Portfolio of the week - 2008

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  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    turnaround time!!!!!

    VIP long skiracer dude.

    please and thank you.

    Grats to the greenies!
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

    - Benjamin Franklin


    • New-born baby
      Senior Member
      • Apr 2004
      • 6095

      Originally posted by IIC View Post
      Congrats to NB and River...Well at least I have the satisfaction of winning the Long contest portion...Doug(IIC)
      Yes you do, but how on earth did you get a green long this week? That IIC system is great!
      pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        Taking BAC

        Next week I am taking a short on BAC.

        And mucho gracias for all the score keeping! You are good!
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Ski, you are the BEST!!!!! But how many times have I already told you that??? Yes, Thursday was the highlight of the week! I was on top again. My very favorite place to be. But, there was Newborn Baby trying to spoil the party. And he DID it!!! Newborn, you are a truly worthy opponent and I heartily congratulate you. You obviously have a lot more influence than me in the Divine Intervention department! And congratulations to ICE and Jiesen for being in the GREEN and, especially to ICE for that amazing comeback. Jiesen, you were robbed. Tell Ski he cheated you out of your real percentage gain of 3.8%! Looks much better than .14%! You both made a great showing!

          If I run true to form next week, I'll be doing the RiverBend(over) and be back at last place again. What a market...what a market...what a market!


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
            Ski, you are the BEST!!!!! But how many times have I already told you that??? Yes, Thursday was the highlight of the week! I was on top again. My very favorite place to be. But, there was Newborn Baby trying to spoil the party. And he DID it!!! Newborn, you are a truly worthy opponent and I heartily congratulate you. You obviously have a lot more influence than me in the Divine Intervention department! And congratulations to ICE and Jiesen for being in the GREEN and, especially to ICE for that amazing comeback. Jiesen, you were robbed. Tell Ski he cheated you out of your real percentage gain of 3.8%! Looks much better than .14%! You both made a great showing!

            If I run true to form next week, I'll be doing the RiverBend(over) and be back at last place again. What a market...what a market...what a market!
            Well she emerges from the ashes and as glib as ever. Pretty in Pink is an understatement. And she is right about the error in Jiesen's %. My mind must have been on other things this week. Thanks for the alert Babe. I'll take care of the adjustment to Jiesen's score today sometime. Congrats to all the greenies and to NB, River, Doug, and Jiesen for their outstanding performance this past week. Get your picks in kids.


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              Congrats to winners and Ski

              Congratualtaions to all the winners and to SKI ......for his excellent work !


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                Gsbc Short

                Ski GSBC SHORT ........Thanx !


                • spikefader
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 7175

                  Nicely done, NB!

                  Short CTHR thanks, ski.


                  • jiesen
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 5321

                    Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                    Ski, you are the BEST!!!!! But how many times have I already told you that??? Yes, Thursday was the highlight of the week! I was on top again. My very favorite place to be. But, there was Newborn Baby trying to spoil the party. And he DID it!!! Newborn, you are a truly worthy opponent and I heartily congratulate you. You obviously have a lot more influence than me in the Divine Intervention department! And congratulations to ICE and Jiesen for being in the GREEN and, especially to ICE for that amazing comeback. Jiesen, you were robbed. Tell Ski he cheated you out of your real percentage gain of 3.8%! Looks much better than .14%! You both made a great showing!

                    If I run true to form next week, I'll be doing the RiverBend(over) and be back at last place again. What a market...what a market...what a market!
                    Thanks for the catch, and the save, River! I thought my score looked a bit low... Congrats NBB, River, and Doug on your fine performance this week, I'll be making another stab at it next week with
                    LJPC Long please, Ski.


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by jiesen View Post
                      Thanks for the catch, and the save, River! I thought my score looked a bit low... Congrats NBB, River, and Doug on your fine performance this week, I'll be making another stab at it next week with
                      LJPC Long please, Ski.
                      I'll adjust your score Jiesen. It will make a difference in the yearly standings I'm sure.


                      • skiracer
                        Senior Member
                        • Dec 2004
                        • 6314

                        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                        I'll adjust your score Jiesen. It will make a difference in the yearly standings I'm sure.
                        Taken care of Jiesen.


                        • jiesen
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5321

                          Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                          Taken care of Jiesen.
                          Thanks, Ski!


                          • Rob
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 3194

                            Rob's Pick

                            Rob picks SPN long this week, Uphill Racer. Thank you, sir.


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Last week was an interesting and exciting game. More red and bigger losing percentages than I have seen before per capita. I thought that by allowing more trades it would perhaps eliminate those occurences but not many seem to be taking the opportunity to exit losing positions and enter new ones. No big deal one way or another but staying in a losing trade, regardless of whether it is a game or not, doesn't make sense. I know that alot of you participating don't have the time to keep abreast of how your positions are doing during the day except at night.

                              Spike's game has an interesting rule. He has set a 4% mandatory stop loss point for all picks. If your pick drops 4% below it's entry price it is exited automatically. In his game you don't get another chance at a 2nd or 3rd pick. I kind of like that. It makes you really consider the pick initially because the 4% comes up fast.

                              I was thinking of trying something similar with the POTW to stop the kind of big losing positions that we had last week and to kind of gently push the players into making another selection if their 1st ones take a dump. I was thinking of 7 % as the stop loss point. But before I do that I wanted to get some feedback from everyone or anyone on it first. Any suggestions or feedback would be welcome. I kind of need it today please if you have any thoughts on it or just want to let me do as I please with this. It would be more work for me but it might make the game that much more interesting and realistic. Regardless the game goes on one way or another. Looking forward to all those missing in action to come out of the jungle to participate this week. Throw one up there. I'll take care of the rest.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • spikefader
                                Senior Member
                                • Apr 2004
                                • 7175

                                Ski, I enthusiastically welcome a stop loss rule! And -7% is fair.

                                Like Stenz said recently in his thread, "Sometimes taking the loss to prevent further loss turns out OK."

                                By the way, you're doing a great job as scorekeeper and enjoy the write-ups. Thanks.

