Originally posted by skiracer
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Originally posted by skiracer
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Of course it is not clear that the test was racist. The city had hired a consultant with the express order to eliminate potential race bias in the test. But because of the guidelines, the result condemns the test as racist. Conclusion: the guidelines are too strict, as even a non-biased test might from time to time result in racially skewed results (but should do that in both directions, which however will not be apparent in one-off tests like this one). But this is not something the courts can do very much about. Especially not as looser guidelines might mean too loose rules.
It really is a devil of a problem and I see no satisfactory solution.
if any group wants to increase their presence and move up the ranks they should have to be as qualified as everyone else who gets higher marks. my mind isnt necessarily made up but i know how i feel and who i sympathize with.