Cup w/ Handles

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    What is Doug going off about. Aren't we having a good discussion and presenting our views accordingly. It's all good even if we stray somewhat from the main thread as long as were talking about the main theme of the thread when we stray. Don't take it personally Doug. We're still talking about cup bases with handles

    I haven't been a subscriber to IBD in almost three years now and when I was there all I can remember is the cup and handle base as the main and only chart formation that they used for their entries. Whatever they are doing now is probably out of necessity because most of their subscription base is now getting plenty of different ideas on other viable chart formations from hundreds of sites across the internet and coming to the realization that there are other disciplines and strategies and chart formations that will provide nice gains if you know what to look for and how to interpret them.


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Originally posted by skiracer View Post
      What is Doug going off about. Aren't we having a good discussion and presenting our views accordingly. It's all good even if we stray somewhat from the main thread as long as were talking about the main theme of the thread when we stray. Don't take it personally Doug. We're still talking about cup bases with handles

      I haven't been a subscriber to IBD in almost three years now and when I was there all I can remember is the cup and handle base as the main and only chart formation that they used for their entries. Whatever they are doing now is probably out of necessity because most of their subscription base is now getting plenty of different ideas on other viable chart formations from hundreds of sites across the internet and coming to the realization that there are other disciplines and strategies and chart formations that will provide nice gains if you know what to look for and how to interpret them.
      I'm not going off...Although I can see why you might take my comments personally

      Let's face it...You and and I apparently are not destined to get along.

      As far as IBD...The whole thing is a marketing ploy...That doesn't bother me...99% of all business is just that...I happen to have picked on them...But there are a jillion other companies I could pick on...If I had the time or desire.
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      • IIC
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 14938

        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
        I think it was the guy. Is he still around ? I know that O'Neil didn't discover the cup w/handle , but he certainly exploited it. If you give me a hard time I'll stay at the site even though it's depressing as hell. You'll find me on the scar tissue thread.


        Don't know him personally...I used to swipe some of his charts for my weekly Mr. B charts...At my old IBD Meetup Group...Which I still hear from but have not attended for well over 1 1/2 yrs...There were some folks that subscribed to his site but they told me that he NEVER answered their emails.

        For 300 bux a year...I would expect an answer to my emails...

        I also believe that he had some problems with his stuff from IBD...I am not 100% sure on him but if my old memory serves me correctly I think there was a Trademark problem....Just like ...Which SOME PEOPLE didn't believe when I posted about the owner (Of course I was proved right pretty quickly)...However, I don't care if SOME don't believe me...I think I am VERY knowledgeable regarding what is legally allowed to be posted or not...But some people don't know about stuff like that...OBVIOUSLY!....However, I hope they don't take it PERSONALLY!
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        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by IIC View Post
          I'm not going off...Although I can see why you might take my comments personally

          Let's face it...You and and I apparently are not destined to get along.

          As far as IBD...The whole thing is a marketing ploy...That doesn't bother me...99% of all business is just that...I happen to have picked on them...But there are a jillion other companies I could pick on...If I had the time or desire.
          I'll be your friend Doug! jejejeeeeeee

          Great thread!!!


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Let's face it...You and and I apparently are not destined to get along.

            That's a pile of crap. I like you and have no problemo with you at all. I just like to say what's on my mind. I didn't understand what you were complaining about. I found the thread to be interesting, a great topic to talk about and share ideas on, and was going along pretty good. You are always going to get posts that stray off topic and some that disagree. It's all part of it. Please don't be offended.

            I just posted about 21 charts on new 52 week lows that are exhibiting the type of cup base formations that I like to catch somewhere near their bottom. Couldn't post them all here but if you go to the link below you will see them all in a nice format. They are the ones that don't have any comments or annotations on them yet. Any questions about what I see in them or how I would play them just ask.


            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              I wish we could post more than one Public Charts thing at know some people that subscribe but don't post a Public List...I could probably get at least one of them to post one of mine???

              I am going to contact Chip to see if it would be possible to have a 2nd list for a small fee...Doug
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              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post

                When you were looking, what made you choose one chart pattern over another? Is the cup 10 days wide or 100 days wide? If you can define
                the details, I will write a program to screen for Cup w/ Handle patterns...

                Mimo: I'm not ignoring you...I'm just trying to figure out what to say. As you can see from some of the links I posted, the length of the pattern can vary greatly. I think a program would have to have a lot of "or this's" in it and numerous ranges...Doug
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                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  OK...I found 100 Cup w/ Handles and called it a day...When I thought of this last week I didn't realize how easy it would be to find so many....I was thinking that maybe I'd find 20 this weekend.

                  Admittedly, some are far from Classic and the majority do not meet the textbook criteria 100%...But overall I think there are a lot more and they meet the criteria closer than any paid site offers than I've seen.

                  I created a new page just for Cup w/ Handles at

                  We have to remember though that the pattern is simply a start...They still require DD to see if they are really worthwhile watching.

                  Comments welcome...Best, Doug(IIC)
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                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    What I did is paste them all into a new Favorites at Stockcharts and added my own indicators so I can follow them....Doug
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                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Top 10 % Gainers on our Cup w/ Handles list today:


                      Little Charts:

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                      • billyjoe
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 9014

                        I'm expecting a report on how many of the 100 cup/handles actually turn a profit after 30 days.



                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                          I'm expecting a report on how many of the 100 cup/handles actually turn a profit after 30 days.

                          That part doesn't really matter...What we are looking for are ones that reach the Flash Point on volume like ORB did today...Most will not...If they don't then they are not a buy unless one prefers to go in early before that point is reached or you could play one like GROW which I did today.

                          But I believe we are looking for the ones that breakout and see how many become winners vs. ones that fail.

                          But I'll tell is pretty difficult to keep an eye on 100 of them...Guess I could've put an alert on every one of them.

                          However, all these stocks are not all that great from what I see...They simply have the pattern (or close to it).

                          I had no idea how easy it would be to find 100 of them...I could have kept going but 100 seems like too many anyway.

                          Next weekend perhaps I will add some other criteria so that overall we will have less stocks but maybe with higher general quality.

                          Also, I certainly invite everyone to post any they find here...If I found 100 so easily I'm sure all the other readers here could put up a few.

                          I did get some offline help for about 1/2 of them...but I also looked at about 1500 charts...Once you get set up you can fly thru charts pretty darn fast. What I did when I was clicking the charts was simply eyeball them real quick. I wrote down the tix that were close and then went back later and looked at those charts again.

                          The reason I didn't post them here was that I typed them into my html template so I could link them to charts at my site.

                          Then I copied them from the site and converted them to horizontal so I could easily paste them into a Stockcharts Favorite folder.

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                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Well...the consensus is in...Based on email comments, Chat comments and the phone calls I got (Just got off one a min. ago)...Everyone said something like ...nice work...They all at least "basically" fit the pattern...100 is too many...Narrow it down...Add some criteria...Tell me which ones will breakout...Too many...Which ones should I watch?

                            All good questions and comments.

                            So, we know we can find the pattern fairly easily...Now what do we do with it?

                            Food for thought...Any ideas???????????
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                            • mimo_100
                              Senior Member
                              • Sep 2003
                              • 1784

                              NUAN Cup?


                              Is NUAN a candidate?
                              Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                              • IIC
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 14938

                                Originally posted by mimo_100 View Post

                                Is NUAN a candidate?

                                If you are talking left side hi 16.63 and right side hi 17.02...I'd say no because the handle is lower than the midpoint of the fact, many from Sunday are no longer eligible
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