Portfolio of the week - 2008

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
    you have the uncommon ability to twist anything anyone says to suit your own rationale and comfort level. the problem being that other uncommon bozos then come along and read it and being bozos actually believe it to be the truth as to what was initially said.
    it's no wonder peanuts attacked you the way he did.

    Maybe I should have been a lawyer
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

    Find Tomorrow's Winners At SharpTraders.com

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    • RL
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 1215

      Ski will you please put me In DAR-LONG don't know why as I can not make the dart stick and I like to be In the contest have a great week every one
      Ray Long


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5319

        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
        i spoke to Karel last night and told him that i would take the scorekeeping duties for a bit since no one else could find the time or it in their heart to make the time to give back to the potw.

        new rules are going to be in place so please read them:

        1. 1 pick allowed per week with an automatic 6% stop. this means that if your pick drops 6% or more below your entry price you're out of the position and the game for the week. so do your due diligence and make sure of your pick because it's your only one for the week. i've patterned it after spike's game at his site but made the stop at 6 % instead of 4 %. we'll try this for awhile just to see how it goes and how strong our picks really are. good luck.

        2. you have until the close on tuesday to make a pick. if you do not make a pick by then you are out of the game for the week and there is a 5% penalty against you for the week. just trying to keep things simple and make less work for the scorekeeper.

        i'll do my best to try and post the scorecard everyday or as often as my time permits me to do so.
        Thanks, Ski, for keeping the POTW going, you're the best!


        • riverbabe
          Senior Member
          • May 2005
          • 3373

          Hi Sir Ski! Thanks for taking over. I'll try for top position with LEH short this week. River


          • billyjoe
            Senior Member
            • Nov 2003
            • 9014

            LEH's CEO just released the following statement. "In light of the negative aura surrounding financial institutions of late, we at LEH will make no further comments in that vein but instead will strive through the instrument of stock pricing action to drive the individual investor such as Riverbabe insane"



            • nkjoe
              Junior Member
              • May 2004
              • 8

              Not sure how POTW works but I will take TITN


              • skiracer
                Senior Member
                • Dec 2004
                • 6314

                here's tonights scorecard. the only other rule that i would like to put into effect and it is to late this week so it will take effect starting next week. no stocks under $2.00. the same rules that applied to when i ran the game initially regarding stocks under $2.00 will apply. a $2.00 stock is ok but a $1.99 stock is not. if a stock closes under $2.00 at anytime during the week it is automatically out regardless if it is still within the 6% stop range.

                nkjoe, snot nosed kid Stky, and everyone else who disregarded doing so this week. please remember to state whether you are taking a position long or short as i don't guess weights and ages or pull rabbits out of hats. if you can't focus enough to do this then you will remain without a pick in the game until you realize that your name is not on the scorecard and wonder why did that shit ski leave me out of the game.
                one other thing regarding the 6% stop. I really don't have the time to see if anyone's pick dropped lower than the 6% stop during the day so, and this is the way i meant it initially but didn't explain it properly the first time around, so the 6% stop only applies to the end of day or closing price. if your pick goes below 6% intraday but recoups by the close to close above the 6% stop then you are still in the game. Pete, please remain "CALM", about this but you are stopped out this week on the first day. I am going to leave the people who get stopped out in the scorecard so we can all make fun of them. I'll designate their being stopped out by stating "stopped out" in the position column and changing their name color to "red". Doug you're on the cusp my friend as is Sirtuck. here's hoping.

                Webs, Spike and Stenzrob are conspicously missing today. you have until tuesday at the close to get a pick in or you're out for the week with the 5% penalty. please get a pick in guys or anyone else who hasn't as of yet. we love you and miss you as always.



                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  AAI - long


                  • skiracer
                    Senior Member
                    • Dec 2004
                    • 6314

                    Originally posted by Websman View Post
                    AAI - long
                    you're a good kid Webs. thank you.


                    • JohnHenry
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2006
                      • 1020

                      nkjoe, snot nosed kid Stky, and everyone else who disregarded doing so this week. please remember to state whether you are taking a position long or short as i don't guess weights and ages or pull rabbits out of hats. if you can't focus enough to do this then you will remain without a pick in the game until you realize that your name is not on the scorecard and wonder why did that shit ski leave me out of the game.

                      Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Maybe too much spring break?


                      • jiesen
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 5319

                        Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                        here's tonights scorecard. the only other rule that i would like to put into effect and it is to late this week so it will take effect starting next week. no stocks under $2.00. the same rules that applied to when i ran the game initially regarding stocks under $2.00 will apply. a $2.00 stock is ok but a $1.99 stock is not. if a stock closes under $2.00 at anytime during the week it is automatically out regardless if it is still within the 6% stop range.
                        Just in time for LJPC to become an eligible pick again!


                        • nkjoe
                          Junior Member
                          • May 2004
                          • 8

                          No offense taken even if it was meant. I am pretty thick skinned. Anyway like i said i am new to potw. I did mean TITN long and I am not sure what you take for entry price.....day open, day close or do we just state it???


                          • spikefader
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 7175

                            CBM short fer me tanks, Ski! (edit 10.45am open was 7.08 )

                            Ye be shoutin' th' bar rum by scorin'....tanks much.

                            Ye scallywags who have nay ever done it oughta be ashamed o' yerselves!



                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by nkjoe View Post
                              No offense taken even if it was meant. I am pretty thick skinned. Anyway like i said i am new to potw. I did mean TITN long and I am not sure what you take for entry price.....day open, day close or do we just state it???
                              thank you spike. and nkjoe, it wasn't meant malicously at all. just joking but do need it stated long or short. i'll take care of everything else. welcome to the game and any questions just ask anyone.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                              • riverbabe
                                Senior Member
                                • May 2005
                                • 3373

                                Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                                LEH's CEO just released the following statement. "In light of the negative aura surrounding financial institutions of late, we at LEH will make no further comments in that vein but instead will strive through the instrument of stock pricing action to drive the individual investor such as Riverbabe insane"

                                Geez Loueez, billyjoe, he succeeded at something! I got swallowed by a huge monster tentacled fishy thing today (TWICE -- two different places!). Yikes!
                                SKI, dearest SIR, does this mean I lose any chance at a SECOND, THIRD OR FOURTH PICK this week??? Please please say it isn't so. I NEED IT, I WANT IT (a WIN here, ya'll hear?)...SO BAD!

