Cheap Shots at Global Warming

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    WEBS True True

    Originally posted by Websman View Post
    You wanna seee something really funny....Just watch Al Gore. The guy is a riot! LMFAO!!!!
    Webs too bad AL Gore won't debate the Global Warming issue at a public forum . In view of the facts coming out recently, you can understand why.
    There is an old saying , "Follow The Money" and when Al Gore left office supposedly he was worth several million, today after books and films he is worth over 100 million .....and if the Cap &Tax scam goes through he will surely become a BILLIONAIRE!
    Goldman Sachs is already setting up a carbon exchange program at the mercantile exchange .....and they will sell their souls to see Cap & Tax pass.
    According to an article in "The Telegraph" by Gerald Warner , " Man Made global warming is a HOAX", and "The MAJORITY of people now reject this NONSENSE! Here is the link to the article sure to read the comments at the end .


    • Karel
      • Sep 2003
      • 2199

      Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
      Webs too bad AL Gore won't debate the Global Warming issue at a public forum . In view of the facts coming out recently, you can understand why.
      There is an old saying , "Follow The Money" and when Al Gore left office supposedly he was worth several million, today after books and films he is worth over 100 million .....and if the Cap &Tax scam goes through he will surely become a BILLIONAIRE!
      Goldman Sachs is already setting up a carbon exchange program at the mercantile exchange .....and they will sell their souls to see Cap & Tax pass.
      According to an article in "The Telegraph" by Gerald Warner , " Man Made global warming is a HOAX", and "The MAJORITY of people now reject this NONSENSE! Here is the link to the article sure to read the comments at the end .
      The question why Al Gore won't debate with global warming deniers is easily anwered. They have not done the science, and giving them a public forum would be to pretend they have. There is no discussion when one side just wants the airtime, and does not mind about arguments. Too bad the global warming denialists wont debate the issue on a scientific level, but then for them it is just about politics and science be damned.

      And Pete, or Webs, if you can give even one argument from those 160 MB of emails that is as damning as your linked article pretends, come and give it here. Climategate is almost over, now people realize that this one email is all that the most vigorous scrutiny of 160 MB of emails could turn up as proof for the dastardly tricks of the scientific community, and it is about a preference for using real temperatures, no less.

      Apparently, using real temperatures is something so strange and immoral that only a scientist can come up with it, and they should be rightly damned for it.

      Oh yes, and don't start about follow the money. As if the fossil fuel industry is not about so much money that all grants and cap and trade profits pale into insignificance, if not sheer invisibility. I think I remember a bible text about splinters and wooden beams that is appropriate here, don't you agree?

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      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        I think we're in for one of the coldest winters on record...Damn global warming! jejeje!~


        • Karel
          • Sep 2003
          • 2199

          On consideration, after a review of the contributions of those who seem to be most interested in keeping this thread going, I have decided to alter the thread title to give people a more realistic view of what to expect here. I hope the occasional sanity will then be a welcome surprise, although one never can be sure about that.


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          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            Karel Let's have a survey

            Originally posted by Karel View Post
            On consideration, after a review of the contributions of those who seem to be most interested in keeping this thread going, I have decided to alter the thread title to give people a more realistic view of what to expect here. I hope the occasional sanity will then be a welcome surprise, although one never can be sure about that.


            karel let's have a survey about the topics in question. I would simply propose 3 questions, with ONLY Yes or No Responses allowed room for fence sitters here!
            The questions I pose are the following 3 :

            1. Do you support the AL GORE Global Warming Theory?

            YES_____ NO_____

            2. Do you feel that the US should pass the Cap And Trade BILL into law?

            YES_____ NO_____

            3. Do you feel the US should sign the Climate Treaty at the Copenhagen Conference?

            YES ______ NO_____

            It would be interesting to note the respones of those who view the "The Mr Market Is Huge" site!

            Karel I have no problem with the Thread Name Change , AFTER all Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" to make it more palatable to the public!


            • Karel
              • Sep 2003
              • 2199

              Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
              karel let's have a survey about the topics in question. I would simply propose 3 questions, with ONLY Yes or No Responses allowed ....


              It would be interesting to note the respones of those who view the "The Mr Market Is Huge" site!

              Karel I have no problem with the Thread Name Change , AFTER all Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" to make it more palatable to the public!
              That is rather typical, to allow only yes or no answers. It makes your survey useless from the get go. And while it would be interesting to see the results of a (real) survey, what exactly is the point? It is like creationism: if a majority decides that creationism is true and evolution isn't, does that change the facts (that are overwhelmingly in favor of evolution)?

              The name change was inspired by the fact that you and webs are only interested in gut feeling and propaganda and never even try to answer questions posed to you. That's "cheap shots" in my vocabulary. Here again I asked you to present just one valid objection against global warming from the article you linked to. Your next post is a "survey". Case closed.

              Of course you have nothing, and you know you have nothing, but you have formulated for yourself some obscure (to me) political goal in which Global Warming is an inconvenient truth, so you just field everything you can in the absence of facts, like smear articles and other feel good stuff from the anti GW bunch, and meticulously and LOLing avoid anything resembling a discussion; you just pop up again with the next piece of dubious smear work (as even a casual perusal of the articles makes clear).


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              • Karel
                • Sep 2003
                • 2199

                Global Warming and Climate Change

                Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                ... "Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" to make it more palatable to the public!
                The reason Pete gives is perhaps more indicative of his personal mindset than about a real appreciation of the term Climate Change versus Global Warming (GW). GW refers to the observed trend of raising temperatures, averaged over the whole globe. Current knowledge indicates that this trend will continue and is significantly coupled to human activity (anthropogenic GW).

                Climate Change refers to the consequences of GW. Climate Change recognizes that GW could mean cooling on a local level here and there but stresses the obvious fact that GW will result in climate change. It is unimportant if that change will be caused by warming (the general case) or cooling (minority cases), or by increased or decreased humidity, or by changes in other climate factors. Climate Change is a challenge to vested interests (housing, infrastructure, agriculture, ...) of regions and countries, which are based on the current climate. Vested interests should not be considered holy, but the challenges could be very great.

                I don’t think it really matters which of the two is the more palatable, Global Warming or Climate Change.


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                • Websman
                  Senior Member
                  • Apr 2004
                  • 5545

                  Ouch...The discussion has gotten just a wee bit too heated for me.... Not worth ruining a friendship over. No more Global warming or Al Gore posts from me. Life is too short...Now, let's get back to trading and having fun!


                  • Odysseus
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2007
                    • 493

                    This is why I try to stay out of the debate I've found that the only way to win is to help make it worse.... which irks my wife who is all about recycling. I recycle half-hazardly, as is is convenient.

                    Surrounded by too many who feel the same way, that it is not human induced. I'm at least glad ( finally !) people admit that things are getting warmer, it's a start in my book

                    But as long as there are oscillations, in which we have cold times, but then years of hot weather again, we cannot convince anyone that we are the cause until something absolutely drastic occurs. Human nature.

                    Like this Winter should be cold. We had a year like this I believe 5ish years ago where the summer was very cloudy over North America, and we ended up having one of the coldest winters on record. All explained as to what happened if you read about it, but everyone just started poking jabs at the Climatologists that they didn't know what they were talking about.

                    Ah well, all par for the course in the world of us Meteorologists, a very humbling profession, but a lot of fun too
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                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      Originally posted by Odysseus View Post
                      This is why I try to stay out of the debate I've found that the only way to win is to help make it worse....
                      Yup...his debate will have no end. That's why I have decided to get back to what this forum is about, which is trading, and of course....Mr Market's hugeness.

                      Also, I can't forget to mention Karel....He is a huge part of what makes this forum so great. Thanks for all you do Karel!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                        karel let's have a survey about the topics in question. I would simply propose 3 questions, with ONLY Yes or No Responses allowed room for fence sitters here!
                        The questions I pose are the following 3 :

                        1. Do you support the AL GORE Global Warming Theory?

                        YES_____ NO_____

                        2. Do you feel that the US should pass the Cap And Trade BILL into law?

                        YES_____ NO_____

                        3. Do you feel the US should sign the Climate Treaty at the Copenhagen Conference?

                        YES ______ NO_____

                        It would be interesting to note the respones of those who view the "The Mr Market Is Huge" site!

                        Karel I have no problem with the Thread Name Change , AFTER all Global Warming" was changed to "Climate Change" to make it more palatable to the public!
                        Ah yes Man Made Global Warming, who knew what vitriol this topic would generate? In the survey above , all I wanted was a yes or no response to 3 simple questions. Would this really prove if Man Made Global Warming was true or not? Of course it would not , but it would reveal the opinion of a cross section of people on their "opinions" on the 3 questions!
                        Phil Jones , the director of Britain's University of East Anglia has stepped down, and other countries including Australia, India and China will probably NOT vote in favor of participation in the Copenhagen Climate Treaty. As time passes more information will be revealed.
                        It would habe been interesting to see the responses by individuals to the above 3 questions, but I know it , you know and probably Karel knows it... that the majority of responses would have been NEGATIVE! Oh well , now we shall never know. The climate change proponents always seem to have the same response to criticism, which is to ridicule the critics and shut them down .
                        Since I do not wish to pursue this matter any further , this will be my LAST post on the matter. Additional posts would be sheer folly, and to paraphrase an Indian friend of mine . "It would be like blowing a flute in front of a water buffalo!


                        • Karel
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 2199

                          Originally posted by Peter Hansen View Post
                          Since I do not wish to pursue this matter any further , this will be my LAST post on the matter. Additional posts would be sheer folly, and to paraphrase an Indian friend of mine . "It would be like blowing a flute in front of a water buffalo!
                          Thank you, that would be a relief.


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