Re: Support/Resistence
Now I Am Here To Tell You, This man must he half crazy, He has stated that he is a GRAD. from UNL so he can not be speaking from a level playing feild. He is now living in sun shine only dreaming of the cotten and wishing it were corn, for corn has a better value. I also must, must be the other half of his crazyness, for I to will go on record, NE 7 1/2 over Mich. St. in the Alamo bowl. The only dif. here is I am speacking with a Russian Accent. that is a White Russian Accent. Go Big RED And make Frank, Tom and Bob PROUD. ===> MEA The turff @ NU has not be level sence !974 when this state lost a fine man, yes that was the year that he chose the sand. Let's all give it up for IIC and tell him welcome to the Earnie side of life, and thank him for the picks that he has to offer. THANKS
Originally posted by IIC