ParkTwain's Parlor

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  • Exotic Photo of the Day - Ethiopia

    Semien Mountains area
    The safest and most inclusive global community of photography enthusiasts. The best place for inspiration, connection, and sharing!


    • riverbabe
      Senior Member
      • May 2005
      • 3373

      Originally posted by ParkTwain View Post
      Another awesome. Interesting that the watershed from it appears to be at the left below it with some apparent attempt at terracing? River


      • Another reason to avoid wearing flip-flops when traveling

        Remember that I posted about wearing sandals on a plane trip as a safety issue? Here's another factor (overflowing toilets):

        Overflowing toilets and other horror stories illustrate that squeezed airlines leave not an inch of slack when something goes wrong.

        In last week’s column, I quoted a flight attendant who said that when a plane is delayed or stuck for hours on the ground, it is the passengers’ responsibility not to eat or drink, to avoid overtaxing the toilets. That remark rocketed around the Internet as an example of how absurd things have become.

        In recent days, I’ve been hearing from passengers who were on a Continental Airlines flight from Amsterdam to Newark a few weeks ago when the lavatories spewed sewage into the aisle. The plane diverted to Ireland to get the toilets fixed, and took off again the next day.

        Once over the Atlantic, the toilets overflowed again, and flight attendants put on surgical masks and frantically laid down blankets and mats to try to mop up the sewage.

        It didn’t work.

        “My son and I were seated in the second row behind the lavs” after the flight left Shannon Airport, Lauri Grossman of New York wrote me. “Immediately upon ascending, when the plane was at an upward angle, the sewage began to flow from the toilets and down the aisle. I was wearing sandals and the carpeting was becoming increasingly wet.”

        Catherine L. Carlozzi, a speechwriter from New Jersey, was also on the flight. At the terminal, she said, “They kept saying use the lavs in the airport because there are only four marginally working ones on the aircraft and we don’t know how long they’ll last.”

        She went on: “They said, you may have to hold it. Control your intake so you can control your output.”

        Once in the air, “I looked to see if the lavs would overflow again, and sure enough they did,” she added.

        “They were telling us how many sheets of toilet paper we could use, and what we were allowed to do in which lav,” Ms. Carlozzi said.

        Continental later apologized and gave passengers $500 flight vouchers that can be used, based on availability, for future flights.
        Last edited by Guest; 07-05-2007, 11:29 AM.


        • Interesting article about stock market "ecology"

          "'Alpha Hunters' war with 'Beta Builders'" by Paul Farrell, columnist at This is a review of the new book "Capital Ideas Evolving" by Peter Bernstein.

          Bernstein's book never mentions either Bogle or Vanguard's pioneering efforts with America's index mutual fund, arguably one of the most important market trends the past 30 years, a trend that not only parallels the more sophisticated trends Bernstein reviews, but paved the way for the Alpha Hunter success.

          Why this huge oversight? Good question. The answers opened my eyes to the fact that Wall Street sees Main Street investors as "collateral damage" in this war, necessary victims in the Alpha Hunter drive to maximize returns.

          In fact, Bernstein makes it clear that behavioral finance is now a tool used by Alpha Hunters to identify Beta Builders' vulnerabilities ("market inefficiencies") so that Wall Street's alpha-hunting quants can move swiftly, like special-ops commandos, take advantage of these weaknesses and make short-term profits at Beta Builders' expense.


          • Exotic Photo(s) of the Day - Kangchenjunga mtn.

            Kangchenjunga mountain, Sikkim district, India, world's third highest peak, in the eastern Himalayas:

            The safest and most inclusive global community of photography enthusiasts. The best place for inspiration, connection, and sharing!

            As of 1852, it was considered the world's highest.

            In the photo, can you see the monks in red robes near the little building?
            Last edited by Guest; 07-07-2007, 03:14 AM.


            • riverbabe
              Senior Member
              • May 2005
              • 3373

              Originally posted by ParkTwain View Post
              Kangchenjunga mountain, Sikkim district, India, world's third highest peak, in the eastern Himalayas:

              The safest and most inclusive global community of photography enthusiasts. The best place for inspiration, connection, and sharing!

              As of 1852, it was considered the world's highest.
              Now there's a room with a view! 5 amazing peaks!


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Notice the branches on those trees. Must be a mighty wind up there.



                • More "flip-flops are unsafe in public" news

                  The latest news and headlines from Yahoo News. Get breaking news stories and in-depth coverage with videos and photos.

                  5 Injured in Vegas Casino Shooting
                  (at the New York-New York Casino)

                  Larry Ramos, 33, a tourist from Lansing, Mich., said he arrived at the front of the hotel to find people rushing out.

                  "There were flip-flops just laying all over the place like people were running out of their shoes," Ramos said. "Within a minute and a half there were 30 to 40 police there. The cops just swarmed the place with M-16s and their guns out."

                  Ramos said bystanders cheered for the wounded when they were wheeled out of the casino to ambulances, and later talked about the people who tackled the gunman.

                  "People don't put up with stuff after 9-11 no more," he said, adding that he was surprised that THE CASINO NEVER SHUT DOWN.

                  "That's what amazed me, Ramos said. "They locked down the tables, but THEY LET PEOPLE STILL KEEP PLAYING THE SLOTS."

                  VEGAS, BABY!


                  • Some recs chosen from 7/13/2007 new 52-wk highs list

                    These stocks are showing uptrending RSI between 65 and 70 (it's already strong and getting stronger, but not yet a "bottle rocket"), recent up move in ADX +DI line with low (around 20) and/or downtrending -DI line, at or just above all-time high price per share, with attractive forward PEG (around 1.5 or less, definitely below 2.0, sub-20 PE is preferred), avg daily volume >100K. Imminent earnings announcement are noted.

                    ALY (wait first for reversal out of present pullback)
                    RATE (imminent ATH breakout, buy post-breakout)
                    SPSX (imminent ATH breakout, buy post-breakout)

                    AAON (earnings 8/8 )
                    HSC (earnings 7/26)
                    LYO (earnings 7/26)
                    MMM (earnings 7/26)
                    ONNN (earnings 7/31) (exception: recent 6-yr high price)
                    SIAL (earnings 7/24)

                    Special situation
                    SFD (watch: pork demand from China is new wild card)
                    Last edited by Guest; 07-16-2007, 03:37 AM.


                    • More quick hits

                      Anyone out there interested in the following:

                      ASTE, AXCA
                      CCC (special situation, water filtration, China), CHTR, CME, CSV
                      NTGR, NVTL, NXTM*


                      • peanuts
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 3365

                        Originally posted by ParkTwain View Post
                        Anyone out there interested in the following:

                        ASTE, AXCA
                        CCC (special situation, water filtration, China), CHTR, CME, CSV
                        NTGR, NVTL, NXTM*
                        I'm interested, and even invested in some of these. What's up with the asterisk? There are some solid companies in that list. Some I've never heard of, but I know your screens are really good, so I'll have to do some more research. Can you expand on more of them? Why are they on this list? Thanks
                        Hide not your talents.
                        They for use were made.
                        What's a sundial in the shade?

                        - Benjamin Franklin


                        • TA on recent bullish action in the 3 major indexes

                          This is good stuff!


                          • Can't make any headway in this week's POTW

                            But I can always listen to Cake (the band).

                            "Alpha Beta Parking Lot" (so simple, so perfect)

                            "I Will Survive" (perfect cover of the disco classic)

                            Not to mention Neko Case. Her voice will slice right through you!

                            "Furnace Room Lullabye"


                            • riverbabe
                              Senior Member
                              • May 2005
                              • 3373

                              Originally posted by ParkTwain View Post
                              But I can always listen to Cake (the band).

                              "Alpha Beta Parking Lot" (so simple, so perfect)

                              "I Will Survive" (perfect cover of the disco classic)

                              Not to mention Neko Case. Her voice will slice right through you!

                              "Furnace Room Lullabye"
                              It's 6AM and I just listened to these. Park, I am speechless. So, I'll be very quiet now. (What planet have I been living on?)


                              • riverbabe, what do you mean? These artists are new to you?

                                Here are a few more suggestions:

                                Adam Fulara (Poland), finger-tapping guitarist
                                J.S. Bach BMV 847

                                Stephen Stills and Manassas (1972)
                                "It Doesn't Matter"

                                James Gang (feat. Joe Walsh, now of the Eagles)
                                (This is an early 1970s antidote to today's puerile Green Day.)
                                "Walk Away" (1971)

                                "All of a Sudden"

                                "The Mayor of Simpleton"

                                Tom Tom Club
                                "Genius of Love"

                                Fiona Apple
                                "Across the Universe" (by John Lennon)

                                (another owner of an overpowering voice, in a small package)

