Ernie, I just tried to log onto my "Writing in General" subject thread from an Discussion Boards. Although I had the right password to get in to read the messages, posting the one I need to pass along was not allowed. Could you have one of your system guys post this one below? I'd appreciate it because it explains why I'm not writing more often.
Jack Kemp, the SundialMan
Subject: Can't post now.
To My Readers:
AOL isn't supporting dial up very well these days. After trying even my laptop directly to the wall jack socket and also 2 hrs./3 calls to their tech support, I have decided to take them up on their offer of Roadrunner service (or someone else's DSL service). But I can't start that for a week at least and that means I have to come to the internet cafe once - or at most twice - a day to check my emails. Can't post or write online like I want to do and even placing this message directly from the internet cafe was impossible without Mr. Market's help. Hope to get back here in under ten days.
Jack Kemp, the SundialMan
Subject: Can't post now.
To My Readers:
AOL isn't supporting dial up very well these days. After trying even my laptop directly to the wall jack socket and also 2 hrs./3 calls to their tech support, I have decided to take them up on their offer of Roadrunner service (or someone else's DSL service). But I can't start that for a week at least and that means I have to come to the internet cafe once - or at most twice - a day to check my emails. Can't post or write online like I want to do and even placing this message directly from the internet cafe was impossible without Mr. Market's help. Hope to get back here in under ten days.