of updating their exhibit, including actual interviews with passengers and crew members (presumably on video) of the Exodus.

                              Anyway, here is a story on a different subject that I submitted to American Thinker yesterday concerning an attempt by "journalists" in the conservative NY Post to demonize former nurse Judy Giuliani for working for a company you stock traders know, US Surgical, training doctors in procedures while using dogs that were later put ot sleep. Here goes:

                              Mrs. Giuliani sides with your kid vs. Fido

                              Today the New York Post ran a front page original story http://www.nypost.com/seven/04022007...dan_mangan.htm
                              about Judi Giuliani's former job with "pup killer" firm U.S. Surgical, a maker of (obviously) surgical devices such as sutures and stomach binding devices for surgical weight loss. This is the most sensational, insipid and immature indirect hit piece on a candidate that I have seen in a long time. Perhaps the Post should have noted that Mrs. Giuliani had a "real job," as Teresa Heinz Kerry would phrase it.

                              This argument against Mrs. Giuliani is clearly designed for those that thought Dr. Kildare (I'm dating myself here) showed up in an operating theater to perform a life saving procedure with the background music rising without practicing the surgical techniques in advance. It is a lot more likely that the real Dr. Kildares practiced on animals - or impoverished patients receiving the hospital's charity - first.

                              The article states that Mrs. Giuliani, a licensed nurse, training doctors as part of the sales presentation. So the author appears to be concerned that dogs died as part of demonstrations showing that the surgical devices worked on live animals before a purchase was made. I'm rather grateful that the surgeons wanted to see the devices worked before they bought. Even one article critical of U.S. Surgery in the past for its high profits, stated http://www.keepmedia.com/pubs/USNews...=u.s._surgical
                              "For years, U.S. Surgical had prospered by marketing its innovative products directly to surgeons"

                              Before I go any further, I must state that I, too, am "unqualified" to be the spouse of a Presidential candidate because in college I had a part time Work-Study job in the Pharmacology Dept. of my University hosing down dog runs and also sometimes assisting in holding down dogs that were euthanized by a senior student after they had been used in training of graduate students in a pharmacological study and experimentation. Unlike the Post readers, I was very aware of how vital to humans this work was because, at that time in that city, poison control services were handled by our department, not the city's major hospital. Have you ever picked up a telephone to talk to a woman whose child has just drank furniture polish or kitchen cleaner, asking what to do? I have. I was more nervous than the mother. Although I had a "cheat sheet" summary card at hand, I went immediately to the Ph.D. Professor in charge of the department to have him reply to the call.
                              Although we killed a number of dogs - and mice - I understood exactly whose lives we were saving as a result of all the research training at this facility. The fact that U.S. Surgical is a for-profit company doesn't make them any less dedicated - or legally accountable - than any non-profit/public health organization.

                              In the NY Post article, they quoted Friends of Animals President Priscilla Feral as saying, "It was a horribly cruel, outrageous program." Hey, Priscilla, if the mothers calling my former lab employers at the university or going to hospital emergency rooms had been told that nothing could be done for their children who swallowed the furniture polish because they couldn't learn surgical techniques on animals, it would have been infinitely crueler. The world isn't just all about Fido and Bambi. And Mrs. Giuliani isn't evil for working to train doctors in surgical techniques. It's more than you and many other liberals ever personally and directly did to help anyone.

                              Jack Kemp
                              Last edited by SundialMan; 04-05-2007, 10:44 AM. Reason: small grammar errors


                              • jiesen
                                Senior Member
                                • Sep 2003
                                • 5319

                                welcome back, Jack!

