OT: Writing in general

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  • mrmarket
    • Sep 2003
    • 5971

    Ernie, I just tried to log onto my "Writing in General" subject thread from an Discussion Boards. Although I had the right password to get in to read the messages, posting the one I need to pass along was not allowed. Could you have one of your system guys post this one below? I'd appreciate it because it explains why I'm not writing more often.


    Jack Kemp, the SundialMan

    Subject: Can't post now.

    To My Readers:

    AOL isn't supporting dial up very well these days. After trying even my laptop directly to the wall jack socket and also 2 hrs./3 calls to their tech support, I have decided to take them up on their offer of Roadrunner service (or someone else's DSL service). But I can't start that for a week at least and that means I have to come to the internet cafe once - or at most twice - a day to check my emails. Can't post or write online like I want to do and even placing this message directly from the internet cafe was impossible without Mr. Market's help. Hope to get back here in under ten days.


    I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

    - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


    • SundialMan
      • Mar 2006
      • 96

      a parody piece...writen on a haunted computer

      First I want to thank MR. MARKET and the Staff for posting that last email. My cold getting better and my home computer miraculously being able to connect with the internet again (after I did nothing beyond what the AOL Techies told me to do with no visible results on Sunday night), allows me to post this parody press release I thought up last night. I'm still going to get a cable or DSL connection next week, possibly requiring other connection delays.


      In a press release today, Mayor Gavin Newsom of San Francisco announced that he will marry himself tomorrow on the steps of City Hall. "San Francisco has always been a leader of individual rights, and I mean to keep our city on the bleeding edge of progressivism."

      Shortly after the press release, inquiries started to pour in from Paris Hilton, Bill Maher, and Lindsay Lohan about how to apply for a license to marry themselves. The Fifth Circuit Court said this afternoon that they believe such a marriage is not only Constitutional, but entitled to Federal marriage tax benefits. They fully expect "stogy conservatives from Orange County or Fresno" to challenge the ruling.

      Mayor Newsom said this evening, "It looks like I've started something here. We could have twenty actors and rock stars a week wedding themselves in San Francisco. Of course, many won't be able to stick around in town for a party because they have to take their private jets to previously scheduled global warming speeches in other cities. But it will be a boon to the city's treasury, nonetheless." Some legal scholars have questioned whether already married celebrities could also marry themselves (officially) without avoiding charges of bigamy or polyandry, but Mayor Newsom said that would have to await a California Supreme Court Ruling. "I bet I could get the San Francisco City Council to go along with this, but we don't want the state overruling us," said Mayor Newsom. He further added, "This could be the greatest achievement of my administration."
      Last edited by SundialMan; 04-10-2007, 09:52 AM. Reason: left out a thought


      • SundialMan
        • Mar 2006
        • 96

        some background on parody piece

        Mayor Newsom of San Francisco became famous for allowing gay weddings and also for his divorce and affair with a trusted chief political aid's wife, and dating a woman who was just about young enough to be his daughter. Some said she was his mental age.


        • #79
          Originally posted by IIC View Post
          Tatnic...This should make you happy...So she digs out this really fancy gold leaf certificate that she got last year (I'd never seen it) awarding her a Super designation as an "Official Republican Task Force" member...one of only 250 awards in California...Wow!!!
          Doug...don't get all pumped up over nothing. They just sent those to all the republicans in CA.


          • IIC
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 14938

            Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
            Doug...don't get all pumped up over nothing. They just sent those to all the republicans in CA.

            They didn't send me one
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            • #81
              Originally posted by IIC View Post
              They didn't send me one
              its not who you know Doug, its to whom you are married to (is that proper grammer?)


              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                its not who you know Doug, its to whom you are married to (is that proper grammer?)
                "its" should be used to to show possession. The only time "it's" is used is as a contraction of "it is"

                You can drop the preposition "to" from the end of the sentence. It should read, "it's not who you know Doug, it's to whom you are married"
                Hide not your talents.
                They for use were made.
                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  Originally posted by Tatnic View Post
                  its not who you know Doug, its to whom you are married to (is that proper grammer?)

                  Hee Hee...Whatever...but at least I know how to spell "grammar"
                  "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                  • SundialMan
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 96

                    I'm glad they fired Imus

                    First I want to preface this by saying that while this firing from the radio will probably lead to attempts to fire or muzzle conservative radio talk show hosts, those hosts are in a position to fight back because they knew that might be coming had Imus never said what he did. I could also add, on a smaller scale, that a annoying radio talk show host who is an attorney (a redundancy if there ever was one) in NY named Lionel once took a disliking to my relatively mild criticism of him on his WABC Radio fan board and he emailed me an obscene quote from The Marquis de Sade. When I filed a complaint with AOL against him for a Term of Service violation, they did nothing and I had no power to redress the insult, even though his original email is still on record with AOL's backup files should it be needed. So I posted the email on his fan board for all to see what type of person he is. One jerk posted a message in reply that said he thought Lionel's message was "cool." To this I replied that if he thought it was so cool, why didn't he copy Lionel's message to a disk, bring it into his place of work and send it as a broadcast email to everyone there. He would be fired in two days or less. But onto the vile Imus.


                    Why Imus upset even the left - and I'm glad he was fired

                    What Don Imus did by crudely insulting those college athletes from Rutgers was to take away a moment from young women on the verge of adulthood. It is one thing to go after an established adult with a career and a big income: they more or less expect that in the media. It is another thing to deride a twenty year old who was very recently just another teenager with a book bag on the bus. It is heartless and cruel, not that different that when John Kerry made that snide, arch remark about the Cheney's lesbian daughter which reportedly caused liberal college students watching the debate in dorm rooms across American to audibly gasp at its' insensitivity.

                    Some conservative articles about the hypocrisy of liberals just now "finding out" that Imus is offensive to minorities, just like Inspector Renault in Casablanca being "shocked, shocked" to find gambling in Rick's Cafe, make a valid point. But Imus has harmed some young women while in a moment of great accomplishment as students and athletes - and just before they go out looking for their first job.

                    While Don Imus claims to be off of alcohol and cocaine usage for over 18 years, http://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/a...fter_18_years/ , I don't anticipate any rebuttals from licensed physicians when I say there was likely brain damage from his years of substance abuse. He doesn't have the judgment mechanisms to limit impassioned or callus speech that Authors of the First Amendment envisioned as the self control in future member of the press/media.

                    In looking at the recent photos of Imus's face on the internet and in newspapers, I have to say that his horrid skin tone and appearance rival that of photos of concentration camp inmates. Only Imus's face is better fed, but the inmates' skin is healthier for taking less poisons into their system.

                    Imus is also in the situation of some bully who sells wares insulting a minority customer for just standing there listening in a crowd to his appeal, and then understanding too late that the other white customers do not appreciate his vulgar bile and chose to buy from other merchants in large enough numbers to make his sales operation no longer cover the expenses. And his employer may shortly be looking for another, more "user friendly" salesman.

                    There is a liberal joke - which I like, as a joke - that states the joke teller is against the death penalty except for the man who invented the post card inserts in all those magazines. Well, I'm in favor of free speech, against censorship and political correctness. But in Imus's case, I'm willing to find other reasons, some of them expressed above, to justify his removal from the airwaves. But he will still, as an 80 year old, have the "right" to tell 20 year old Blacks on the street or in a bar or restaurant what he thinks of them and attempt to deal with the consequences in person.

                    Jack Kemp
                    Last edited by SundialMan; 04-14-2007, 09:02 AM. Reason: small grammar error


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      I thought Imus was a weirdo and a creep before all this and his firing for any reason doesn't bother me.

                      ---------Just imagine how proud a person would be to see his or her daughter on TV playing for a national championship , then a low life like Imus just for laughs calls her a "nappy haired ho" , he's lucky if the job is all he loses.



                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        I think it's bullshit and I think that ultra liberal left crap is a pile of shit also. I can only say this about the blacks. Take a good close look at what the rappers are putting out in their lyrics and their videos. If you can find anything more demeaning than how they portray their life style and regard for black women and women in general I would like to see it. Sharpton is as much as a bigot and a racist as any white person who makes a statement like Imus just did. They can say anything they want to say about Whitey but no one can open their mouths about them without reprecussions like what Imus is having to deal with at the moment. I have no problem with the blacks in general as long as they aren't bleeding the system on some entitlement program, knocking out kids without any concern on who is going to provide for bringing them up, and most of that rapper lifestyle. In my opinion the corporate bigwigs who fired Imus are a bunch of hypocrites who cowered down to people like Sharpton. Imus does more good work for the underpriviliged and sick kids than Sharpton or any of these other lefist liberals have ever done or will do. Personally you make me sick to my stomack with your take on this situation.


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Don't take this personally...But I rather doubt that anyone here understands the complexities of race relations.

                          Sundial...In your effort to fight back against Lionel...IMO...It must not have been very important to you...Reporting it to AOL and posting it on his Fan Board is about 5% of what you should have done if you REALLY felt you were unjustly wronged.

                          The problem with most people is that they love to complain...But they never take action. That's my take anyway.

                          Although...I will admit that many things are not important enough to take the time to take action...But if they are not important enough to do so...then they are not worth complaining about either.

                          Let's take Toby for example...I really have no concrete evidence as to whether he is right or wrong...But...IMO, I think that most of what he is fighting for is right....Let's suppose he wins...Why should all those other people in the class who didn't help one bit...And I imagine it was over 95% of them, collect a dime?...At least he is fighting for what he thinks is right and he has taken action...Unlike most people.
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                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            I would also like to add...

                            I really don't understand why some posters here think that with over 2,000 members at this forum that all of them are lily-white.

                            If you read what some posters say it is evident that they think this...I rather doubt that this is true...How about a little sensitivity in your wording!!!

                            Next thing I expect to see is someone post something about "Regular" people...It is a real shame IMO
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                            • SundialMan
                              • Mar 2006
                              • 96

                              to IIC: Lionel followup history

                              IIC, I have to add some more follow up to Lionel. I was annoyed, but not that hurt. I was over 44 years old when it happened. What annoyed me was that if I said that to him in an email, my AOL account would be suspended for 3 weeks. Who was he to rate such priveliges? Who died and left him God? Shortly after that, however, WABC became very ashamed of what he did, in my opinion. I say this because his old fan board on AOL "mysteriously" disappeared and they recreated a new board without any of the old messages, including my reposted email from him. Lionel arrived in NY at conservative audience WABC as a kind of middle of the road, guys' guy, agressive, wiseguy attorney. After a year or so, he POLITICALLY "came out of the closet" as a liberal. This cost him audience on WABC and he was either let go or something similar and started to work for another radio station, WWOR in NY. His original show on WABC was in morning drive time, a prime slot. On WWOR, he went to overnight and now some late night. He hasn't been back in a prime time since, but he makes a living.

                              Last edited by SundialMan; 04-14-2007, 08:49 AM. Reason: need to add something


                              • #90
                                We judge ourselves by our intentions, but others judge us by our actions. To plead "good intentions" in any situation that blows up is B.S. Just admit the mistake and make sure to improve next time.

